On Memorial Day, we remember all those who gave everything for something greater than themselves. It's up to us to not simply reflect on their sacrifice but to honor it with service of our own—and by living out the values they fought for.
Reasons, seasons and causes, tales in your head, dreams dancing in my head. New plans, new dreams, new cattle and more sheep. Blue and green people, search is on, dates to set with mature, witty owls, kings on land, lions to locate. Knights to shine, kings on land, lions in other forms, men of class. Leaders as kings, Peter Pan rides again. 💖Blue Oceans To Create: Blue Birds And Bees, New Lives Starts. Pages Turned. 💖💖The Love We Had Stays On My Mind. Sometimes you win.
Reasons, seasons and causes, tales in your head, dreams dancing in my head. New plans, new dreams, new cattle and more sheep. Blue and green people, search is on, dates to set with mature, witty owls, kings on land, lions to locate. Knights to shine, kings on land, lions in other forms, men of class. Leaders as kings, Peter Pan rides again. 💖Blue Oceans To Create: Blue Birds And Bees, New Lives Starts. Pages Turned. 💖💖The Love We Had Stays On My Mind. Sometimes you win.

Coins to flip, love, lights, luck, cards on the tables, dreams in motions, gifts to share, wits, charms, and beauty within. Earth angel, angels in hosts, lights to shine, joy, peace and happiness, hands to hold. Glory dazes to come. Things I believe in, strangers to friends, hats and horns to sound. Quests for knights and kings, on 6 layers of heart. Jake, Jack, John, Peter Pan, retired for a moment. ,Hell And High Waters, Monkeys Riding Sharks, Sluts, Donkeys,Daily Journey : Paths Taken:Knights to shine, kings on land, lions in other forms, men of class. Leaders as kings, Peter Pan rides again.

Hats and caps, freaks and frogs, free rides for a dime, faces of lovers,faces of haters,hats and horns, goats and sheep, Games on words, stars to shine, tales of dumb luck, cards to play, coins to flip, glory holes open, Steven Jarrot, cum for the time on the face of a freak, oral talents for sale, games with dicks in lines, gangs of lovers, gang bang times, pimps to call, 7608512267, beaches or corner hoods, shopping with free wi-fi, starsbucks on the corner, RV campers parked there for days. Stores of Tips: Words To Create: Earth Angels In Lights: unfuckwithable: Tips to share, lots of love, lots of tests over time.Knights to shine, kings on land, lions in other forms, men of class. Leaders as kings, Peter Pan rides again.

Time to sing songs, dates to set, bones in a box, dicks and chicks, lessons learned or not. To fail time and time again, life lessons of joys and pains, frogs and fools, life at stake. Birthday blues, songs to sing, Jesus Christ, dogs and snakes, monkeys to swing again, dogwood trees in the woods. Plenty Of Fish, Circles Of Faces In The Darkness. Stupid can not be fixed. Cured Or Traded, Charms And Wits. Dense For Life: Tricks.Mating of Two Goats at One Time.

