Assholes, Cows, Pigs, Suckers For Free Shit, Dung.No Regrets,No Excuses:People I Used To Know:Once.I ain’t the one to gossip so you ain’t heard it from me .
Spruce: innovating easy access to sustainable energy for a brighter tomorrow.March 4th, keep moving, keep marching, keep fighting, the simple, slow, silly, and stupids in high places.
Not good enough to be a company to keep their word, to go over and beyond their job, to get the houses to close on time. The houses with their solar panels, if Spuce power solar panels are on the next house will not buy the house, or any of the others. Will be writing that out on all the solar sites, if this 7 th attempt does not work.Mayia A. (Spruce Power)Unacepptable.
Getting ready to search for good words written about how great and wonderful you are to work with. Kind of like this one. Cheers
Regards, Mayia
Contact us via phone 888.636.0336 fax (832) 271-6876 or email support@sprucepower.comOffice Hours: Monday- Friday 9:00 AM – 8:00 PM CST
There's no exact time frame for when that will be ready.Maiya A. (Spruce Power)Unacceptable. Close Tomorrow March 4th 2022.
I wasn't planning to do this, But things that have happened, are in the past, time to turn the page.
Reinvent yourself, the way people view you, and what you work for. Today is the day...Brand New:2022
I am so unhappy with this experience with Spruce Power, the customer service, the lack of care and concern, and no interest in closing any house with those panels on it. It is going to take a lot to change my views, start with the UCC transfer documents, get them to us today, and you will get them back today, maybe after hours, we want to close, and move into the next house. You have already delayed the closing by 4 days today, tomorrow will be five. Was told 4 days of ink on your paper to dry. Do it today, steps to close, send a document you have to create, we sign that paper, we send back to you. You do you gig, face the faces in the background, and let us close March 4th, and have a great Friday. You can do it, time to make the donuts, time to work, wheels to turn, pages to go.
Here is the problem that I am working on now, to get the paperwork done that we need to close tomorrow, have had a few bumps in the road along the way. The only way I know how to get the desired results is to write things out. I am a 100 % disable veteran, with issues with trust, PTSD, being scared of crooks, cheaters, and liars, in the shadows, in the dark, more snakes in the grass, spiders and worms. Have had a hard time staying in the mindset of being on top of the world, with issues with companies that are wasting time.
Am I to blame, for being slow, and simple, the Ucc transfer document was not part of the closing statement, back in the day. Now blame me for the solar panels, changing ownership 3 times in 4 years. Blame me for having the last company to own the solar panels on my roof, 24 of them instead of the standard dozen, I am missing something
Spruce Power, has the title of being the worst solar company to work with, how is it that they are still in business, where are their guidelines posted.
Not good enough to be a company to keep their word, to go over and beyond their job, to get the houses to close on time. The houses with their solar panels, if Spuce power solar panels are on the next house will not buy the house, or any of the others. Will be writing that out on all the solar sites, if this 7 th attempt does not work.Mayia A. (Spruce Power)Unacepptable.Tips on seven sevens, in seven days, seven stars, candles in the wind.Spruce Power, has the title of being the worst solar company to work with.
Tips on seven sevens, in seven days, seven stars, candles in the wind.Spruce Power, has the title of being the worst solar company to work with.
Spruce: innovating easy access to sustainable energy for a brighter tomorrow.March 4th, keep moving, keep marching, keep fighting, the simple, slow, silly, and stupids in high places.
We are one, we are the same, we want houses with solar panels, we want solar companies that do their jobs, we want a solar company that is heads above the common. That is not .
This was my experience, and it has been a nightmare, how can the largest solar panel company in the nation have such a bad black name in the world of solar panels. Workers have no pride in words, no time frame for getting things completed with the daily transfers. How do they stay in business you ask, they keep charges for the panels in place, and sell leases that are hard to transfer. Tomorrow we want this relationship to end. Get the documents sent online, to the real estate agents, both buyer and seller, the title company, and the buyer and seller as well. 4 days after closing which did not occur on February 28, 2022. per the contract in place.
