Land Whale Stars: Rachel Wigsout: Rachel Jarrot, not Rachel Walker. Monkeys on dogwood trees, Jesus Christ, Jesuit Charlie, or Charley Jarrot 7607778998 . Hard knocks for lessons in love and devotion, life for love, love and hate. 7608512267 RV camper.Hats, Horns, Halos, Hares Lost In Woods: Chicks 2. History Of Snakes, Frogs, Freaks, Cows To Call, Cheap Tricks, Jewish Wales: Moves Made. Crooks, Cheaters, Liars: Foes Or Not. Whales Rites.

Steven Jarrot, sucker for free rides, computers to steal, dates on the beach. Weird is : wonderful, educated, interesting, real and different, notes....Clowns to the left, jokers to the right, clowns swinging or hanging on dogwood trees. Clown Shows for fun and food, books on sunny dazes on the beach. Treats in fun and fools, signs of animals under the skin, suckers to cum.Hats, Horns, Halos, Hares Lost In Woods: Chicks 2. History Of Snakes, Frogs, Freaks, Cows To Call, Cheap Tricks, Jewish Wales: Moves Made. Crooks, Cheaters, Liars: Foes Or Not. Whales Rites.
Green Grass: Great day to see, joys and pains, hope is dancing, dreams in action. Accounts to snakes in grass, Steven and Sheri Jarrot, 7608512267: mistakes by land whales, history to create, seven snakes alive. Grains of Trash: RV Campers, White Trash On Wheels, Pimps And Drug Lards:Hats, Horns, Halos, Hares Lost In Woods: Chicks 2. History Of Snakes, Frogs, Freaks, Cows To Call, Cheap Tricks, Jewish Wales: Moves Made. Crooks, Cheaters, Liars: Foes Or Not. Whales Rites.
Land Whales In Sight:Dodge The Snakes Dens::Horse and Pony Shows:Rachel and Sheri Jarrot, butches, bitches, fag hags, party and play, treats to treat. Good times to cum, party and play, dates on the beach, Steven Jarrot, snakes in your house, snakes in your friends, lights on, ready to tell, time to get a new life.Hats, Horns, Halos, Hares Lost In Woods: Chicks 2. History Of Snakes, Frogs, Freaks, Cows To Call, Cheap Tricks, Jewish Wales: Moves Made. Crooks, Cheaters, Liars: Foes Or Not. Whales Rites.
Reflections today, third party views, facts and fiction. Fruit and nuts, freaks to party and play, butches, bitches, and fag hags, dates on the beach. Butch to direct home movies, porn stars, nibbles to eat, fresh dick suckers, birthday wishes, for the crooks and robbers. Hats, Horns, Halos, Hares Lost In Woods: Chicks 2. History Of Snakes, Frogs, Freaks, Cows To Call, Cheap Tricks, Jewish Wales: Moves Made. Crooks, Cheaters, Liars: Foes Or Not. Whales Rites.
This was an email, that I got from my sister from another mother, and how upset she still is about learning the type of frog the bullfrog really is or reptile that has not learned any new life lessons since he got out of school by the skin on his teeth at Fairfax High School in Hollyweird, California-when dirt was young Steven Jarrot 7607778998 -(Steve/Eve/Adam 4 Adam Jarrot) still dump as rocks? Brains exchanged for trains, so sad just senseless now, and full of self as always. You can share your views are not, these are written history, okay you know, recorded..
Grains of Trash: RV Campers, White Trash On Wheels, Pimps And Drug Lards: Land Whales In Sight:Dodge The Snakes Dens::Horse and Pony Shows:Rachel and Sheri Jarrot, butches, bitches, fag hags, party and play, treats to treat. Good times to cum, party and play, dates on the beach, Steven Jarrot, snakes in your house, snakes in your friends, lights on, ready to tell, time to get a new life. Reflections today, third party views, facts and fiction. Fruit and nuts, freaks to party and play, butches, bitches, and fag hags, dates on the beach. Butch to direct home movies, porn stars, nibbles to eat, fresh dick suckers, birthday wishes, for the crooks and robbers.
Time to sing songs, dates to set, bones in a box, dicks and chicks, lessons learned or not. To fail time and time again, life lessons of joys and pains, frogs and fools, life at stake. Birthday blues, songs to sing, Jesus Christ, dogs and snakes, monkeys to swing again, dogwood trees in the woods.
Angels Mike: climb to the mountain tops, angels goodness and mercy, back to back, notes in the wings, songs in the wind, gifts to share, in the fields of dreams. Movies that have not been seen, pieces of a dreams, sailing the seven seas, dances in the dark. Jokes on fools and frogs, party and play on the beach, snakes in the grass, out to steal and rob the blind. Tips to dodge the rocks under the sand of time. Bumps in the roads.Hats, Horns, Halos, Hares Lost In Woods: Chicks 2. History Of Snakes, Frogs, Freaks, Cows To Call, Cheap Tricks, Jewish Wales: Moves Made. Crooks, Cheaters, Liars: Foes Or Not. Whales Rites.
Horses to water, veterans to the Music Exchange Group, at Ella Doce Casas De Mayo Del California, gifts to share, paperwork to complete, help for the cash on the table for veterans, just the beginning of the services and products on the table waiting for the requests on paper. Take the cash and run, it is ready for the veterans that stop, make new plans, to stand tall, and walk the walk to the bank.Hats, Horns, Halos, Hares Lost In Woods: Chicks 2. History Of Snakes, Frogs, Freaks, Cows To Call, Cheap Tricks, Jewish Wales: Moves Made. Crooks, Cheaters, Liars: Foes Or Not. Whales Rites.