Tin Man Tales: Donkeys, Snakes, Frogs, Monkeys To Dodge: Grains of Trash: RV Campers, White Trash On Wheels, Pimps And Drug Lards: Land Whales In Sight:Dodge The Snakes Dens::Horse and Pony Shows:Rachel and Sheri Jarrot, butches, bitches, fag hags, party and play, treats to treat. Good times to cum, party and play, dates on the beach, Steven Jarrot, snakes in your house, snakes in your friends, lights on, ready to tell, time to get a new life. Reflections today, third party views, facts and fiction. Knights to shine, kings on land, lions in other forms, men of class. Leaders as kings, Peter Pan rides again.
Fruit and nuts, freaks to party and play, butches, bitches, and fag hags, dates on the beach. Butch to direct home movies, porn stars, nibbles to eat, fresh dick suckers, birthday wishes, for the crooks and robbers...Wig Caps: Wigs Off, Wigs For Sale, Rachel Jarrot, Butch to ...Plenty Of Fish, Circles Of Faces In The Darkness. Stupid can not be fixed. Cured Or Traded, Charms And Wits. Dense For Life: Tricks.Mating of Two Goats at One Time.
Fruit and nuts, freaks to party and play, butches, bitches, and fag hags, dates on the beach. Butch to direct home movies, porn stars, nibbles to eat, fresh dick suckers, birthday wishes, for the crooks and robbers...Wig Caps: Wigs Off, Wigs For Sale, Rachel Jarrot, Butch to ...Plenty Of Fish, Circles Of Faces In The Darkness. Stupid can not be fixed. Cured Or Traded, Charms And Wits. Dense For Life: Tricks.Mating of Two Goats at One Time.
https://rachel104life.wordpress.com/2014/05/03/my-future-in-the-media-world-uncertain-but-certainly-exciting/#commentsFrog Prince:Jewish Army 2005: Contact 760 851 2267 to concur statements written, from his point of views. Blame game played always, fingers pointed at others for deeds and actions, Lissa Desilva asked for the stick up backside with out lube for joy and pleasures given for the dance of death set for May 2013- Apr 22, 2014...Hard to tell, dogs that does not know his ass or his head, from a hole in the wall, and we have these types of A-holes that think they are gods gifts for mankind. Think again is what I have to say on that matter. Moot, of course.
August 2014, was a month of tears for me, and could not stop for the love of a woman for a man, and all the mistakes made, and all the disappointments aired out, before the new day starts. The time starts over every year on your birthday, and the hurts, pains, anger, and burst of anger are forgiven, to the woman of the year, and the angel on earth award goes to the fairy, for living a life for a season of joy and happiness for a man.
The life was hard, and not an easy life to live in the RV Camping lifestyle, that a few of my dear and close friends believe in, and it is a daily event to park at the beach and watch the ocean at work. Here is the life to dream of for you last dazes here on earth, spend at peace and love by the sea, and dream or pray for the things that move you to actions. What drives you to get up and jet ahead of the class because you show up on time?
Passions can run hot, if you have lots of interest, and lots of attention to work on a cause to help people make a better live for themselves, would you give them fish, or would you teach them how to fish, is the question for each person that steps in your life. It is for a blessing or a curse, a blessing or a lesson to be learned and shared, or it could be for a season, a cause, or a life time.Plenty Of Fish, Circles Of Faces In The Darkness. Stupid can not be fixed. Cured Or Traded, Charms And Wits. Dense For Life: Tricks.Mating of Two Goats at One Time.
Friends come and go in our lives, like ships passing each other as they sail the seven seas, for answers, for questions on time and space, and in the end who cares? History to be recorded regardless of the targets in the markets for the dreams in motion that they live daily, matters to factor in is the charms and wits about the people that rule the world, it is all about what you know, and who you know that can move mountains, and the bumps in the road are taken full speed ahead, the leaders are the frogs, fools and donkey kinds of people that show up on time.
That is one former of success that can be seen, who gets to work on time, one of the leading factors to consider while working and playing in the rat race. The wheels go around and around, and time never stops, but the wheels do stop, a nice simple look at life as a wheel of life, and when it stops someone expires.
Time to sing songs, dates to set, bones in a box, dicks and chicks, lessons learned or not. To fail time and time again, life lessons of joys and pains, frogs and fools, life at stake. Birthday blues, songs to sing, Jesus Christ, dogs and snakes, monkeys to swing again, dogwood trees in the woods. Plenty Of Fish, Circles Of Faces In The Darkness. Stupid can not be fixed. Cured Or Traded, Charms And Wits. Dense For Life: Tricks.Mating of Two Goats at One Time.
Joys and pains, angle to hearts, Micheal Jackson, birds in the skies, birds in the dogwood trees. Bugs to eat, fried on the beaches, dances on the shores. Songs to sing, birds and bees, dances in the dark. Glass Houses: Angels in the heavens, angels to sing, goodness and mercy angels back to back, at the end of the rainbows.