In my experience with Spruce Power, it is to work with a company that does not care how much time is wasted, killed or marked, with their lack of connections, and terrible customer service. Passing the buck is the only thing that they can do well, to delay, and not help homeowners, buy and sell houses with their panels on the roof. They are rated minus 5, on a range up to 10, do not buy houses with their panels is the references I have for this company.
Spruce Power, but it could be if you did the work to get there. Starting here, starting now, get the papers we need to close tomorrow, 5 days late, you have had four days today. Let's unite and get this done.
Spruce is the largest private owner and operator of residential distributed energy resources in North America and the largest independent service provider ...Also known as the worst company to use, customer services is non existing, they have their own time frame, no standards posted, and late all all the paperwork to transfer their leases.
Spruce: innovating easy access to sustainable energy for a brighter tomorrow.March 4th, keep moving, keep marching, keep fighting, the simple, slow, silly, and stupids in high places.
We are one, we are the same, we want houses with solar panels, we want solar companies that do their jobs, we want a solar company that is heads above the common. That is not .
Spruce Power, but it could be if you did the work to get there. Starting here, starting now, get the papers we need to close tomorrow, 5 days late, you have had four days today. Let's unite and get this done.
Spruce is the largest private owner and operator of residential distributed energy resources in North America and the largest independent service provider ...
Detours End; wonderful tests over time. Faces in shadows, faces to the oceans, faces under the skin, read, rites, and homeless blues, good times.Ozzie's Cow Wisdom For Life's Little Beefs.
Today I am going though a form of ugly, from a frog, turned Real Estate Broker. San Diego Hero Realty, Broker Robert Rodriquez, age 56. What does a broker do, get a listing , and no time to meet and greet the seller, step not taken, met the seller, get the keys, check out the the house, step never taken.
Excuses and assholes things we have in common, faces in the herds, donkeys in the hills, under the layers of shit, dung, and fecal matters.
Have to say, there is a lot more to this tale, the Marine, fighting madness, magic, and family members.
Rites to stand, rites to choose, rites to cut losses and turn the page, marching on. Marches to money, magic, and madness, waves to make, ways to grow.
The wheels go around and around, and time never stops, but the wheels do stop, a nice simple look at life as a wheel of life, and when it stops someone expires.
I thought I was WRONG. But it turns out...I was MISTAKEN'.Live to be happy and be happy to be living. Loyalty makes you family.Share your defiance:Don’t Be Cruel.
Listen As Voices of Liberty Perform ‘Silent Night’.Al Green-Lets Stay Together. Meet the 1st tiger cubs ever born at Disney World. "Everything's so simple, and we make everything so complicated. That's why we're confused."
Funny, always laughing, fewer signs of wear, with lots of laughs. Dates, to make, a wave of words, ideas, dreams in works, history to share, different times, different lives, learned along the way.
Dreams.Interview: Obamacare, What’s Your Take? Who cares. Dykes And Butches, Free Rides For Sluts. Castles in the sky, dreams...Funny, alw...
WINNERS AND LOSERS, DANCES IN THE RAIN, WET AND ALIVE. Lead the way. Let the world catch up.Dances In The Dark, Spiders And Snakes, Tips And Tales.Paths Crossed: Trades. Once, I thought I was WRONG But it turns out...I was MISTAKEN'.
Words in waves, salads to toss, writer here, views to share, voices in my head. The wheels go around and around, and time never stops, but the wheels do stop, a nice simple look at life as a wheel of life, and when it stops someone expires.
My Books -When We Were Young:Dances On The Sands Of Time.
Stages Of Life: The Good, Bad, Ugly.Words in waves, salads to toss, writer here, views to share, voices in my head.
WINNERS AND LOSERS, DANCES IN THE RAIN, WET AND ALIVE. Lead the way. Let the world catch up.Dances In The Dark, Spiders And Snakes, Tips And Tales.Paths Crossed: Trades. Once, I thought I was WRONG But it turns out...I was MISTAKEN'.
Stages Of Life: The Good, Bad, Ugly. In the end we are all alone, moments lost over time, dances on the sands of time. One Fine Day. My Books -Words in waves, salads to toss, writer here, views to share, voices in my head. The wheels go around and around, and time never stops, but the wheels do stop, a nice simple look at life as a wheel of life, and when it stops someone expires.
