Hi, I'd be interested in corresponding with a fellow intellectual :) Why makes you stand out, with the one line that had to share. Nothing yet... For All The Money In The World - "Street Revenge" .Walking On Sunshine, Heads In Clouds, Castle In The Sky, Wishes On Stars, Men And Mice,Head Counts.
Seasons Of Delight, Wishes And Stars.Back in time when dirt was cheap, and Jesus Christ was a boy, stars to shine, sons of dogs, bitches and hoes, faces in the layers of brown, dirt, shit of fecal matters.
Nuts on the ground, rotten to the core, bad seeds, roots of family, men and mice, cartoon hits for decades, since the beginning of time. This is the cutest!!!! ✨✨✨You had a lot to say,the simple pleasures, the sane moments, the funny things that come to mind, care to share, stranger to friend,faces in the crowds. .. what would you like to know about me?stats, age, how tall, senior woman to senior man, I love a man that can have conversation.Drive along Coast!
LOVE do we really know, what that word means, life, people , animals, flowers fuck. sight, feel, fuck , do we fuck all of it. Is fucking what it is all about or, can we love all the things around us or do we always want to fuck it. You tell me I don't know if I give a fuck .For All The Money In The World - If you experience great loss. Senior, Smart, Strong, heads above common. Dream knight, sons to shine. Motivated - Wanted!Nothing yet... For All The Money In The World - "Street Revenge" .Walking On Sunshine, Heads In Clouds, Castle In The Sky, Wishes On Stars, Men And Mice,Head Counts. Jesus Christ was a boy.
All in due time, stats to cover, age, how tall, senior woman to senior man, retired from the daily dance on how to make a buck, on the way to history left to create, company for the long run.Nothing yet... For All The Money In The World - "Street Revenge" .Walking On Sunshine, Heads In Clouds, Castle In The Sky, Wishes On Stars, Men And Mice,Head Counts. Jesus Christ was a boy. Dick Jarrot, Dawgs, dates, veterans to cheer, chaps, for the tricks and trtades, pages to books, recaps to do. Party views, third and fouth, views to shar, Starr Bright, Dances on time, lots love, lots of tests over time. Dicks, dawgs and dates, faces of frogs, faces of freaks, faces of retards,nuts to run, roots to grow, history to note. Crooks, Cheaters, Liars:Frank Agresti , π π¦:π ππ΅ πͺAdriana Agresti, Alex Agresti,Juliana Santiago. Tricks traders, dicks, dawgs, bitches in heat, monkeys in pack, monkeys to dodge.
Dances in the rain, golden rules to follow, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes you learn, sometimes you earn, in and out of time, wishes on stars. Good times, wishes for more, wishes for dreams to come out right, schools of hard knocks, mistakes to teach us how to walk, climb, run, windows and doors to open, fairy tales to recreate, on the way to the sunny and bright, dreams in actions.
Truthful And Honest, Roots Of Hands To Hold, Nuts To Fall Alone. Pages To Turn. Frank Agresti :Cornerstones Of Success, Dicks, Dogs, Bitches In Heat, Veterans Housing Matters, Where To Sleep.

12 Hands: Family Affairs, Head Starts, Hearts In Front. http://MyCTFOCBD.com/Morningjoy. On A Wish. On a prayer, sons to shine, woman for man, hands to hold, dreams in actions, wave of words to share, blue oceans to create, what you know, what you want, pots of goals, rites to stand out, leader of the band. Let the music play.
Pages to books to recap, recall, and review. Shit and stuff, not your to give, to take, to throw away, for a dumb dog, bitches in heat. Trades. Mindset Of The Damage Veterans: Homeless Blues: Credit Issues, Cash No Credit: Out On Streets. Armada, the power, the superiority, the aura.. he can take all my money, my house, my holiday home 2.Lots Of Balls In Air, Lot Of 'waves On Oceans, Once A Day. , π π¦:π ππ΅ πͺTHE RUNS.
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