Cash forever, gifts waiting for you, write the paperwork for the stories, that will give you cash for the time served. Why not, drink the water, after the race, horses to water for the rewards, of a good run , for the good of the county. Help is waiting for you, ask for it, gifts to share with the cash on the table, gifts to share with the stories stuck in your hear. Hats, Horns, Halos, Hares Lost In Woods: Chicks 2. History Of Snakes, Frogs, Freaks, Cows To Call, Cheap Tricks, Jewish Wales: Moves Made. Crooks, Cheaters, Liars: Foes Or Not. Whales Rites.
Cash forever, gifts waiting for you, write the paperwork for the stories, that will give you cash for the time served. Why not, drink the water, after the race, horses to water for the rewards, of a good run , for the good of the county. Help is waiting for you, ask for it, gifts to share with the cash on the table, gifts to share with the stories stuck in your hear. Hats, Horns, Halos, Hares Lost In Woods: Chicks 2. History Of Snakes, Frogs, Freaks, Cows To Call, Cheap Tricks, Jewish Wales: Moves Made. Crooks, Cheaters, Liars: Foes Or Not. Whales Rites.
Tricks by RV Parties: Land Whales, cows and buffalo on land, cattle callers, tails to share, joys and pass deeds and actions of love and devotion. Birthday wishes done tomorrow, fools and freaks, party and play on the beach. Lyons to faces in mirror. Looks fading fast, more lost hairs to spare, forehead built to land planes, jokers and with fingers pointed. Blame games, to use a finger, three fingers points to you, a second look to take. Write and rites, horse and pony shows, cowboys jacks and bag, boy games to play.
Angels Notes: Sinners With Saints: Goodness And Mercy Back To Back. Love and hate, horns on goat, hate and love, horns to blow. Good times, sad times, bumps in the road, gifts to share, glory days done. Time to take a stand, good times, dances in the rain, all the pleasures with the joys and pains. Hats, Horns, Halos, Hares Lost In Woods: Chicks 2. History Of Snakes, Frogs, Freaks, Cows To Call, Cheap Tricks, Jewish Wales: Moves Made. Crooks, Cheaters, Liars: Foes Or Not. Whales Rites.
Time on the cross, time to face the lions, kings on a level or two, angels out to protect, earth angels, fairies and pixies. Tales to spin, cash on table, books to write, trips to hell, snakes and frogs. Sharks and whales, birds and bees, trips to hell, blame games to play. Tricked and pimped, eaten alive for a season or two. Crooks and robbers, snakes and monkeys, dances in the rain, dances in the woods. Hats, Horns, Halos, Hares Lost In Woods: Chicks 2. History Of Snakes, Frogs, Freaks, Cows To Call, Cheap Tricks, Jewish Wales: Moves Made. Crooks, Cheaters, Liars: Foes Or Not. Whales Rites.
Reasons, seasons and causes, tales in your head, dreams dancing in my head. New plans, new dreams, new cattle and more sheep. Blue and green people, search is on, dates to set with mature, witty owls, kings on land, lions to locate. Knights to shine, kings on land, lions in other forms, men of class. Leaders as kings, Peter Pan rides again.
Snakes in grass, snakes and worms, hackers to kill, accounts high jeted, land whales inside, to delete, to change, to stop written history. Stands of true lights of darkness, evil not good, hate not love, examples of crooks and robbers. Joys and pains, trips to hell, life in the woods. Snakes for all time, snakes since the start of time, snakes out of skin, new skin to put on, yellow snakes and worms.
Poker players, cards on the table, faces to read, coins on hand, bets to play, good times in the dark. Crooks, liars, hackers, snakes and frogs, fish to catch and release time to sail, fish to fry. Fires started in the beginning of time, still burning, flames of hope, pots filled with frying fish. Tales to monkeys, tales of donkeys, packs and herds, tails in the air.
STEVEN JARROT 7608512267 Campers on wheels, RV and vans, cheaters and liars, pimps to trade, cum suckers to work, crooks to prey, veterans to pay, computers to steal, accounts to hack, snakes and devils inside. Tricks not treats, snakes not sharks, whales on land, snakes with, evil not good. Bumps in road, paths taken in the dark, into the woods, into the shadows, into the black nights. Nights of hell, trips with wolves and snakes. Always a snake, always in the dark, worms and snails. Monkeys swingers in the woods, snakes dens, sinners and saints, under the sands of time.
Songs to sing, dances around the fires with the fake friends, whales on land. Gifts from the center of the earth, hell hounds to date. Steven, Charles R., Rachel Jarrot, butch, bitch, forever buff. Sheri, party and play pals, licks and suckers in the family of freaks Jarrots. Gods or gifts, not them, tricks and cheaters.... time to party and play with the best cocksucker, expert pussy lecher in Indio, Ca. Donkeys in hills in Riverside....Best fake friend, cheater, alert, girlfriends change by the hour, for pimp and drug dealer, new bags of best sacks of shit to spare, extra special this holiday seasons. Season passes available with purchase of two fists for Seven snakes or STEVEN JAY JARROT, UP HIS ASS DICKS HAVEN.... he does know his way around a dick, best cucksucker to date...:
Cum by and sit on Steven's face, for his tasteful treats, and pleasures for you. Low standards set, tricks, Johns, pitchers alert, two fists desired in backside of Jarrot Super-freak, Steven Jarrot, 7605643510- the "the whale" or "fat boy", terms of internment share by family, friends, and foes. Delights await.
