Tales to monkeys, tales of donkeys, packs and herds, tails in the air. Paths, Journeys, Faces In Over The Waves, Rocks, Rats, Roaches, Dances In The Darkness, Good Time Toads, Colors Of Winners, Losers, Learners, Voices In The Knights. Lions Roars, Bailey Roots.The official home of Disney Family on Twitter. @Disney crafts, recipes, DIYs, and activities for the whole family. Share your #DisneyWeekend!
Not sure what the rest of the story is, but it is another view to consider for a laugh or two today. Thanks for the sunshine. Friends of yours?Windows open for new dazes....If you don't like views, don't publish for the world to see. your self punishment, hang-up's and your rejection of the love others have for you. You speak of the cruelty Steven Jarrot gave, but you are clearly still "hung up" on him. That is my story, the land whale: Sheri Jarrot, 7603601613.
Love the oarl talents of Sheven, he is always my best sucker to sit on face every day. Want to share the face of a fool at the beach in Ventura, with us? 7609020855. Cum Drip: Sheri Jarrot, butch, bitch, whale on land to date 7603601613, Cum Dump: Heard a lame line that I blog because I have hang-ups on the last frog I kissed. Kind of upset about that, that had not shit to throw, and it was funny on one hand, and it was scary on the other hand. One of my accounts were used today, and it was not me, and not something that I wrote, so I killed it and changed the pass word. Toss it up and out with me views.
Just wondering who was the chick shit that wrote, under my names that I write under, more questions up in the air. More views to share of the scars left from the love and devotion of a land whale, and his tribe of jackasses, Steven Jarrot, 7608512267 -paid with good looks, and oral talents to shine. Fruits and nuts to go, more views of the scars left from the faithful, and the bull shit, eight letter words that are the same for the frogs, and freaks in clan of Jarrots Freaks 2015, gifts to share, and tales to share, for the lessons learned, with the bumps in the road. Songs to sing.
Dreams of going to Disneyland, this month to see the lights, and to go with out of state family members, time to do the horse and pony show for the holidays. How is that for wishes and desires for a house near the beach, and new friends to get started. Dead again, and done to death by love and devotion for a woman, and the lasting impressions made, good and bad, both sides of the coins to examine today. Friends for a cause, friends for a season, friends for a life time, examples everywhere, but in the end when you died, love is the booze prize. When you leave the right side, and fall or jump into the left side of the grave, clothes do not matter, looks do not matter, they are not needed, the inner child is born again.
Happy dazes for the young at heart, for the every day earth angels, the fairies, the pixies, and the dogwood butterflies of the great state of California. Love is the only thing to be remove from life on earth, on the right side of the grave. Views are like noses, and everyone has one, so what be true to yourself, the only person around daily for you, others might not be out for your best interest. Snakes in the grasses, are fake friends that are true to you as long as it fits, in plans to steal more out of the sex trades with Steven Jarrot, and acorns Rocky, Rachelle, Sima, and Jackie Jarrot or something else, another example in the care and loving natural to them as a group.
Happy with gay lifestyle and the extra sex trades for the drugs that rule and control so many today. You also a slave to drugs with sex players that are there for the day, week, summer, or for trades or tricks with ass fuckers, that are white and pure as snow, in their world. Out of their world, lights out to the sights and sounds of the undead and unstable, people that make me feel bad, people that make me question the things that are done for the right reasons. Happy and gay is a life style that floats the boats of the masses that like that label, so what, it is not for everyone, just the people that want something more or not the same as every Tom, Dick or Harry, jokes on the fools, frogs, and freaks out at night. Fun and games for the hard workers, with a holiday plan for the sights with family and friends, why not enjoy yourself.