In my experience with Spruce Power, it is to work with a company that does not care how much time is wasted, killed or marked, with their lack of connections, and terrible customer service. Passing the buck is the only thing that they can do well, to delay, and not help homeowners, buy and sell houses with their panels on the roof. They are rated minus 5, on a range up to 10, do not buy houses with their panels is the references I have for this company.
This was my experience, and it has been a nightmare, how can the largest solar panel company in the nation have such a bad black name in the world of solar panels. Workers have no pride in words, no time frame for getting things completed with the daily transfers. How do they stay in business you ask, they keep charges for the panels in place, and sell leases that are hard to transfer. Tomorrow we want this relationship to end. Get the documents sent online, to the real estate agents, both buyer and seller, the title company, and the buyer and seller as well. 4 days after closing which did not occur on February 28, 2022. per the contract in place.
In the end we are all alone, moments lost over time, dances on the sands of time. Live to be happy and be happy to be living. Loyalty makes you family.Share your defiance:Don’t Be Cruel.WINNERS AND LOSERS, DANCES IN THE RAIN, WET AND ALIVE. Lead the way. Let the world catch up.Dances In The Dark, Spiders And Snakes, Tips And Tales.Paths Crossed: Trades. Once, I thought I was WRONG But it turns out...I was MISTAKEN'.
Stop thinking about your next home and Come see this beauty!
I finally fixed Elvis , had to study it and clean it up , better now. Hestia , Goddess of the Hearth , Home , Domesticity ,Virginity, Family ,Hope you guys still like it.All we need is LOVE.Born to die, none of us are getting out alive, it will be a sad day, for the people left behind, waiting alone, for this time to come, the end of life. Glory dazes on earth day, we just do not not know when, make every moment count.
Sandy in AZ for weekend, For each of you were the cause of your own destruction... They had all the time to love, but they preferred to hate..Voices, Views, Values, Dimes Dropped. Rotten Apples, Fags, Hags, Steers, Queers, Faces In The Crowds.The Bangles - Walk Like an Egyptian:Like the picture....In your dreams, late at night, listen for the dawn of the dead, stars fallen, family members expired, ghosts foes in your dreams.The Struggle" - This is Where Bad Times Begin
The books written, are journeys that I keep on line, born on March 18, day of rebirths and returns, I like to believe, I can start over at a drop of a hat. Have lots of balls in the air, lots of eggs in my baskets, and time and attention, not in the house. PTSD blues, that is why I smoke pot for the nightmares,that the pills do not stop.William Chute,Honesty is appreciated. I tell you to get help but I don't think it would work so stick revolver in your mouth and pull the trigger and get out of here you freak
Happy Dazes, Happy Mothers Dazes, cheers, chaps, good times, thanks so much,... I could go on, but it would be like, pearls to pigs, just saying.Pearls To Pigs. Worms to catch.The TRUTH: It may not lead you to where you thought you were going, but it will always lead you somewhere better.Addicted to improvement.
Thanks....Veterans In Houses, Dates Set, Frogs With Good Rides, Races .Happy Dazes, Happy Mothers Dazes, cheers, chaps, good times, thanks so much,... I could go on, but it would be like, pearls to pigs, just saying.Pearls To Pigs. Worms to catch.The TRUTH: It may not lead you to where you thought you were going, but it will always lead you somewhere better.Addicted to improvement.
I ain’t the one to gossip so you ain’t heard it from me .FAIRY TALES,BEACH BUM ON A PATH TO SELF DISCOVERY: Sandpiper, whatever” I mean fuck you.Tips on seven sevens, in seven days, seven stars, candles in the wind.
"Let's Make Out/Dicks Out of Box Please: Sheri, Rachel, Sima, And Steven Gay Jarrot.Anonymous Ship of Fools...Steve Sailer on Tucker Carlson’s bestseller, on how a selfish ruling class is bringing America to the brink of revolution.Pebbles Beaches: Views To Delight: Same As It Ever Was!Tips on seven sevens, in seven days, seven stars, candles in the wind.