Thanks for getting back to me, and the window is still open for the markets that you would like to target. Have transferable gifts to share, writer here, ready to learn how to write for big bucks. Have a non profit that I work for in Long Beach, have invested in the 420 coop on the grounds. $80 thousand for first six months, dreams in action.I write stories based on my views of the lasting impressions made of the joys and pains of the bumps in the road, have lots of blogs, and tales told online. Views are like noses, and snakes, rats, and jackasses to run the county. Have blogs created in 2004-Life is a Beach, and good and sweet tips, just to name a few.Jokes now, had a few sit backs, back on my feet again on that page. -Steve Jarrot, "fat boy",tales of 300 guys he sucked and fucked , Rachel and Sheri fucks and sucks just like sire...Just an Army, fools, frogs, reptiles that are not attorneys, same story different day. Lies told now to distance self, Sheri Jarrot, and Rachel Jarrot, for views not shared with Jewish White Bisexuals Superstars- live to cash on on the weak, disable, blacks and working classes. In their world every one is a sucker to steal, rob, lie to for goods and services needed for Stars to shine in the darkness within the tribe, herd, army of frogs, reptiles, and fools.
love or hate, Steve Jarrot, seven snakes in house? | Yahoo Ans
Land Whale Stars: Rachel Wigsout: Rachel Jarrot, not Rachel Walker. Monkeys on dogwood trees, Jesus Christ, Jesuit Charlie, or Charley Jarrot 7607778998 . Hard knocks for lessons in love and devotion, life for love, love and hate. 7608512267 RV camper. Steven Jarrot, sucker for free rides, computers to steal, dates on the beach. Weird is : wonderful, educated, interesting, real and different, notes....Clowns to the left, jokers to the right, clowns swinging or hanging on dogwood trees. Clown Shows for fun and food, books on sunny dazes on the beach. Treats in fun and fools, signs of animals under the skin, suckers to cum.Hats, Horns, Halos, Hares Lost In Woods: Chicks 2. History Of Snakes, Frogs, Freaks, Cows To Call, Cheap Tricks, Jewish Wales: Moves Made. Crooks, Cheaters, Liars: Foes Or Not. Whales Rites.Tin Man Tales: Donkeys, Snakes, Frogs, Monkeys To Dodge
Grains of Trash: RV Campers, White Trash On Wheels, Pimps And Drug Lards: Land Whales In Sight:Dodge The Snakes Dens::Horse and Pony Shows:Rachel and Sheri Jarrot, butches, bitches, fag hags, party and play, treats to treat. Good times to cum, party and play, dates on the beach, Steven Jarrot, snakes in your house, snakes in your friends, lights on, ready to tell, time to get a new life. Reflections today, third party views, facts and fiction. Fruit and nuts, freaks to party and play, butches, bitches, and fag hags, dates on the beach. Butch to direct home movies, porn stars, nibbles to eat, fresh dick suckers, birthday wishes, for the crooks and robbers...Hats, Horns, Halos, Hares Lost In Woods: Chicks 2. History Of Snakes, Frogs, Freaks, Cows To Call, Cheap Tricks, Jewish Wales: Moves Made. Crooks, Cheaters, Liars: Foes Or Not. Whales Rites.Wig Caps: Wigs Off, Wigs For Sale, Rachel Jarrot, Butch to ...
Flip the card, or flip the coin lifestyle, poker players, creaters of wealth on paper skills to share for a fee-Charley can lie for two years to family, why not lie on paper about money that you can print for family of fools. True story from views of a fish that got away, alive, and hopes and prayers from the Gods above, and the angels goodness and mercy , with head angel-Aleane Breangh Bailey-mother to 50 kids alive and deceased.
Dances on beach, classes on love and devotions, debates on love and hate, horns on a goat, not a snake. Dates with sacks of lyon shithead, dogs and dicks to toss in the wind, gifts to share often good times in Upland, death of the dicks and the suckers in the hills and valleys, donkeys in the hills of Riverside. Mistakes for the deeds and actions, with love and hate the horns on a goat, what does that mean to you?
7608512267 Seven snakes out of the box now, Jewish Bisexual White and rites to host. Trades or tricks 7603601613 to concur or not. Steven Jarrot: Charles R. Jarrot: daily quests, searching for prey to steal from. Blacks and Vetrans. Aug 9 , 2015 :420 & A GREAT KITTY LICKING FOR FREE - m4w 48 (VENTURA/OXNARD) casual encounters: 45 Aug 9 ,2015 : Any female want to get licked and get 420 for free.? - m4w 45 (oxnard) men seeking women. How much are views worth in your world? Moot in mind, please the one in your skin, happy to share views always sunny and bright sides to the pits with the cherries.
Took a moment in time to ask for the forgiven for writing things the way I saw them, and time to ask for help with the luck of the Irish, and help with the luck of the blacks, Mexicans and the working classes. Peace and love by the sea, was the message for the gifts that were given, to address the issues, that fools, frogs, and reptiles can understand, the animals that are out and in force in the people that like to wear masks. This is a note that the truth is what makes you a man or a woman, in my world it is about the truth, the facts, the deeds and the actions more than what a person has to say.
There are so many ways to read the people that you encounter in your journeys across time and space, as you age, and the lessons that were learned, tell the story of who you are. Facts, fiction, fairy tales, and stars above are the lights that are on for the world to see, hidden facts kept under wraps to fool others, are games that have been played since time started, and the twisted and tainted views are not facts, except when written.