Horses to water, veterans to the Music Exchange Group, at Ella Doce Casas De Mayo Del California, gifts to share, paperwork to complete, help for the cash on the table for veterans, just the beginning of the services and products on the table waiting for the requests on paper. Take the cash and run, it is ready for the veterans that stop, make new plans, to stand tall, and walk the walk to the bank. Cash forever, gifts waiting for you, write the paperwork for the stories, that will give you cash for the time served. Why not, drink the water, after the race, horses to water for the rewards, of a good run , for the good of the county. Help is waiting for you, ask for it, gifts to share with the cash on the table, gifts to share with the stories stuck in your hear.
Tricks by RV Parties: Land Whales, cows and buffalo on land, cattle callers, tails to share, joys and pass deeds and actions of love and devotion. Birthday wishes done tomorrow, fools and freaks, party and play on the beach. Lyons to faces in mirror. Looks fading fast, more lost hairs to spare, forehead built to land planes, jokers and with fingers pointed. Blame games, to use a finger, three fingers points to you, a second look to take. Write and rites, horse and pony shows, cowboys jacks and bag, boy games to play.
Angels Mike: climb to the mountain tops, angels goodness and mercy, back to back, notes in the wings, songs in the wind, gifts to share, in the fields of dreams. Movies that have not been seen, pieces of a dreams, sailing the seven seas, dances in the dark. Jokes on fools and frogs, party and play on the beach, snakes in the grass, out to steal and rob the blind. Tips to dodge the rocks under the sand of time. Bumps in the roads.
Angels Notes: Sinners With Saints: Goodness And Mercy Back To Back. Love and hate, horns on goat, hate and love, horns to blow. Good times, sad times, bumps in the road, gifts to share, glory days done. Time to take a stand, good times, dances in the rain, all the pleasures with the joys and pains. Plenty Of Fish, Circles Of Faces In The Darkness. Stupid can not be fixed. Cured Or Traded, Charms And Wits. Dense For Life: Tricks.Mating of Two Goats at One Time.
Time on the cross, time to face the lions, kings on a level or two, angels out to protect, earth angels, fairies and pixies. Tales to spin, cash on table, books to write, trips to hell, snakes and frogs. Sharks and whales, birds and bees, trips to hell, blame games to play. Tricked and pimped, eaten alive for a season or two. Crooks and robbers, snakes and monkeys, dances in the rain, dances in the woods.
Reasons, seasons and causes, tales in your head, dreams dancing in my head. New plans, new dreams, new cattle and more sheep. Blue and green people, search is on, dates to set with mature, witty owls, kings on land, lions to locate. Knights to shine, kings on land, lions in other forms, men of class. Leaders as kings, Peter Pan rides again.
Snakes in grass, snakes and worms, hackers to kill, accounts high jeted, land whales inside, to delete, to change, to stop written history. Stands of true lights of darkness, evil not good, hate not love, examples of crooks and robbers. Joys and pains, trips to hell, life in the woods. Snakes for all time, snakes since the start of time, snakes out of skin, new skin to put on, yellow snakes and worms.
Poker players, cards on the table, faces to read, coins on hand, bets to play, good times in the dark. Crooks, liars, hackers, snakes and frogs, fish to catch and release time to sail, fish to fry. Fires started in the beginning of time, still burning, flames of hope, pots filled with frying fish. Tales to monkeys, tales of donkeys, packs and herds, tails in the air.
STEVEN JARROT 7608512267 Campers on wheels, RV and vans, cheaters and liars, pimps to trade, cum suckers to work, crooks to prey, veterans to pay, computers to steal, accounts to hack, snakes and devils inside. Tricks not treats, snakes not sharks, whales on land, snakes with, evil not good. Bumps in road, paths taken in the dark, into the woods, into the shadows, into the black nights. Nights of hell, trips with wolves and snakes. Always a snake, always in the dark, worms and snails. Monkeys swingers in the woods, snakes dens, sinners and saints, under the sands of time.Plenty Of Fish, Circles Of Faces In The Darkness. Stupid can not be fixed. Cured Or Traded, Charms And Wits. Dense For Life: Tricks.Mating of Two Goats at One Time.
Plenty Of Fish, Circles Of Faces In The Darkness. Stupid can not be fixed. Cured Or Traded, Charms And Wits. Dense For Life: Tricks.Mating of Two Goats at One Time & Their Delivery at Same Time We're Not Gonna Take it .
Amen. LOVE ONES❤️ HOW ARE YOU DOING TODAY? BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING, LIFT UP AND GIVE THANKS AND PRAISE TO OUR HEAVENLY FATHER GOD.....Make Me Say it Again girl. Thanks for service, hands to hold, houses and homes, homeless nightmares, veterans on the streets.
M’hogany Brown.#ROASTKINGS . Notes and views online to share, faces to change, dances on time…. It appears some mental issuers? 