Baby Steps:Joys and a insurance plan. Sinners and saints babies once. Old as dirt, younger than Just. Evo and cards flipping. Flipping lights on setting suns, out of the shadows. Lights on boat, ships of dreams, fairy tales. Tips on seven sevens, in seven days, seven stars, candles in the wind.
I ain’t the one to gossip so you ain’t heard it from me .FAIRY TALES,BEACH BUM ON A PATH TO SELF DISCOVERY: Sandpiper, whatever” I mean fuck you.
Think you can't do it? Try looking in a different way. Nightmares with the fake friends that leave you to swing the wind, happy to save their own skin.Did you know that TOO MUCH TOLERANCE KILLS LOVE?
Just saying, words of a mother, fathers and fuckers, good time toads, views, voices, values. Good time toads, coins, cons, clowns to the left, jokers to the rites, stuck in the middle of the parking lot. 80s Disco Legends.
The Middle Ages | Back in time, stuck in a coffin with a fag, lovers and haters, games to play, tricked and pimped, chicks that I knew. Lots of love, lots… - Maya Moore -
Shit Happen, Hard Knocks Schools, Lessons Learned, Hits And Misses. Twists And Turns, Lots Of Luck, Spiders And Snakes Tales.Which are YOU… SURF PARTY_🌴 🥂Frogs from the ponds in Riverside, CA, gifts from the center of the earth is one way to look at the charms and graces of the eyes of the snakes in the grass. Gifts to share with oral talents to fill the needs of tasteful delights of the freaks, frogs and cattle.
Pages in a pot, pages in the winds, pages in the people, pages to tell, love and lights, coins to flip.Charles Fossett : IM SELLING KRISPY KREME FUNDRAISING CERTIFICATES TO RAISE MONEY FOR 2016 BLACK GOLD BALL FOR MY DAUGHTER BE ABLE TO ATTEND."If you fail, never up because F.A.I.L. means "first Attempt In Learning"; End is not the end, in fact E.N.D. "Effort Never Dies".Good time toads, coins, cons, clowns to the left, jokers to the rites, stuck in the middle of the parking lot. 80s Disco Legends.
Sheri Gerstein Jarrot, what the fuck, cattle calls, freaks, frogs, fools, family affairs.THE TALKING GIBBERISH. Me Me Me Me Me...Five Kids, Views, Voices, Valves, Paths To Cross, Ships Of Freaks, Frogs, Fools, Waves Of Wards, Sonny And Starr, Twins, Both Sides Of The Coins.'
Assholes, Cows, Pigs, Suckers For Free Shit, Dung.No Regrets,No Excuses:People I Used To Know:Once.I ain’t the one to gossip so you ain’t heard it from me .FAIRY TALES,BEACH BUM ON A PATH TO SELF DISCOVERY: Sandpiper, whatever” I mean fuck you.Nightmares with the fake friends that leave you to swing the wind, happy to save their own skin.Did you know that TOO MUCH TOLERANCE KILLS LOVE?
'I'M GOING TO TRY AND ACT LIKE A NORMAL, HAPPY, MENTALLY BALANCED PERSON TODAY. WISH ME LUCK!'American birds, American Women, American Veterans, Americans sad and blue.…Love is patient, love is kind, it knows no boundaries,It knows no time.
'I don't care,' officer responds.Good time, rights, reasons, seasons of love, laughter, dances in the streets. Me Me Me Me Me.RACHEL JARROT,GOLDEN CALF: WHAT BEEF? SHEEP AND GOATS, DANCERS. HEADS TO COUNT, VIEWS, VOICES, VALUES, HORNS, HATS, HOES, WAVES FOR THE PITS, DANCES WITH WOLVES. SNAKES, SPIDERS, WORMS, GOOD TIME TOADS. Choose your class:Bernard W. Marshall Earth Angels: Rats To Races, Free Rides, Holiday Hits And Misses. Smile & Shine .Love is patient, love is kind, it knows no boundaries,It knows no time
I can't breathe,' Oklahoma man tells police before dying. 'I don't care,' officer responds.Good time, rights, reasons, seasons of love, laughter, dances in the streets. Men, Mice, Monsters, Faces In Shadows, Under The Sands, Gems To Find.Love is patient, love is kind, it knows no boundaries,It knows no time.