Facts in the cold light of day, tells the story of the people that you share space and time with, and the lies are out in the open, just give a liar some rope and watch how long it takes for the lights to the lies told : are told from a view of a third party. Love is lies, is how I saw it, and a new way of life after deeds and actions were brought to the light of day. Steven Jay Jarrot-7608512267, is living the dream life, and he is still a RV camper for life, no house, no home of his own except the RV that he painted in sand colors, he wanted to hide from the sins and the lies that he chooses to live again and still.
Once a snake, always a snake, once a fool, always a fool, once a liar, thief, use car sales man, once a poker player always a poker player, flip the coin and look at the actions and the deeds, and make a view of the things that are the same as looking at the ocean all day every day in a RV camping of course. Life on the outside waiting for the man of the house-a working woman with her own house, with the 3 dogs, and the dick outside waiting for the planes to land, smart woman and has heard stories of truths and honesty written about the snake in the grass, or the wolf in sheep’s skin.Hats, Horns, Halos, Hares Lost In Woods: Chicks 2. History Of Snakes, Frogs, Freaks, Cows To Call, Cheap Tricks, Jewish Wales: Moves Made. Crooks, Cheaters, Liars: Foes Or Not. Whales Rites.
Words to describe Steven Jarrot, of Ventura on the beach, preying on the weak, disable, and the working class people that like to have friends on the down low. Biggest lies he tells are to himself, and the facts of the matter, hate rules and the actions and deeds recorded are nonsense is how he see it, forgot the history so the same mistakes can happen again, forget the faces of the masks in place for the lucky, charming, witty, good looking, snake charmer after the glasses color rose are removed.Hats, Horns, Halos, Hares Lost In Woods: Chicks 2. History Of Snakes, Frogs, Freaks, Cows To Call, Cheap Tricks, Jewish Wales: Moves Made. Crooks, Cheaters, Liars: Foes Or Not. Whales Rites.
Love for girlfriend waited for her to fly away to work, to cheater on so many levels it is unreal, the basic one fuck others while the cat (girlfriend is working), fuck, suck and prefect oral talents on the weak, black, and working classes that does the night life with frogs or reptiles like the god like fool or snake charmer-Steve out and in heat for more pussy to lick, and more dicks up his ass or in his mouth, new days to kill time on the beach, fucking, and sucking life away, and the best for a role model.
Role model? Careful what kind of role model we are referring to, love and devotion was the reason he stole Phyllissa Desilva’s car, and that is okay it is in the pass, and she asked for it, is one way Steve see the fact that he used AAA on May 9, 2013 to steal, his girlfriends car, he wanted to drive a Royce in midnight blue instead, so he made her walk, and catch rides with strangers out of love? He told people at the apartment in Palm Springs, at 277 E Stevens Rd, that his girlfriend was crazy and tried to have locked up on 5150 calls, with Sheri Beth Jarrot: Fag Hag Ex-wife with him to steal the life out of the veteran that was almost dead at 105 pounds, she forgot to eat around the pig that Steve is. He gain weight and looked like a hog, he sleeps with plates of food, so he can continue to eat while he sleazes or slept, habits of a whale or a lack of control?
Threats to toss her out of a moving car because he did not like what she was talking about is that okay? Threats to pour acid on her face, love and devotion words, cut fingers off so she can stop writing about the lasting impressions made by a pillar of Ventura, Palm Springs, Upland, Hollywood, Hancock Park, La Quinta, some one to look up to, a dream life of love and devotion from a man in love, notes to be said about Steven Jarrot?
It was love that stole $37,000 from girlfriend because she was sick and tired of life with the being second class, and at the back of the bus lifestyle presented to her. Phyllissa Desilva, black, disable, and a veteran was a target for Steve and Sheri Jarrot, to get money needed to pay for $6000 wigs for Rachel Jarrot, to appear just like she was at 16, when the hate within took her hair, and hate for the love that Steve had for a woman that could were the clothes she out grew at age 12. The reasons for the crimes committed was for Rachel Jarrot, and that is the only reason for the pleasures of her pussy kept wet and juicy for Steven skills alone, is the game that they play. There are no rooms available for the loves and good will for the people that choose to pick up a snake or members of this family.
This is how Steven Jay Jarrot treated a woman he wanted to stay with him until he died? Love for self shows well here, hate or love, it is the question here, truths that have been recorded, can be research for true story, facts that AAA stole the car on May 9, 2013 in Palm Springs, and facts can be research on the breaking and entering that Steve did with the Police of Palm Springs, facts to check, 7608512267 to get stories from horse's mouth, Steven Jarrot, hacker, liar, cheater, poker play, used car seller, RV camper, drug dealer, tricks to trade, party and play guy, loves black veterans to lick, dicks with do, cather to mound. Gang bang king, pimp on wheels, good times host or travel 7608512267, stats with pictures, locations of smiles, cum suckers to work, day jobs. Many blow jobs, pitchers in line, shit to trade, Steven or Rachel Jarrot, wigs to stands. Black tents to wear, movies of skins, porn stars, fat chicks. Butches, bitches, dykes to date.
research is how the lies were told about a gun that Phyllissa Desilva had, and the policed shown up to target her with 6 guns, 2 dogs, and about 30 police because of love and devotion, for a woman that Steven wanted to live with until the end of his life, these are the actions and deeds of a man in love, in the world that I live in that was not the story told here. Love is a four letter word, just like bullshit is a eight letter word, and these are words that Steve has a lot of trouble with.Hats, Horns, Halos, Hares Lost In Woods: Chicks 2. History Of Snakes, Frogs, Freaks, Cows To Call, Cheap Tricks, Jewish Wales: Moves Made. Crooks, Cheaters, Liars: Foes Or Not. Whales Rites.