Forgive yourself for the hurts and pains of misunderstanding from a lack of understanding of yourself and the snakes within, the beast in place on the quiet, waiting for the time to change faces, or wear a different hat for the moments of truths and honesty to come in place, views and noses are something that we all have, make choices that you can live with. Stand tall and be counted for a man, be counted for the whole truth, in the twelve views of the matters at hand. The people that talk shit, and the people that eat shit, are the donkeys, and the monkeys on the backs of the people that like to talk. Haters that do not want to see you do good, because it would make their world look small, not happy for the gifts of joy and pleasures from a story or two about good times, bad times, life as we know it to share in this season.
Transplants from Cubu, Sima and Steve Jarrot, alive still? Hell hounds, whales to date 7608512267, party and play today, life of a snake on the beach 7603601613. Rach, Rocky, Rachel, Fake friends, whales to date, fun and games to share 7609020855 talk to me, sexy butch, bitch, whale? Oral talents to share, life of a RV camper:Steven Jarrot, son Charles R. Jarrot, crooks and robbers, snake alerts: www.akaqa.com/question/q19192380568-Transplants-from... Colorado Buffalo Bison, Rach, rachel, Rocky, and Sheri Jarrot, cattle do fly.....760 851 2267.Whales on land to date 7603601613 today, frog, cow, buffalo, hag, snake, buffalo, fags ... Stupid cannot be fixed, stupid should not breed, lost causes out of the gate. Summary: Dense, dumb, simple, self-serving, gay and happy:
Love and hate horns of a goat. Love and devotions from a man for a women, gifts of the old souls floating here today, gone tomorrow. Lessons to learn, about the fun and games in the minds and hearts of the young at heart. Fairies, pixies, earth angels, bikers from New York, gifts of songs and dances for a better daze. Frogs and views from the dark side of the moon, whale on land and the bend and twisted views of truth and honesty, and self-serving, with views in their glass house. What you do not know is better to guess from you views, and hope that you keep the ball in the right court. Different views of the elephant for the 12 blind men.
Views are like noses, and have another view from a whale, view of a frog, or view from a snake in the grass not sure. Still in the dark. Mountain Hunk: Happy dazes again, peace and love by the seas, with a touch of understanding, with a hand out to forgive the sins of yesterday, the pain and the hurt created, the stories, the tips the tweets, the pictures of truths and honesty from one point of view. More than one view to share the mistakes, the misunderstanding, the lessons learned from the lasting impressions made in the past year or two, maybe a life time in the past. Tips for the sinners and tales for the saints, gifts to share of the trips around the trees needed for the lessons to learn. Classes in place. Love and hate, truthful and honest, happy and gay, happy and delighted for the dreams in actions, gifts of the young at heart.

Horses to water, veterans to the Music Exchange Group, at Ella Doce Casas De Mayo Del California, gifts to share, paperwork to complete, help for the cash on the table for veterans, just the beginning of the services and products on the table waiting for the requests on paper. Paths, Journeys, Faces In Over The Waves, Rocks, Rats, Roaches, Dances In The Darkness, Good Time Toads, Colors Of Winners, Losers, Learners, Voices In The Knights. Lions Roars, Bailey Roots.The official home of Disney Family on Twitter. @Disney crafts, recipes, DIYs, and activities for the whole family. Share your #DisneyWeekend!

Take the cash and run, it is ready for the veterans that stop, make new plans, to stand tall, and walk the walk to the bank. Cash forever, gifts waiting for you, write the paperwork for the stories, that will give you cash for the time served. Why not, drink the water, after the race, horses to water for the rewards, of a good run , for the good of the county. The official home of Disney Family on Twitter. @Disney crafts, recipes, DIYs, and activities for the whole family. Share your #DisneyWeekend!
Help is waiting for you, ask for it, gifts to share with the cash on the table, gifts to share with the stories stuck in your hear. Paths, Journeys, Faces In Over The Waves, Rocks, Rats, Roaches, Dances In The Darkness, Good Time Toads, Colors Of Winners, Losers, Learners, Voices In The Knights. Lions Roars, Bailey Roots.The official home of Disney Family on Twitter. @Disney crafts, recipes, DIYs, and activities for the whole family. Share your #DisneyWeekend!