Frank Agresti.
I don't speak because I have the power to speak, I speak because I don't have the power to remain silent.Full Album✌🏾New Edition -💜🌸💜SEEKER OF TRUTH. INDEPENDENT WOMEN 👌🌟New Friend?The weekend is here. Love and hate, horns to blow, horns of a goat,...Good Time Toads, Pigs, Hogs,Cattle To Run, Heads To Stones, Gardens Of The Dead.⭐⭐It’s NOW or NEVER.Family Matters: Ready for What?. Money comes ..Enough for the Charmed...✨
Couple who named their baby after Hitler found guilty of terrorist actions. I don't speak because I have the power to speak, I speak because I don't have the power to remain silent.Full Album✌🏾New Edition -💜🌸💜SEEKER OF TRUTH. INDEPENDENT WOMEN 👌🌟RACHEL JARROT, Suck ? Dicks, dawgs and dates, faces of frogs, faces of freaks, faces of retards,nuts to run, roots to grow, history to note. Crooks, Cheaters, Liars:Frank Agresti , 🍂 💦:🎃 🎃🍵 💪Adriana Agresti, Alex Agresti,Juliana Santiago.
✌🏾New Edition -💜🌸💜SEEKER OF TRUTH. INDEPENDENT WOMEN 👌🌟 Dicks, dawgs and dates, faces of frogs, faces of freaks, faces of retards,nuts to run, roots to grow, history to note. Crooks, Cheaters, Liars:Frank Agresti , 🍂 💦:🎃 🎃🍵 💪Adriana Agresti, Alex Agresti,Juliana Santiago.
I don't speak because I have the power to speak, I speak because I don't have the power to remain silent. Really?Denise Nicholson to The Trump Party:PM I'M VERY SURPRISED THAT CALIFORNIA WOULD EVEN PUT UP WITH HER....SLUM LORD...Cali Chicks, babes, hands in air, American Birds, talk to the hands, cows, frogs, rotten apples, retards, rednecks, rejects from NY. Hello 👋 to all 🌷🌷🌷🌷✌🏾New Edition -💜🌸💜SEEKER OF TRUTH. INDEPENDENT WOMEN 👌🌟
Angels here now. Angels in heaven, angels in hell, trips to take. Lessons to learn, fairy tales in past, bible stories to share. Seasons Of Delight.“Kind old Uncle Remus caters to the needs of the young white boy whose father has inexplicably left him and his mother at the plantation. Time to praises pretty productive people, maps to sunshine. Trips to the moon.🍭🍭. 💗🐹🍰💦💦.Fairy Tales:Gifts .