Green Grass: Great day to see, joys and pains, hope is dancing, dreams in action. Accounts to snakes in grass, Steven and Sheri Jarrot, 7608512267: mistakes by land whales, history to create, seven snakes alive. Grains of Trash: RV Campers, White Trash On Wheels, Pimps And Drug Lards: Land Whales In Sight:Dodge The Snakes Dens::Horse and Pony Shows:Rachel and Sheri Jarrot, butches, bitches, fag hags, party and play, treats to treat. Good times to cum, party and play, dates on the beach, Steven Jarrot, snakes in your house, snakes in your friends, lights on, ready to tell, time to get a new life.
Reflections today, third party views, facts and fiction. Fruit and nuts, freaks to party and play, butches, bitches, and fag hags, dates on the beach. Butch to direct home movies, porn stars, nibbles to eat, fresh dick suckers, birthday wishes, for the crooks and robbers.
This was an email, that I got from my sister from another mother, and how upset she still is about learning the type of frog the bullfrog really is or reptile that has not learned any new life lessons since he got out of school by the skin on his teeth at Fairfax High School in Hollyweird, California-when dirt was young-(Steve/Eve/Adam 4 Adam Jarrot) Steven Jarrot 7608512267 :still dump as rocks? Brains exchanged for trains, so sad just senseless now, and full of self as always. You can share your views are not, these are written history, okay you know, recorded..
Once long ago, fell from the sky, with broken wings, happy and sad, about the trip on earth, happy to sing a song for the good parts. Boats and RV guys, which one is the best, trips to hell, trips to seven seas, how to take a free ride. No rides for free, cost to cover, fees to pay, no free lunches in the state of California, in a state of mind to exchange good wishes. Out of the darkness of the dens of snakes, back to bake on the beach. Happy notes, time spent in hell, hanging on a dogwood tree. Stronger for the classes on love and devotion, in the first attempts in learning, practice to perfection not to fail, good times. Into Darkness: Great day on the right side, the right side of rights and reasons. To fail or not to fail to learn life lessons. Good bad and sad tales. Wishes on the moon, dances in the dark, dreams of peace and happiness. Turning pages, getting back up, rebirth for butterflies.
Have had a problem with distance for the dislike of the impressions made by a snake standard of people. Left Turns: Happy notes, happy Monday, happy feet to dance the nights away. Best times of life in a blue state yet to come, the times of our lives. Good times, history created, not news, times to sing songs, the fish that got away, dances in the dark. Love and hate, horns on one goat, hats to wear, smiles and tales on the dark sides. Watch for roads under the surface, trucks of shit to carry, with hell hounds. Fruits and nuts, pitches and catches to party and play. Tricks, trades and lies to address with herds of land whales. Faces in mirror change with drugs on hand.
Steven Jay Jarrot : Best Buys Crook, July 15, 2015, computers stolen by snake in grass. PREYS ON MENTAL Ventrans, EASY TO TRICK: Owner/Consultant;
lovemygems @ yahoo. com: ANYWAY TRANSPORTATION. TRIPS TO HELL, WITH HELL HOUNDS. TIME ON CROSS WITH CROOKS AND ROBBERS. Nice girl, Rach Jay, Rachel Gaylin Jarrot, Rach Jarrot, party girl, movies to make, cum sucker to date, good time girl in season. Got to go, have a great day. Lot of love, hate and love, on a goat, the horns. Silly pepper piper tale, have fun today. The fairies will play. Notes online 754 times. Nice, thanks.Jokes on land, jokers to poker players to ride, faces of snakes to devils : 7608512267, Steven Jarrot. Toads birth under stars, hooked and pimp out to party and play, found where they were going to stay. Found a barn, to let the goat out. Bitch had a bastard, Jesus Christ was born in a barn. Cow two born that night, a rat in a den of snakes, sinners and saint. Joy to the world.
Last year, I felt like I died 7 times by Steven Jay Jarrot, May 19, 2013: notes to share: Done to death, love and hate, horns on goat, sheepell, tales and tips, donkeys to cattle, open ranges, monkeys to do, and monkeys to do. Good stories to test, love and hate, horns to blow, goats and sheep. Food and fun, good times, in the woods, in the streets, schools of hard knocks. With these cards on the table, with the coins in hand. flipping cards. Love to one hand to another, love and hate, joys and pains, sinners and saints.
Time to sing songs, dates to set, bones in a box, dicks and chicks, lessons learned or not. To fail time and time again, life lessons of joys and pains, frogs and fools, life at stake. Birthday blues, songs to sing, Jesus Christ, dogs and snakes, monkeys to swing again, dogwood trees in the woods.
Reflections today, third party views, facts and fiction. Fruit and nuts, freaks to party and play, butches, bitches, and fag hags, dates on the beach. Butch to direct home movies, porn stars, nibbles to eat, fresh dick suckers, birthday wishes, for the crooks and robbers.
This was an email, that I got from my sister from another mother, and how upset she still is about learning the type of frog the bullfrog really is or reptile that has not learned any new life lessons since he got out of school by the skin on his teeth at Fairfax High School in Hollyweird, California-when dirt was young-(Steve/Eve/Adam 4 Adam Jarrot) Steven Jarrot 7608512267 :still dump as rocks? Brains exchanged for trains, so sad just senseless now, and full of self as always. You can share your views are not, these are written history, okay you know, recorded..
