Words, waves, winners, winter lights to come soon, and so it will, not today, maybe tomorrow. Eyes open, wishes on stars, senior alert, babe of the 1960s, looking for a man, born in the 1950s. Not just any old dick will do, not just another frog to date, so many fish in the seas. Stand up, stand out, stand out and shine, let us exchange a wave of words, history to share, about the bumps in the road, over 6 decades, 60 years to reflect, can you do that? Dear John, just wondering what the hell does your post mean ?lol. what kind of crazy are you? John, care to share, age, location, how tall, retired or not, things like that, have to know. Just saying, it all starts with a conversation. Ball in your court. My niece wants to say Shalom to you .Stand back up. Coins to flip, heads or tails, gifts to share, tips and stories, hopes and wishes, cards to read. Sticks and stones with hurt, words and stories of the history created, notes to sing of the joys and pains of the lessons learned alone the way.Plenty Of Fish In The Seas, Tricks, Trades, Barter Wits And Charms. Dreams.The Fairy, the frogs, the reptiles that are spineless.Gifts given for the bad blood stories told.Good times, jackasses and the freaks out at night. Dancing Circles On Beaches:To trust yourself to test your limits...that is the courage to succeed.---Bernard Edmonds----Thanks 2 Shining Dazes:Full Frog, freaks, fools ships on the water, lovers, haters, suckers for sex to trade, treats, tales of the chances, choices.Voices.'Frank Agresti, 'WHAT JOB WERE YOU BORN FOR? To talk shit, to become shit.Who Let The Dogs Out?Rights to give, rights to take, tell us who lives with you, tell us who visits you at your house, want their state iss...
Lots of laughs, lots of tips to go, lots of luck in the words, hope for the masses, fairy tales to me, life on the beach, life of fun and games, lovers and haters, frogs kissed once.Reports have shown that many Religious organizations.World of blue dreams, worlds of bats out of hell, bears in the woods, lions to roar, lessons to learn, walking tall, walking with boots on, dances in darkness, dances with snakes, snails, spiders, and worms. Just saying, setting standards. Silent knights, retired, hares to blow in the wind, sunny and bright, wits and charms, leader of the band, words and views, to delight.Views To Share, Count The Ways, The Amazonian . Stories told long ago, holiday hits, to give, to get, circles of love, circles of luck, circles of life to live....| Intelius: | Cows And...Snakes In Grass, Dicks Out Of Box, Fags And Hag Tales: Sheri Jarrot in Upland, CA I ain’t the one to gossip so you ain’t heard it from me .FAIRY TALES,BEACH BUM ON A PATH TO SELF DISCOVERY: Sandpiper, whatever” I mean fuck you.UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE, coins, cards, clowns, sons of bitches, sunny and bright, wishes on cash, stars, seasons.Common Law Enthusiasts , Winners, Losers, Learners, Head Counts.Even idiots don't bring me down.Rednecks, rejects, retards, beans and franks, nuts on the run. Lots of love, lots of shit, lots of frogs in groups, family affairs.Fruits and Nuts: Gifts given for the bad blood stories told. My Books -When We Were Young:Dances On The Sands Of Time.Fairy tale, girl in red hood.Do not correct a fool, or he will hate you. Correct a wise man and he will appreciate you.' Excuses and assholes things we have in common, faces in the herds, donkeys in the hills, under the layers of shit, dung, and fecal matters. San Diego Hero Realty, Broker Robert Rodriquez,Family, Friends, Foes, Faces In The Crowds.Breaking the Silence: To Understand Normal Thinking! All it takes for Evil and Failure to Prevail is for Good Man to do Nothing.
Stages Of Life: The Good, Bad, Ugly.Words in waves, salads to toss, writer here, views to share, voices in my head. Fairy tale, girl in red hood.Do not correct a fool, or he will hate you. Correct a wise man and he will appreciate you.' 26389 Brandywine Ct, Menifee, CA 92586
Today I am going though a form of ugly, from a frog, turned Real Estate Broker. San Diego Hero Realty, Broker Robert Rodriquez, age 56. What does a broker do, get a listing , and no time to meet and greet the seller, step not taken, met the seller, get the keys, check out the the house, step never taken.The Fairy, the frogs, the reptiles that are spineless.Gifts given for the bad blood stories told.Good times, jackasses and the freaks out at night.