Tricks by RV Parties: Land Whales, cows and buffalo on land, cattle callers, tails to share, joys and pass deeds and actions of love and devotion. Birthday wishes done tomorrow, fools and freaks, party and play on the beach. Lyons to faces in mirror. Looks fading fast, more lost hairs to spare, forehead built to land planes, jokers and with fingers pointed.
Not sure what the rest of the story is, but it is another view to consider for a laugh or two today. Thanks for the sunshine.The official home of Disney Family on Twitter. @Disney crafts, recipes, DIYs, and activities for the whole family. Share your #DisneyWeekend!
Friends of yours?Windows open for new dazes....If you don't like views, don't publish for the world to see. your self punishment, hang-up's and your rejection of the love others have for you. You speak of the cruelty Steven Jarrot gave, but you are clearly still "hung up" on him. That is my story, the land whale: Sheri Jarrot, 7603601613. Love the oarl talents of Sheven, he is always my best sucker to sit on face every day. Want to share the face of a fool at the beach in Ventura, with us? 7609020855.The official home of Disney Family on Twitter. @Disney crafts, recipes, DIYs, and activities for the whole family. Share your #DisneyWeekend!
Friends of yours?Windows open for new dazes....If you don't like views, don't publish for the world to see. your self punishment, hang-up's and your rejection of the love others have for you. You speak of the cruelty Steven Jarrot gave, but you are clearly still "hung up" on him. That is my story, the land whale: Sheri Jarrot, 7603601613. Love the oarl talents of Sheven, he is always my best sucker to sit on face every day. Want to share the face of a fool at the beach in Ventura, with us? 7609020855.The official home of Disney Family on Twitter. @Disney crafts, recipes, DIYs, and activities for the whole family. Share your #DisneyWeekend!
Cum Drip: Sheri Jarrot, butch, bitch, whale on land to date 7603601613, Cum Dump: Heard a lame line that I blog because I have hang-ups on the last frog I kissed. Kind of upset about that, that had not shit to throw, and it was funny on one hand, and it was scary on the other hand. One of my accounts were used today, and it was not me, and not something that I wrote, so I killed it and changed the pass word. Toss it up and out with me views. Just wondering who was the chick shit that wrote, under my names that I write under, more questions up in the air.The official home of Disney Family on Twitter. @Disney crafts, recipes, DIYs, and activities for the whole family. Share your #DisneyWeekend!
More views to share of the scars left from the love and devotion of a land whale, and his tribe of jackasses, Steven Jarrot, 7608512267 -paid with good looks, and oral talents to shine. Fruits and nuts to go, more views of the scars left from the faithful, and the bull shit, eight letter words that are the same for the frogs, and freaks in clan of Jarrots Freaks 2015, gifts to share, and tales to share, for the lessons learned, with the bumps in the road. Songs to sing.
Dreams of going to Disneyland, this month to see the lights, and to go with out of state family members, time to do the horse and pony show for the holidays. How is that for wishes and desires for a house near the beach, and new friends to get started.
Dead again, and done to death by love and devotion for a woman, and the lasting impressions made, good and bad, both sides of the coins to examine today. Friends for a cause, friends for a season, friends for a life time, examples everywhere, but in the end when you died, love is the booze prize. When you leave the right side, and fall or jump into the left side of the grave, clothes do not matter, looks do not matter, they are not needed, the inner child is born again. Happy dazes for the young at heart, for the every day earth angels, the fairies, the pixies, and the dogwood butterflies of the great state of California. Love is the only thing to be remove from life on earth, on the right side of the grave.