Once long ago, fell from the sky, with broken wings, happy and sad, about the trip on earth, happy to sing a song for the good parts. Boats and RV guys, which one is the best, trips to hell, trips to seven seas, how to take a free ride. No rides for free, cost to cover, fees to pay, no free lunches in the state of California, in a state of mind to exchange good wishes. Out of the darkness of the dens of snakes, back to bake on the beach. Happy notes, time spent in hell, hanging on a dogwood tree. Stronger for the classes on love and devotion, in the first attempts in learning, practice to perfection not to fail, good times. Into Darkness: Great day on the right side, the right side of rights and reasons. To fail or not to fail to learn life lessons. Good bad and sad tales. Wishes on the moon, dances in the dark, dreams of peace and happiness. Turning pages, getting back up, rebirth for butterflies.
Have had a problem with distance for the dislike of the impressions made by a snake standard of people. Left Turns: Happy notes, happy Monday, happy feet to dance the nights away. Best times of life in a blue state yet to come, the times of our lives. Good times, history created, not news, times to sing songs, the fish that got away, dances in the dark. Love and hate, horns on one goat, hats to wear, smiles and tales on the dark sides. Watch for roads under the surface, trucks of shit to carry, with hell hounds. Fruits and nuts, pitches and catches to party and play. Tricks, trades and lies to address with herds of land whales. Faces in mirror change with drugs on hand.
Steven Jay Jarrot : Best Buys Crook, July 15, 2015, computers stolen by snake in grass. PREYS ON MENTAL Ventrans, EASY TO TRICK: Owner/Consultant;
lovemygems @ yahoo. com: ANYWAY TRANSPORTATION. TRIPS TO HELL, WITH HELL HOUNDS. TIME ON CROSS WITH CROOKS AND ROBBERS. Nice girl, Rach Jay, Rachel Gaylin Jarrot, Rach Jarrot, party girl, movies to make, cum sucker to date, good time girl in season. Got to go, have a great day. Lot of love, hate and love, on a goat, the horns. Silly pepper piper tale, have fun today. The fairies will play. Notes online 754 times. Nice, thanks.Jokes on land, jokers to poker players to ride, faces of snakes to devils : 7608512267, Steven Jarrot. Toads birth under stars, hooked and pimp out to party and play, found where they were going to stay. Found a barn, to let the goat out. Bitch had a bastard, Jesus Christ was born in a barn. Cow two born that night, a rat in a den of snakes, sinners and saint. Joy to the world.
ITS NEVER TO LATE TO FIX THINGS REMEMBER THAT . Prince:Jewish Army 2005: Contact 760 851 2267 to concur statements written, from his point of views. Blame game played always, fingers pointed at others for deeds and actions, Lissa Desilva asked for the stick up backside with out lube for joy and pleasures given for the dance of death set for May 2013- Apr 22, 2014
Land whale, tickets for free plane rides, exchanged for brains, dense, shallow, self serving, forever and alway. Fruits and nuts Rachel and lovers, Steven, Charles R.. Sima-Queen of England? Sheri Jarrot, blonde, bottle, bimbo, whale on land to date. Land whale queer or steer, fucks and suck Steven and Rachel Jarrot, hell hounds, party and play family of freaks, gifts to share, oral talents to shine, family that party together, sings songs around the fires on the beaches of Cali. Friends of yours? Jewish Wide-ass, frogs to kiss for the drugs, sex, and rolls with bitches in heat with fleas...
Steven Jarrot, 7608512267. gang bangs, pitchers to ball game, out on the corner to trick and trade, RV campers on the beach. Good times, history online, snake in the grass, fag out of the box, dicks to suck stand in lines, gang banghow he did more things that I never knew about, makes me very sad. He won money ($940,000) in Vegas (April 2014?, picture on wall at Bally's there, an exchange for $10 investment, is how Steve wrote it, but it was not enough to buy him happiness, and the hate notes that show his true colors, or out with the fangs out for the wolves in the hen house. Still it upsets me that the car he stole last year, blue toyato Solara 2001, in Palm Springs, California on May 9, 2013 by AAA.
The car had been a gift for Mother's Day in 2001, and some how, Steven Jarrot, the crook that he has always been, his true colors out to shine. Freak to party and play, dates on the beach, sucker of free wills.
Steven Jarrot, snake to dodge, 7608513267: Love and hate, horns on goat, songs to sing. Penny Moore, Patty Dates, Rachel and Sheri Jarrot, role models. Lessons to teach, not to pick up snakes.
AND BTW MY HEALTH IS GREAT BECAUSE MY MIND IS POSITIVE. YOUR WILL BE TOO. I'LL PRAY FOR YOU. FEEL FREE TO CALL ME ANYTIME. ITS NEVER TO LATE TO FIX THINGS REMEMBER THAT .....Hell Rings: New day, new dazes, new dawns, new starts, and the wheels keep on rolling alone, on the road to greatness, deeds and actions, dreams to actions, and hope floating looking for a place to land. Marking time is killing time and it is for the undead and unstable people that rule the world, and the dense and dim witted are in control again, or still is what it is in real time, or dead time working for another sack of shit, or lyon sacks of shit, some man in charge.

Time down, butch to bitch, ass out, cum suckers land whale, hands out more cash to spare. Cum sucker, swith error for trucks and treats. Ass wide open, just like daddy, cum sucker, movies to part, movies to watch, Rachel Jarrot, the porn queen. Tales told one of deadheads. Cum suckers. Dream Wishes: Once in my childhood, had lots of dreams, lots of wishes on the stars. back in the day, back on the ranch, the cows and the hogs ate lots of fat. One day as a child, had a day in fairy land, blue stars, day of fun and treats. So many songs to sing, dances in the wheat, staffs of grain, donkeys in the hills.
