Dances for lover, dances for dinner, dates with flags, sluts, slugs, worms in the grass, dates with frogs, dates with wolves, dances on the sands of time. Dicks, Dawgs, Love Unconditionally, Love The Rites To Cut Losses, Cons And Pros, Plenty Of Fish. Love, Luck, Reasons. 6th Decades Of Cocks, Crows, Clowns, Jokers In Packs. 😎🌴👍👊Fairy Tales Knights.
Love shit, love light, love truth, love god, love in the air, tales to spare, good times, on the right side of the grave. Great days, all days, birthdays hits and misses, pages to turn, lives online, history notes to take.
Lovers and hates, lovers and sins, lovers to keep, frogs and fish, plenty of snakes in the water. Love and hate, horns of a goat love and hate, horns of lovers, horns to sound, horns to blow. Tales of lovers, haters in hats. Love, Luck, Reasons. 6th Decades Of Cocks, Crows, Clowns, Jokers In Packs.Fairy Tales Knights.
True colors, views in glasses, roses for the sites to see, birds and bees in the dogwood trees. Tales of lovers, stories of haters, tips of the tales to be told, love and hate, horns on a goat, faces of people under the skins. Love, Luck, Reasons. 6th Decades Of Cocks, Crows, Clowns, Jokers In Packs. 😎🌴👍👊Fairy Tales Knights.

Solomon’s secret to success is this: refuse to honk your own horn.Setting standards.3 Hard Knocks: Schools, Classes, Lessons Learned: Dates: "People follow leaders by choice.Do not be fooled ...Jarrot Sima - Indio, CA | Whitepages SHIT HAPPENS. EVERYDAY. TO EVERYONE. THE DIFFERENCE IS IN HOW PEOPLE DEAL WITH IT.

They Don't Care About Us. Family of Moores, family that means a lot, moors and betters, family, freaks, and frogs, dates over here. Anthony Moore one year ago today you walked in my life and I knew it was going to be special. And was i right. The McGhee Sextuplets Recreate The Photo That Made Them Famous.Michael Jackson - … Love, Luck, Reasons. 6th Decades Of Cocks, Crows, Clowns, Jokers In Packs. 😎🌴👍👊Fairy Tales
BEAUTY ATTRACTS THE EYE BUT PERSONALITY CAPTURES THE HEART.'Moving on, growing up, dates on the sands of time, good times, love, luck, lessons, tests over time. "American Pride" by William Mangum — with Sherry Lynn Spencer.WORDS: old enough to consent.The problem is; we are not perfect.You? Me? Us?Love friends forever.
Dreams and drama, rocks and waves, ships to sale, castles to buy, heat in homes, classes to take. Time to stand, time to turn things around, back on track, back in the life left behind, hope daily, mottoes to watch. Big Plans, Big Dreams, Dances 2 Destiny. Coins on hand, hands to hearts, hearts to dreams, songs to sing, houses and homes, veterans in out of the rain, tales to be written.Light and darkness, dazes in hell, birds to bee born, over time, over space, kids that are young at heart.
Distance to Disneyland Resort: ENGLISH words, for the wise.Counting Heads,Taking Notes, Men And Mice, Cartoons Hits. Horse And Pony Shows, Wales On Land. Plenty Of Frogs, Plenty Of Fish, Circles Of Faces In The Darkness. Stupid can not be fixed. Cured Or Traded, Charms And Wits. Dense For Life: Tricks.Mad Max was among the films analyzed in a study that showed that female stars improve a moviess bottom line.
Sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose, golden rules of the day, pages to turn, tales to write, light and love, goats and sheep to some, dances in the darkness, dances with snakes in the grass, dances for the rights to reasons.WATCH OUT FOR YOUR DOG , RACHEL AND SHERI JARROT, HAVE BEEN FUCKING THE FAMILY DOG FROM THE TIME BROUGHT HOME AS A PUPPY, SHE HAS FUCKS AND SUCKS THEM ALL ,SEVERAL DOGS IN THE AREAS SHE HAS LIVED HAS BEEN FUCKERS AND LICKERS ON THEM. MY SON CHARLES JARROT- THE HALF BREED NIGGER.
Rites Of Passages.Jacks And Marbles: History Tests Trees, Nuts, Apples, Acorns, Hats, Horns, Leaders Of Rites: Faces In And Out Time.WINNERS AND LOSERS, DANCES IN THE RAIN, WET AND ALIVE, WAVES ON WATER. 5 Monkeys,🎶💘💙🇺🇸❤️ 5151: Made in America 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸. Tales from the dark sides of the moon.🍷🎂🍻Giants, Larger In Real Life.
Trees and treats, twists and turns, girls in the woods, lost and sad, family gone, angels in the air, angels in host, follow her. Dark dazes in the rain, dark dazes on the sands of time, life is a beach, every day events, thanks for the time to share.
Airs above your station in life, just for the looks and attention. So it is about time for the frogs, cows, schools, and the jester and bad hair day. The world is full of lunatics.You:common crazy? Three levels of stupid: slow, simple, silly, sons to shine, heads above common,pages to go.
From a frog , to a fish, words exchange, one man to stand out, spring chickens, need not reply. Into the number 6, 6 decades, 6 feet tall, more than 6 hairs to blow into the wind. What do you consider Mr. Right? Does being financially independent, own house, self employed, and no kids qualify?
The world is full of lunatics.You:common crazy? Three levels of stupid: slow, simple, silly, sons to shine, heads above common,pages to go.Airs above your station in life, just for the looks and attention. So it is about time for the frogs, cows, schools, and the jester and bad hair day.What do you consider Mr. Right? Does being financially independent, own house, self employed, and no kids qualify?
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And it’s the sage like guidance that inspires us to make our life that much better.Watching The Clocks.9 to 5. W4M: Retired senior, works for self, leader of the band, giant, witty, sunny and bright, nothing less, will do. Strength is an attitude. Everywhere! What does this mean?Lucky Purple for hope, purple for moods, sunny and bright, so happy to see the light of day, every day.Joys And Pains ...Looks: in a hat, cap, or bright and shining head in the sun, waves to make writing is what I like to do, to pass the time of day. MAY THE FOURTH BE WITH YOU!What does this mean? "Seeing another's viewpoint as wrong, doesn't make one's viewpoint right.
The Temptations And The Four Tops. Coins To Toss, Frogs, Fish ...

HI STARGAZERS! For a small amount of perspective at this moment, imagine you were born in 1900.Cattle Runs, Cattle Calls, Free Milk, Pigs, Hogs, Hams, Dinner Treats."Life Is A Beach:Bitch,Coins Flipped.What do you ...Brand News: History Noted: Pages To Books: Cash Cows.I'M WHERE ALL DA ACTION IS!

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