Views are like noses, and everyone has one, so what be true to yourself, the only person around daily for you, others might not be out for your best interest. Snakes in the grasses, are fake friends that are true to you as long as it fits, in plans to steal more out of the sex trades with Steven Jarrot, and acorns Rocky, Rachelle, Sima, and Jackie Jarrot or something else, another example in the care and loving natural to them as a group. Happy with gay lifestyle and the extra sex trades for the drugs that rule and control so many today. You also a slave to drugs with sex players that are there for the day, week, summer, or for trades or tricks with ass fuckers, that are white and pure as snow, in their world.
Out of their world, lights out to the sights and sounds of the undead and unstable, people that make me feel bad, people that make me question the things that are done for the right reasons. Happy and gay is a life style that floats the boats of the masses that like that label, so what, it is not for everyone, just the people that want something more or not the same as every Tom, Dick or Harry, jokes on the fools, frogs, and freaks out at night. Fun and games for the hard workers, with a holiday plan for the sights with family and friends, why not enjoy yourself.
Forgive yourself for the hurts and pains of misunderstanding from a lack of understanding of yourself and the snakes within, the beast in place on the quiet, waiting for the time to change faces, or wear a different hat for the moments of truths and honesty to come in place, views and noses are something that we all have, make choices that you can live with. Stand tall and be counted for a man, be counted for the whole truth, in the twelve views of the matters at hand.
The people that talk shit, and the people that eat shit, are the donkeys, and the monkeys on the backs of the people that like to talk. Haters that do not want to see you do good, because it would make their world look small, not happy for the gifts of joy and pleasures from a story or two about good times, bad times, life as we know it to share in this season.
Views are like noses, and have another view from a whale, view of a frog, or view from a snake in the grass not sure.
Still in the dark.
Mountain Hunk: Happy dazes again, peace and love by the seas, with a touch of understanding, with a hand out to forgive the sins of yesterday, the pain and the hurt created, the stories, the tips the tweets, the pictures of truths and honesty from one point of view. More than one view to share the mistakes, the misunderstanding, the lessons learned from the lasting impressions made in the past year or two, maybe a life time in the past.
Tips for the sinners and tales for the saints, gifts to share of the trips around the trees needed for the lessons to learn. Classes in place. Love and hate, truthful and honest, happy and gay, happy and delighted for the dreams in actions, gifts of the young at heart.Blame games, to use a finger, three fingers points to you, a second look to take. Write and rites, horse and pony shows, cowboys jacks and bag, boy games to play.Paths, Journeys, Faces In Over The Waves, Rocks, Rats, Roaches, Dances In The Darkness, Good Time Toads, Colors Of Winners, Losers, Learners, Voices In The Knights. Lions Roars, Bailey Roots.
Angels Mike: climb to the mountain tops, angels goodness and mercy, back to back, notes in the wings, songs in the wind, gifts to share, in the fields of dreams. Movies that have not been seen, pieces of a dreams, sailing the seven seas, dances in the dark. Jokes on fools and frogs, party and play on the beach, snakes in the grass, out to steal and rob the blind. Tips to dodge the rocks under the sand of time. Bumps in the roads.Paths, Journeys, Faces In Over The Waves, Rocks, Rats, Roaches, Dances In The Darkness, Good Time Toads, Colors Of Winners, Losers, Learners, Voices In The Knights. Lions Roars, Bailey Roots.
Friends come and go in our lives, like ships passing each other as they sail the seven seas, for answers, for questions on time and space, and in the end who cares? History to be recorded regardless of the targets in the markets for the dreams in motion that they live daily, matters to factor in is the charms and wits about the people that rule the world, it is all about what you know, and who you know that can move mountains, and the bumps in the road are taken full speed ahead, the leaders are the frogs, fools and donkey kinds of people that show up on time. Paths, Journeys, Faces In Over The Waves, Rocks, Rats, Roaches, Dances In The Darkness, Good Time Toads, Colors Of Winners, Losers, Learners, Voices In The Knights. Lions Roars, Bailey Roots. Paths, Journeys, Faces In Over The Waves, Rocks, Rats, Roaches, Dances In The Darkness, Good Time Toads, Colors Of Winners, Losers, Learners, Voices In The Knights. Lions Roars, Bailey Roots.