Monkeys on the dogwood trees, birds and dogface butterflies, cows in the hay. Jokes and fun, joys and laugher, tricks and freaks, out to rob you blind. Happy dazes again, joys and pains, notes in the rain. Lessons in classes, lessons on the beach, lessons on every common street. Great day to turn back the pages of time, to see the clear picture, love and devotion, love and hate, the flip sides of a coin, love and hate the horns of a goat. Gifts to share with the words written of the bumps in the roads, trips to hell with the hell hounds, the Jewish Jarrot Whales and Freaks of 2015, gifts to share and oral talents to trade for a lick or a dick to suck, friends of yours? Hackers to delete account to change stories, acts and deeds of Steven, Rachel, Sheri, Sima, Charles R. Jarrot, crooks, crooks, herds of monkeys to dodge, frogs and saints.
Tin Man Tales: Donkeys, Snakes, Frogs, Monkeys To Dodge: Grains of Trash: RV Campers, White Trash On Wheels, Pimps And Drug Lards: Land Whales In Sight:Dodge The Snakes Dens::Horse and Pony Shows:Rachel and Sheri Jarrot, butches, bitches, fag hags, party and play, treats to treat. Good times to cum, party and play, dates on the beach, Steven Jarrot, snakes in your house, snakes in your friends, lights on, ready to tell, time to get a new life. Reflections today, third party views, facts and fiction. Fruit and nuts, freaks to party and play, butches, bitches, and fag hags, dates on the beach. Butch to direct home movies, porn stars, nibbles to eat, fresh dick suckers, birthday wishes, for the crooks and robbers...Wig Caps: Wigs Off, Wigs For Sale, Rachel Jarrot, Butch to ... Prince:Jewish Army 2005: Contact 760 851 2267 to concur statements written, from his point of views. Blame game played always, fingers pointed at others for deeds and actions, Lissa Desilva asked for the stick up backside with out lube for joy and pleasures given for the dance of death set for May 2013- Apr 22, 2014..
.Hard to tell, dogs that does not know his ass or his head, from a hole in the wall, and we have these types of A-holes that think they are gods gifts for mankind. Think again is what I have to say on that matter. Moot, of course.
.Hard to tell, dogs that does not know his ass or his head, from a hole in the wall, and we have these types of A-holes that think they are gods gifts for mankind. Think again is what I have to say on that matter. Moot, of course.
Have so much that I wanted to share, but first have to stop and change the colors on the paper for the final cut, when completed; a work in process is how I see it. This is America land of the free, and everyone has a dream of greatness, and it is just a matter of time and space before you get there, and hope and prayers are alive, and they are also dreams with actions.
Here are the top three Ps are in force, always, patients, possibilities, and presentiment pays in the end. Keep getting back up from each and every bump in the road, and dodge the cherries that are full of the pits, trips to hell and back on a basket on a bike, and watch you hair, will dance all over you head if you let it blow in the wind. What a day for dancing in the winds, what a great and breathing kind of dance to learn how to dance in the rain, and what a great and wonderful day it is to be alive for another day, thanks and praises to the gods above and the gods on earth.
Thanks again, gods beneath the earth, and thanks to mother earth as well, is part of the day that begins with grace and charms for the king of kink and my lord and master, by any name you like, it is all one and the same thing.
"Cow Wisdom",Life's Little Beefs.Steven Jarrot Retard hacker, frog army leader, Jewish Rites:7608512267: 5'11" weight 260 pounds:Lic #N9602690: SSN# 565 29 0428 or not, moot? DOB: 090462
Thanks again, gods beneath the earth, and thanks to mother earth as well, is part of the day that begins with grace and charms for the king of kink and my lord and master, by any name you like, it is all one and the same thing.
"Cow Wisdom",Life's Little Beefs.Steven Jarrot Retard hacker, frog army leader, Jewish Rites:7608512267: 5'11" weight 260 pounds:Lic #N9602690: SSN# 565 29 0428 or not, moot? DOB: 090462
Tin Man Tales: Donkeys, Snakes, Frogs, Monkeys To Dodge: Grains of Trash: RV Campers, White Trash On Wheels, Pimps And Drug Lards: Land Whales In Sight:Dodge The Snakes Dens::Horse and Pony Shows:Rachel and Sheri Jarrot, butches, bitches, fag hags, party and play, treats to treat. Good times to cum, party and play, dates on the beach, Steven Jarrot, snakes in your house, snakes in your friends, lights on, ready to tell, time to get a new life. Reflections today, third party views, facts and fiction. Fruit and nuts, freaks to party and play, butches, bitches, and fag hags, dates on the beach. Butch to direct home movies, porn stars, nibbles to eat, fresh dick suckers, birthday wishes, for the crooks and robbers...Wig Caps: Wigs Off, Wigs For Sale, Rachel Jarrot, Butch to ... Prince:Jewish Army 2005: Contact 760 851 2267 to concur statements written, from his point of views. Blame game played always, fingers pointed at others for deeds and actions, Lissa Desilva asked for the stick up backside with out lube for joy and pleasures given for the dance of death set for May 2013- Apr 22, 2014...Hard to tell, dogs that does not know his ass or his head, from a hole in the wall, and we have these types of A-holes that think they are gods gifts for mankind. Think again is what I have to say on that matter. Moot, of course.
August 2014, was a month of tears for me, and could not stop for the love of a woman for a man, and all the mistakes made, and all the disappointments aired out, before the new day starts. The time starts over every year on your birthday, and the hurts, pains, anger, and burst of anger are forgiven, to the woman of the year, and the angel on earth award goes to the fairy, for living a life for a season of joy and happiness for a man.