All in due time, stats to cover, age, how tall, senior woman to senior man, retired from the daily dance on how to make a buck, on the way to history left to create, company for the long run."Street Revenge" .Walking On Sunshine, Heads In Clouds, Castle In The Sky, Wishes On Stars, Men And Mice,Head Counts. Time to praises pretty productive people, maps to sunshine. Trips to the moon.🍭🍭. 💗🐹🍰💦💦.Fairy Tales:
This is really fun! There is no pressure to do anything so you can just take out your cock to compare hardons with other guys, stroke yourself or other guys cocks or maybe get or give a blow job, it’s totally up to you and what you are comfortable with. Full Album✌🏾New Edition -💜🌸💜👌🌟RACHEL JARROT, Suck ? Or if it sounds like more fun to have some 1 on 1 fun with just one other guy let me know that too and we can set something up. Please reply with your stats, what kinds of fun you are into, and any pictures (which are never circulated).
I don't speak because I have the power to speak, I speak because I don't have the power to remain silent.Full Album✌🏾New Edition -💜🌸💜SEEKER OF TRUTH. INDEPENDENT WOMEN 👌🌟
Ways to go, meetings in the summer time, need to know where. When has always been Father’S Day, week end.
Persistence Pays Daily: 

. Girls In Red Hoods, Good Tales:Time On The Cross, Faces In The Crowds, Good Time Tales, Dances In Darkness, Family Affairs, Gates To Heaven. Pages To Books.Everything but the kitchen sink . Dicks, dawgs and dates, faces of frogs, faces of freaks, faces of retards,nuts to run, roots to grow, history to note. Crooks, Cheaters, Liars:Frank Agresti , 🍂 💦:🎃 🎃🍵 💪Adriana Agresti, Alex Agresti,Juliana Santiago.

I don't speak because I have the power to speak, I speak because I don't have the power to remain silent.Full Album✌🏾New Edition -💜🌸💜SEEKER OF TRUTH. INDEPENDENT WOMEN 👌🌟
Bored Panda : Let’s Go Somewhere !!!! It’s your Season.Surge In Every Season….With Surge 365…. Let’s Go Somewhere !!!! Turn the lights on, after the sun sets, read a book,enjoy the views of the world outside. Dicks, dawgs and dates, faces of frogs, faces of freaks, faces of retards,nuts to run, roots to grow, history to note. Crooks, Cheaters, Liars:Frank Agresti , 🍂 💦:🎃 🎃🍵 💪Adriana Agresti, Alex Agresti,Juliana Santiago.
Over time and space, pages to turn, books to write, great life, great day alive. How much are views worth in your world? Moot in mind, please the one in your skin, happy to share views always sunny and bright sides to the pits with the cherries..YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID, Trade it , or find a cure, slow, simple, silly either..
On Memorial Day, we remember all those who gave everything for something greater than themselves. It's up to us to not simply reflect on their sacrifice but to honor it with service of our own—and by living out the values they fought for.

Coins to flip, love, lights, luck, cards on the tables, dreams in motions, gifts to share, wits, charms, and beauty within. Earth angel, angels in hosts, lights to shine, joy, peace and happiness, hands to hold. Glory dazes to come. Things I believe in, strangers to friends, hats and horns to sound. Quests for knights and kings, on 6 layers of heart. Jake, Jack, John, Peter Pan, retired for a moment. ,Hell And High Waters, Monkeys Riding Sharks, Sluts, Donkeys,Daily Journey : Paths Taken:

Coins to flip, love, lights, luck, cards on the tables, dreams in motions, gifts to share, wits, charms, and beauty within. Earth angel, angels in hosts, lights to shine, joy, peace and happiness, hands to hold. Glory dazes to come. Things I believe in, strangers to friends, hats and horns to sound. Quests for knights and kings, on 6 layers of heart. Jake, Jack, John, Peter Pan, retired for a moment. ,Hell And High Waters, Monkeys Riding Sharks, Sluts, Donkeys,Daily Journey : Paths Taken:

Hats and caps, freaks and frogs, free rides for a dime, faces of lovers,faces of haters,hats and horns, goats and sheep, Games on words, stars to shine, tales of dumb luck, cards to play, coins to flip, glory holes open.💕💖. Fairy Tales, life every day.🐾Hands in the air, signs of the times, Fucks to give, out of free fucks, hands to hearts, lovers, haters, suckers, and fuckers, plenty of fish in the seas.
Steven Jarrot, cum for the time on the face of a freak, oral talents for sale, games with dicks in lines, gangs of lovers, gang bang times, pimps to call, 7608512267, beaches or corner hoods, shopping with free wi-fi, starsbucks on the corner, RV campers parked there for days. Stores of Tips: Words To Create: Earth Angels In Lights: unfuckwithable: Tips to share, lots of love, lots of tests over time.💕💖. Fairy Tales, life every day.🐾Hands in the air, signs of the times, Fucks to give, out of free fucks, hands to hearts, lovers, haters, suckers, and fuckers, plenty of fish in the seas.
M’hogany Brown.#ROASTKINGS . Notes and views online to share, faces to change, dances on time…. It appears some mental issuers? 