That is one former of success that can be seen, who gets to work on time, one of the leading factors to consider while working and playing in the rat race. The wheels go around and around, and time never stops, but the wheels do stop, a nice simple look at life as a wheel of life, and when it stops someone expires.Paths, Journeys, Faces In Over The Waves, Rocks, Rats, Roaches, Dances In The Darkness, Good Time Toads, Colors Of Winners, Losers, Learners, Voices In The Knights. Lions Roars, Bailey Roots.

Time to sing songs, dates to set, bones in a box, dicks and chicks, lessons learned or not. To fail time and time again, life lessons of joys and pains, frogs and fools, life at stake. Birthday blues, songs to sing, Jesus Christ, dogs and snakes, monkeys to swing again, dogwood trees in the woods. Paths, Journeys, Faces In Over The Waves, Rocks, Rats, Roaches, Dances In The Darkness, Good Time Toads, Colors Of Winners, Losers, Learners, Voices In The Knights. Lions Roars, Bailey Roots.
Joys and pains, angle to hearts, Micheal Jackson, birds in the skies, birds in the dogwood trees. Bugs to eat, fried on the beaches, dances on the shores. Songs to sing, birds and bees, dances in the dark. Glass Houses: Angels in the heavens, angels to sing, goodness and mercy angels back to back, at the end of the rainbows.Paths, Journeys, Faces In Over The Waves, Rocks, Rats, Roaches, Dances In The Darkness, Good Time Toads, Colors Of Winners, Losers, Learners, Voices In The Knights. Lions Roars, Bailey Roots.
STEVEN JARROT 7608512267 Campers on wheels, RV and vans, cheaters and liars, pimps to trade, cum suckers to work, crooks to prey, veterans to pay, computers to steal, accounts to hack, snakes and devils inside. Tricks not treats, snakes not sharks, whales on land, snakes with, evil not good.
Angels Notes: Sinners With Saints: Goodness And Mercy Back To Back. Love and hate, horns on goat, hate and love, horns to blow. Good times, sad times, bumps in the road, gifts to share, glory days done. Time to take a stand, good times, dances in the rain, all the pleasures with the joys and pains.
Time on the cross, time to face the lions, kings on a level or two, angels out to protect, earth angels, fairies and pixies. Tales to spin, cash on table, books to write, trips to hell, snakes and frogs. Sharks and whales, birds and bees, trips to hell, blame games to play. Tricked and pimped, eaten alive for a season or two. Crooks and robbers, snakes and monkeys, dances in the rain, dances in the woods.
Reasons, seasons and causes, tales in your head, dreams dancing in my head. New plans, new dreams, new cattle and more sheep. Blue and green people, search is on, dates to set with mature, witty owls, kings on land, lions to locate. Knights to shine, kings on land, lions in other forms, men of class. Leaders as kings, Peter Pan rides again. Paths, Journeys, Faces In Over The Waves, Rocks, Rats, Roaches, Dances In The Darkness, Good Time Toads, Colors Of Winners, Losers, Learners, Voices In The Knights. Lions Roars, Bailey Roots.
Snakes in grass, snakes and worms, hackers to kill, accounts high jeted, land whales inside, to delete, to change, to stop written history. Stands of true lights of darkness, evil not good, hate not love, examples of crooks and robbers. Joys and pains, trips to hell, life in the woods. Snakes for all time, snakes since the start of time, snakes out of skin, new skin to put on, yellow snakes and worms. Paths, Journeys, Faces In Over The Waves, Rocks, Rats, Roaches, Dances In The Darkness, Good Time Toads, Colors Of Winners, Losers, Learners, Voices In The Knights. Lions Roars, Bailey Roots.