The life was hard, and not an easy life to live in the RV Camping lifestyle, that a few of my dear and close friends believe in, and it is a daily event to park at the beach and watch the ocean at work. Here is the life to dream of for you last dazes here on earth, spend at peace and love by the sea, and dream or pray for the things that move you to actions. What drives you to get up and jet ahead of the class because you show up on time?
Passions can run hot, if you have lots of interest, and lots of attention to work on a cause to help people make a better live for themselves, would you give them fish, or would you teach them how to fish, is the question for each person that steps in your life. It is for a blessing or a curse, a blessing or a lesson to be learned and shared, or it could be for a season, a cause, or a life time.
Friends come and go in our lives, like ships passing each other as they sail the seven seas, for answers, for questions on time and space, and in the end who cares? History to be recorded regardless of the targets in the markets for the dreams in motion that they live daily, matters to factor in is the charms and wits about the people that rule the world, it is all about what you know, and who you know that can move mountains, and the bumps in the road are taken full speed ahead, the leaders are the frogs, fools and donkey kinds of people that show up on time.
That is one former of success that can be seen, who gets to work on time, one of the leading factors to consider while working and playing in the rat race. The wheels go around and around, and time never stops, but the wheels do stop, a nice simple look at life as a wheel of life, and when it stops someone expires.
Time to sing songs, dates to set, bones in a box, dicks and chicks, lessons learned or not. To fail time and time again, life lessons of joys and pains, frogs and fools, life at stake. Birthday blues, songs to sing, Jesus Christ, dogs and snakes, monkeys to swing again, dogwood trees in the woods.
Joys and pains, angle to hearts, Micheal Jackson, birds in the skies, birds in the dogwood trees. Bugs to eat, fried on the beaches, dances on the shores. Songs to sing, birds and bees, dances in the dark. Glass Houses: Angels in the heavens, angels to sing, goodness and mercy angels back to back, at the end of the rainbows.
Horses to water, veterans to the Music Exchange Group, at Ella Doce Casas De Mayo Del California, gifts to share, paperwork to complete, help for the cash on the table for veterans, just the beginning of the services and products on the table waiting for the requests on paper. Take the cash and run, it is ready for the veterans that stop, make new plans, to stand tall, and walk the walk to the bank. Cash forever, gifts waiting for you, write the paperwork for the stories, that will give you cash for the time served. Why not, drink the water, after the race, horses to water for the rewards, of a good run , for the good of the county. Help is waiting for you, ask for it, gifts to share with the cash on the table, gifts to share with the stories stuck in your hear.
Tricks by RV Parties: Land Whales, cows and buffalo on land, cattle callers, tails to share, joys and pass deeds and actions of love and devotion. Birthday wishes done tomorrow, fools and freaks, party and play on the beach. Lyons to faces in mirror. Looks fading fast, more lost hairs to spare, forehead built to land planes, jokers and with fingers pointed. Blame games, to use a finger, three fingers points to you, a second look to take. Write and rites, horse and pony shows, cowboys jacks and bag, boy games to play.
Angels Mike: climb to the mountain tops, angels goodness and mercy, back to back, notes in the wings, songs in the wind, gifts to share, in the fields of dreams. Movies that have not been seen, pieces of a dreams, sailing the seven seas, dances in the dark. Jokes on fools and frogs, party and play on the beach, snakes in the grass, out to steal and rob the blind. Tips to dodge the rocks under the sand of time. Bumps in the roads.
Angels Notes: Sinners With Saints: Goodness And Mercy Back To Back. Love and hate, horns on goat, hate and love, horns to blow. Good times, sad times, bumps in the road, gifts to share, glory days done. Time to take a stand, good times, dances in the rain, all the pleasures with the joys and pains.
Time on the cross, time to face the lions, kings on a level or two, angels out to protect, earth angels, fairies and pixies. Tales to spin, cash on table, books to write, trips to hell, snakes and frogs. Sharks and whales, birds and bees, trips to hell, blame games to play. Tricked and pimped, eaten alive for a season or two. Crooks and robbers, snakes and monkeys, dances in the rain, dances in the woods.
Reasons, seasons and causes, tales in your head, dreams dancing in my head. New plans, new dreams, new cattle and more sheep. Blue and green people, search is on, dates to set with mature, witty owls, kings on land, lions to locate. Knights to shine, kings on land, lions in other forms, men of class. Leaders as kings, Peter Pan rides again.
Snakes in grass, snakes and worms, hackers to kill, accounts high jeted, land whales inside, to delete, to change, to stop written history. Stands of true lights of darkness, evil not good, hate not love, examples of crooks and robbers. Joys and pains, trips to hell, life in the woods. Snakes for all time, snakes since the start of time, snakes out of skin, new skin to put on, yellow snakes and worms.
Poker players, cards on the table, faces to read, coins on hand, bets to play, good times in the dark. Crooks, liars, hackers, snakes and frogs, fish to catch and release time to sail, fish to fry. Fires started in the beginning of time, still burning, flames of hope, pots filled with frying fish. Tales to monkeys, tales of donkeys, packs and herds, tails in the air.
STEVEN JARROT 7608512267 Campers on wheels, RV and vans, cheaters and liars, pimps to trade, cum suckers to work, crooks to prey, veterans to pay, computers to steal, accounts to hack, snakes and devils inside. Tricks not treats, snakes not sharks, whales on land, snakes with, evil not good. Bumps in road, paths taken in the dark, into the woods, into the shadows, into the black nights. Nights of hell, trips with wolves and snakes. Always a snake, always in the dark, worms and snails. Monkeys swingers in the woods, snakes dens, sinners and saints, under the sands of time.
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