Max More Money, Peace, Love, Happiness,Cash, Green ...This could get interesting.Stay safe, Stay healthy, Stay happy, On a journey filled with adventure and wonder, Till the wheels, fall off.Human Nature.Witches, Pots To Burn, Sons Bright, Waves Made -Earth Angels In The Sands Of Time. Hats, Horns, Hands To Guide, Wishes On Dreams In Motions. Breaking the Silence: To Understand Normal Thinking!The Fairy, the frogs, the reptiles that are spineless.Gifts given for the bad blood stories told.Good times, jackasses and the freaks out at night. The Struggle" - This is Where Bad Times Begin .The Fairy, the frogs, the reptiles that are spineless.Gifts given for the bad blood stories told.Good times, jackasses and the freaks out at night.Had to say, a few things,what I have learned, today, and yesterday, a few bumps in the road, a few times on the cross, a few times, dances in the rain, winds in the winds, marching forward to more. Marching to magic, money, and madness, the wheels to turn, the pages to write, in the schools of hard knocks. Breaking the Silence: To Understand Normal Thinking! All it takes for Evil and Failure to Prevail is for Good Man to do Nothing. PINTEREST.COM PLEASE BE AWARE. Thinking about Bobby saying “I adopted two boys and they grew up great! They grew up heros!” All Men Exposed. Men And Mice: Cartoon Hits: Decades Of Frog Faces. Good Time Frogs, Snakes, Spiders And Worms. Words To Define: Truthful, Honest, Bullshit.Twilight’s Last Gleaming,Byron York shared,Breaking the Silence: To Understand Normal Thinking!The Fairy, the frogs, the reptiles that are spineless.Gifts given for the bad blood stories told.Good times, jackasses and the freaks out at night.
Cheers and chaps"Damn, what happened to you & what's her name.. Didn't y'all use to be friends?,long lives, lots of hats to wear. Walking on the sands of time, writing the history of the nuts to fall, family affairs,rites,reasons, season of joy, peace,and happiness, the roots of the matters of the fish out of water. Jewish Army.Cows To Call, Dung To Trade.Snakes in the grass or bullfrogs.Looking forward to what will be a very exciting evening for our entire industry.Can’t wait to share this with you.NY: Frank Agresti. Fingers in the air, sit and spin, American Birds. Mother Goose, Jesus Christ, Cows, cattle, hippos, and land whales, fuck for time of day, lovers and haters: Sorry.Can’t Explain Your Fears. Ready to go to Newport for the boat ride for the holiday, set for 3 trips, 75 minutes more or less. Senior lady, for senior man, stranger to friend, with masks on for sure, why take any more chances. Check it out what works for you, wanted to take the 5 pm, trip tomorrow.309 Palm St, Newport Beach, CA 92661. |
Dear John, just wondering what the hell does your post mean ?lol. what kind of crazy are you? John, care to share, age, location, how tall, retired or not, things like that, have to know. Just saying, it all starts with a conversation. Ball in your court.Another great day, on the right side of the grave. Harbor trip, seals out for sun. Words to talk the walk, changes to self-works best, witty, and wise, tales on land, on seas, kings and knights on quests to save the day.
FaceTime?ENGLISH words, for the wise. Stupid can ... - Tin Man Taleshttp://tinmantalesandtreats.blogspot.com › 2019/06 › facet...NY escapees....Juliana Santiago, Dicks, dawgs, stole and trash the personal property of a disable, black veterans, for fun and games,back in the day, before ...Facebook Love Theory” New Edition - If It Isn't Love:SEEKER OF TRUTH ...Rotten fruit and nuts, franks and beans, out of luck, out of wits ..

Poop Instantly No Matter How Clogged Up You Are. Sons of bitches, snakes, spiders and worms, faces in the shadows. 'I'M SORRY, DID I ROLL MY EYES OUT LOUD?Here's To Our Past, And Presents(s) Always. Seasons Of Joys, Pains, Dances In The Rain, Birds, Bees, Bugs, Counting Heads. Green Frogs,Army Of One, Sunny And Bright, Yellow stone gonna blow..doomsday.Happy Hanukkah. I'm no longer a practicing Jew. I already Perfected it.I see how much I'm worth....good looking.
Poop Instantly No Matter How Clogged Up You Are. Sons of bitches, snakes, spiders and worms, faces in the shadows.
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