August 2014, was a month of tears for me, and could not stop for the love of a woman for a man, and all the mistakes made, and all the disappointments aired out, before the new day starts. The time starts over every year on your birthday, and the hurts, pains, anger, and burst of anger are forgiven, to the woman of the year, and the angel on earth award goes to the fairy, for living a life for a season of joy and happiness for a man. Paths, Journeys, Faces In Over The Waves, Rocks, Rats, Roaches, Dances In The Darkness, Good Time Toads, Colors Of Winners, Losers, Learners, Voices In The Knights. Lions Roars, Bailey Roots.
The life was hard, and not an easy life to live in the RV Camping lifestyle, that a few of my dear and close friends believe in, and it is a daily event to park at the beach and watch the ocean at work. Here is the life to dream of for you last dazes here on earth, spend at peace and love by the sea, and dream or pray for the things that move you to actions. What drives you to get up and jet ahead of the class because you show up on time?
Passions can run hot, if you have lots of interest, and lots of attention to work on a cause to help people make a better live for themselves, would you give them fish, or would you teach them how to fish, is the question for each person that steps in your life. It is for a blessing or a curse, a blessing or a lesson to be learned and shared, or it could be for a season, a cause, or a life time.
Tin Man Tales: Donkeys, Snakes, Frogs, Monkeys To Dodge: Grains of Trash: RV Campers, White Trash On Wheels, Pimps And Drug Lards: Land Whales In Sight:Dodge The Snakes Dens::Horse and Pony Shows:Rachel and Sheri Jarrot, butches, bitches, fag hags, party and play, treats to treat.
Good times to cum, party and play, dates on the beach, Steven Jarrot, snakes in your house, snakes in your friends, lights on, ready to tell, time to get a new life. Reflections today, third party views, facts and fiction. Fruit and nuts, freaks to party and play, butches, bitches, and fag hags, dates on the beach. Butch to direct home movies, porn stars, nibbles to eat, fresh dick suckers, birthday wishes, for the crooks and robbers...Wig Caps: Wigs Off, Wigs For Sale, Rachel Jarrot, Butch to ...Paths, Journeys, Faces In Over The Waves, Rocks, Rats, Roaches, Dances In The Darkness, Good Time Toads, Colors Of Winners, Losers, Learners, Voices In The Knights. Lions Roars, Bailey Roots.
https://rachel104life.wordpress.com/2014/05/03/my-future-in-the-media-world-uncertain-but-certainly-exciting/#commentsFrog Prince:Jewish Army 2018: Contact 760 851 2267 to concur statements written, from his point of views. Blame game played always, fingers pointed at others for deeds and actions, Lissa Desilva asked for the stick up backside with out lube for joy and pleasures given for the dance of death set for May 2013- Apr 22, 2014...
Have so much that I wanted to share, but first have to stop and change the colors on the paper for the final cut, when completed; a work in process is how I see it. This is America land of the free, and everyone has a dream of greatness, and it is just a matter of time and space before you get there, and hope and prayers are alive, and they are also dreams with actions.Paths, Journeys, Faces In Over The Waves, Rocks, Rats, Roaches, Dances In The Darkness, Good Time Toads, Colors Of Winners, Losers, Learners, Voices In The Knights. Lions Roars, Bailey Roots.
Here are the top three Ps are in force, always, patients, possibilities, and presentiment pays in the end. Keep getting back up from each and every bump in the road, and dodge the cherries that are full of the pits, trips to hell and back on a basket on a bike, and watch you hair, will dance all over you head if you let it blow in the wind.
What a day for dancing in the winds, what a great and breathing kind of dance to learn how to dance in the rain, and what a great and wonderful day it is to be alive for another day, thanks and praises to the gods above and the gods on earth.Paths, Journeys, Faces In Over The Waves, Rocks, Rats, Roaches, Dances In The Darkness, Good Time Toads, Colors Of Winners, Losers, Learners, Voices In The Knights. Lions Roars, Bailey Roots.