Frank Agresti.💕💖. Fairy Tales, life every day.🐾Hands in the air, signs of the times, Fucks to give, out of free fucks, hands to hearts, lovers, haters, suckers, and fuckers, plenty of fish in the seas.
Coins to flip, love, lights, luck, cards on the tables, dreams in motions, gifts to share, wits, charms, and beauty within. Earth angel, angels in hosts, lights to shine, joy, peace and happiness, hands to hold. Glory dazes to come.💕💖. Fairy Tales, life every day.🐾Hands in the air, signs of the times, Fucks to give, out of free fucks, hands to hearts, lovers, haters, suckers, and fuckers, plenty of fish in the seas.
Angels here now. Angels in heaven, angels in hell, trips to take. Lessons to learn, fairy tales in past, bible stories to share. Seasons Of Delight.“Kind old Uncle Remus caters to the needs of the young white boy whose father has inexplicably left him and his mother at the plantation. Time to praises pretty productive people, maps to sunshine. Trips to the moon.🍭🍭. 💗🐹🍰💦💦.Fairy Tales:Gifts .
Hi, I'd be interested in corresponding with a fellow intellectual :) Why makes you stand out, with the one line that had to share. Nothing yet... For All The Money In The World - "Street Revenge" .Walking On Sunshine, Heads In Clouds, Castle In The Sky, Wishes On Stars, Men And Mice,Head Counts.
LOVE do we really know, what that word means, life, people , animals, flowers fuck. sight, feel, fuck , do we fuck all of it. Is fucking what it is all about or, can we love all the things around us or do we always want to fuck it. You tell me I don't know if I give a fuck .For All The Money In The World - If you experience great loss. Senior, Smart, Strong, heads above common. Dream knight, sons to shine. Motivated - Wanted!"Street Revenge" .Walking On Sunshine, Heads In Clouds, Castle In The Sky, Wishes On Stars, Men And Mice,Head Counts. Time to praises pretty productive people, maps to sunshine. Trips to the moon.🍭🍭. 💗🐹🍰💦💦.Fairy Tales:
💖Blue Oceans To Create: Blue Birds And Bees, New Lives Starts. Pages Turned. 💖💖The Love We Had Stays On My Mind. Sometimes you win.Rats to run, rats to races, rats to dollops and cents, games online, games in real life, balls and jacks. In a bag for life.Once A Day. , 🍂 💦:ONE GHOST TOO MANY! has been officially released.🎉🎉📖🎉🎉📖🎉🎉Superstars that they are, just sluts, slugs, for free rides.
🎃 🎃🍵 💪THE RUNS.-Knock, Knock, Who Is There, What Time Is It, Where Did It Happen, Wheels To Turn, Clocks To Tick, History Recorded Have To Take Time. Mark Time, Kill To Time, Glory Dazes To Come. Cheers.Ms. 411:Excuses,Ass holes:Common Snakes In Grass. Faces In The Crowds, Snakes In Grass, Dicks, Dawgs, Donkeys, Monkeys In Packs, Frogs.Common Assholes, Black And Yellow: Jewish Wales 2.
I don't speak because I have the power to speak, I speak because I don't have the power to remain silent.Full Album✌🏾New Edition -💜🌸💜SEEKER OF TRUTH. INDEPENDENT WOMEN 👌🌟

Not sure about you, like to write, the things that matter to me, some to the time..Michael Jackson - Remember The Time ..What about you, how tall, what age, retired, 420 connected to the world of dreams, only on bad habit for life, retired, out of the state of madness racing.✌🏾New Edition -💜🌸💜SEEKER OF TRUTH. INDEPENDENT WOMEN 👌🌟 Dicks, dawgs and dates, faces of frogs, faces of freaks, faces of retards,nuts to run, roots to grow, history to note. Crooks, Cheaters, Liars:Frank Agresti , 🍂 💦:🎃 🎃🍵 💪Adriana Agresti, Alex Agresti,Juliana Santiago.
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