Not sure what the rest of the story is, but it is another view to consider for a laugh or two today. Thanks for the sunshine.
Friends of yours?Windows open for new dazes....If you don't like views, don't publish for the world to see. your self punishment, hang-up's and your rejection of the love others have for you. You speak of the cruelty Steven Jarrot gave, but you are clearly still "hung up" on him. That is my story, the land whale: Sheri Jarrot, 7603601613. Love the oarl talents of Sheven, he is always my best sucker to sit on face every day. Want to share the face of a fool at the beach in Ventura, with us? 7609020855.
Friends of yours?Windows open for new dazes....If you don't like views, don't publish for the world to see. your self punishment, hang-up's and your rejection of the love others have for you. You speak of the cruelty Steven Jarrot gave, but you are clearly still "hung up" on him. That is my story, the land whale: Sheri Jarrot, 7603601613. Love the oarl talents of Sheven, he is always my best sucker to sit on face every day. Want to share the face of a fool at the beach in Ventura, with us? 7609020855.
Cum Drip: Sheri Jarrot, butch, bitch, whale on land to date 7603601613, Cum Dump: Heard a lame line that I blog because I have hang-ups on the last frog I kissed. Kind of upset about that, that had not shit to throw, and it was funny on one hand, and it was scary on the other hand. One of my accounts were used today, and it was not me, and not something that I wrote, so I killed it and changed the pass word. Toss it up and out with me views. Just wondering who was the chick shit that wrote, under my names that I write under, more questions up in the air.
More views to share of the scars left from the love and devotion of a land whale, and his tribe of jackasses, Steven Jarrot, 7608512267 -paid with good looks, and oral talents to shine. Fruits and nuts to go, more views of the scars left from the faithful, and the bull shit, eight letter words that are the same for the frogs, and freaks in clan of Jarrots Freaks 2015, gifts to share, and tales to share, for the lessons learned, with the bumps in the road. Songs to sing.
Dreams of going to Disneyland, this month to see the lights, and to go with out of state family members, time to do the horse and pony show for the holidays. How is that for wishes and desires for a house near the beach, and new friends to get started.
Dead again, and done to death by love and devotion for a woman, and the lasting impressions made, good and bad, both sides of the coins to examine today. Friends for a cause, friends for a season, friends for a life time, examples everywhere, but in the end when you died, love is the booze prize. When you leave the right side, and fall or jump into the left side of the grave, clothes do not matter, looks do not matter, they are not needed, the inner child is born again. Happy dazes for the young at heart, for the every day earth angels, the fairies, the pixies, and the dogwood butterflies of the great state of California. Love is the only thing to be remove from life on earth, on the right side of the grave.
Views are like noses, and everyone has one, so what be true to yourself, the only person around daily for you, others might not be out for your best interest. Snakes in the grasses, are fake friends that are true to you as long as it fits, in plans to steal more out of the sex trades with Steven Jarrot, and acorns Rocky, Rachelle, Sima, and Jackie Jarrot or something else, another example in the care and loving natural to them as a group. Happy with gay lifestyle and the extra sex trades for the drugs that rule and control so many today. You also a slave to drugs with sex players that are there for the day, week, summer, or for trades or tricks with ass fuckers, that are white and pure as snow, in their world.
Out of their world, lights out to the sights and sounds of the undead and unstable, people that make me feel bad, people that make me question the things that are done for the right reasons. Happy and gay is a life style that floats the boats of the masses that like that label, so what, it is not for everyone, just the people that want something more or not the same as every Tom, Dick or Harry, jokes on the fools, frogs, and freaks out at night. Fun and games for the hard workers, with a holiday plan for the sights with family and friends, why not enjoy yourself.
Forgive yourself for the hurts and pains of misunderstanding from a lack of understanding of yourself and the snakes within, the beast in place on the quiet, waiting for the time to change faces, or wear a different hat for the moments of truths and honesty to come in place, views and noses are something that we all have, make choices that you can live with. Stand tall and be counted for a man, be counted for the whole truth, in the twelve views of the matters at hand.
The people that talk shit, and the people that eat shit, are the donkeys, and the monkeys on the backs of the people that like to talk. Haters that do not want to see you do good, because it would make their world look small, not happy for the gifts of joy and pleasures from a story or two about good times, bad times, life as we know it to share in this season.
Transplants from Cubu, Sima and Steve
- www.akaqa.com/question/q19192380568-
Colorado Buffalo Bison, Rach, rachel, Rocky, and Sheri Jarrot, cattle do fly.....760 851 2267.Whales on land to date 7603601613 today, frog, cow, buffalo, hag, snake, buffalo, fags ...
Love and hate horns of a goat. Love and devotions from a man for a women, gifts of the old souls floating here today, gone tomorrow. Lessons to learn, about the fun and games in the minds and hearts of the young at heart. Fairies, pixies, earth angels, bikers from New York, gifts of songs and dances for a better daze.
Frogs and views from the dark side of the moon, whale on land and the bend and twisted views of truth and honesty, and self-serving, with views in their glass house. What you do not know is better to guess from you views, and hope that you keep the ball in the right court. Different views of the elephant for the 12 blind men.
Views are like noses, and have another view from a whale, view of a frog, or view from a snake in the grass not sure.
Still in the dark.
Mountain Hunk: Happy dazes again, peace and love by the seas, with a touch of understanding, with a hand out to forgive the sins of yesterday, the pain and the hurt created, the stories, the tips the tweets, the pictures of truths and honesty from one point of view. More than one view to share the mistakes, the misunderstanding, the lessons learned from the lasting impressions made in the past year or two, maybe a life time in the past.
Tips for the sinners and tales for the saints, gifts to share of the trips around the trees needed for the lessons to learn. Classes in place. Love and hate, truthful and honest, happy and gay, happy and delighted for the dreams in actions, gifts of the young at heart.Thanks again, gods beneath the earth, and thanks to mother earth as well, is part of the day that begins with grace and charms for the king of kink and my lord and master, by any name you like, it is all one and the same thing.Paths, Journeys, Faces In Over The Waves, Rocks, Rats, Roaches, Dances In The Darkness, Good Time Toads, Colors Of Winners, Losers, Learners, Voices In The Knights. Lions Roars, Bailey Roots.
"Cow Wisdom",Life's Little Beefs.Steven Jarrot Retard hacker, frog army leader, Jewish Rites:7608512267:Paths, Journeys, Faces In Over The Waves, Rocks, Rats, Roaches, Dances In The Darkness, Good Time Toads, Colors Of Winners, Losers, Learners, Voices In The Knights. Lions Roars, Bailey Roots. 5'11" weight 260 pounds:Lic #N9602690: SSN# 565 29 0428 or not, moot? DOB: 090462
Hard to tell, dogs that does not know his ass or his head, from a hole in the wall, and we have these types of A-holes that think they are gods gifts for mankind. Think again is what I have to say on that matter. Moot, of course.Paths, Journeys, Faces In Over The Waves, Rocks, Rats, Roaches, Dances In The Darkness, Good Time Toads, Colors Of Winners, Losers, Learners, Voices In The Knights. Lions Roars, Bailey Roots.
Bumps in road, paths taken in the dark, into the woods, into the shadows, into the black nights. Nights of hell, trips with wolves and snakes. Always a snake, always in the dark, worms and snails. Monkeys swingers in the woods, snakes dens, sinners and saints, under the sands of time.Paths, Journeys, Faces In Over The Waves, Rocks, Rats, Roaches, Dances In The Darkness, Good Time Toads, Colors Of Winners, Losers, Learners, Voices In The Knights. Lions Roars, Bailey Roots.
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