Life on the stages, good times, horse and pony shows, green lights, luck of the Irish. 5151: Made in America .Do You Know, Jack. Or Was It John, Maybe Joe, hard to say, some guy, you know the one. With the bean, with the candle, who ran under the shade of the moon.
Here is my hand, take my hand and let me assist you back on track, back to the road to riches, dazes spent in a better state of mind. Ways to grow, ways to stay strong, road trips, places to see, in and out of time, dances in the streets.
Stairs to climb, walks of life, walks of fame, ways to grow,ways to explore,ways to expand, moving up. Castles in the sky.You create your world, of what you want, ready, set, go...THIS FAMILY HATES FACTS... IT'S HYSTERICAL.. Ways to grow, family notes, daddy here, sister also, faces in the mirror.Mistakes INTERVIEW: RACHEL JARROT: NOT JEWISH.
Yiddish Proverb" "Cow Wisdom",Life's Little Beefs.Thanks so much, views, voices, values , of the dead. Snakes in grass, spiders and worms, twists and turns, muddy views, freaks in the knights, sons of bitches, hoes, streets to walk, good times toads. Ways to grow, ways to stay strong, road trips, places to see, in and out of time, dances in the streets.

Views, Clowns, Jokers, Stars, Wishes, Dream Knights: Dead Loses. Fairy Tales.Recaps.Good Afternoon.Stairs to climb, walks of life, walks of fame, ways to grow,ways to explore,ways to expand, moving up. Castles in the sky.You create your world, of what you want, ready, set, go...THIS FAMILY HATES FACTS... IT'S HYSTERICAL.. Ways to grow, family notes, daddy here, sister also, faces in the mirror.Mistakes INTERVIEW: RACHEL JARROT: NOT JEWISH.Mothers, Moms, Men, Mice, Cartoon Hits, Across The Decades, Waves Made, Head Counts. Strangers In The Dark, Bumps In The Road. Dimes Dropped.Dances With Wolves' | Mental Floss.Into The Woods,Into The Water, Into The Dark: Earth, Wind & Fire -
Faces, Views, Noses, Chicks, Babes, Lots Of Luck, Lessons Daily: Angels.
'I'M GOING TO TRY AND ACT LIKE A NORMAL, HAPPY, MENTALLY BALANCED PERSON TODAY. WISH ME LUCK!'American birds, American Women, American Veterans, Americans sad and blue.…This is some creepy, collapse-of-society shit. Frustrated, lonely psycho realizes he can dress up like a surreal.Community. Honor.You don't have to like me and I don't have to give a shit.
Your Highlights.Welcome, to my world, as the world turns, bumps in the road, faces in the shadows. Dances In The Dark, Spiders, And Snakes, Tips And Tales: Once.Faces, Views, Noses, Chicks, Babes, Lots Of Luck, Lessons Daily: Angels."Facts do not cease to exist exist because they are ignored." -Aldous Huxley'.Tmjmtb1313@gmail.com ,Miller Jackson,704 315 0809. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which they are addressed.
American Women. Veterans.ALL MY EGGS IN ONE BASKET. Love, Fear, Hope, Fantasy.Broken hearts, Chasing The Monuments.Black Liberation Movement (BLM) Threated to burn down New York City with fire and blood shed!Paulo Sa Elias shared, Cause I Love You - Lenny Williams:Live and learn, balls in the ... ‘LOVE ME FOR WHO I AM. NOT FOR WHAT YOU WANT ME TO BE’.
Veterans Later In Life. Rites For Seats, Dollars And Sense, Rats, Roaches, Rainbow Racers:COME TOGETHER RIGHT NOW.One of the best. Love, lights, lessons, songs in the winds.PERFECTION Dope Sleeve. Love this . Skins Colored. Love, Luck...THOSE WHO TELL THE STORIES RULE SOCIETY PLATO'If you believe in Karma send this message to 14 friends including me, if I don't get it back I guess I'm not one of them.
Women in #LMICs are disproportionately impacted by #CervicalCancer and account for more than 85% of all cervical cancer-related deaths worldwide. @CHAI_health and partners are working to change this reality and save lives: http://ow.ly/f8zi50HLsCE #CloseTheCareGap #WorldCancerDay.
Success is closer than you • You’ll never know what might have been • No regrets • Because YOU CAN DO ITLove is patient, love is kind, it knows no boundaries, it knows no time.
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A treacherous person, as in Ben secretly applied for the same job as his best friend; no one knew he was such a snake in the grass . Be mindful of your behavior and how you treat others.Every writer strives to capture their reader from the first Scary news..Joe Biden:
Woman here. Just wanted to give you a shout out for your memorable words. They make me think about my own gone love story. Wishing that you get there... wherever there is... :-)
Gary D. Barnett. https://frogsfoolsfreaksjarrotfaghagstodate.blogspot.com/... People of Color: Point well taken the Pews. We celebrate life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness, together.
A 47-year-old Houston deputy was killed during a traffic stop early Sunday morning after a driver jumped out of a white Toyota Avalon and immediately opened fire.

Jason Bubbles Lavigne,I’ll ask kaddish. Dopa to protect me and rebuke you for insulting me.I'll ask kaddish Dopa to protect me and rebuke you for insulting me.Shots to the head, hoes on the mind, good time toads, waves to make, songs to sing, glory dazes done.
Veterans Later In Life. Rites For Seats, Dollars And Sense, Rats, Roaches, Rainbow Racers:COME TOGETHER RIGHT NOW.One of the best. Love, lights, lessons, songs in the winds.PERFECTION Dope Sleeve. Love this . Skins Colored. Love, Luck...THOSE WHO TELL THE STORIES RULE SOCIETY PLATO'If you believe in Karma send this message to 14 friends including me, if I don't get it back I guess I'm not one of them.
Mules for the pills of dung, RV campers. Reflections are always good, and we should take time to relax and think about the ifs. The possibilities are endless for the things.Circles of life, circles of colors, circles to live, daily events, to see the colors of hopes. Dreams in color, hope and peace, blue and blue, hard to find, classes on the colors and numbers, tips to share.
Freaks, frogs, snakes and worms, life under the sands of time. American toads, frogs, dicks, dawgs, and donkey dates. Notes of news, history for some, pages to books. I’ll ask kaddish. Dopa to protect me and rebuke you for insulting me.Strangers to friends, coins to flip,cards to read, dances on clouds.
Kyle Bodnar ,AniManga Society.Lots Of Balls In Air: Nuts And Franks, Faces In The HerdsDicks, Dawgs 2. I am an old soul trapped in the 21 century.' Wolves , Snakes And Frogs Tales. ...Just to let you know ,I like to wear wings when I am sad.
JOKES AND LAUGHS, PIGS DO FLY, COWS AND BUFF FOREVER.HARES LOST, GIRLS IN RED HOODS. .HOW TO GROW YOUR NATURAL HAIR .Spiders, Snakes, Worms, Life Under Ways to grow, expand, and explore, words in waves, salads.The one that writes the stories rules. Here I am. MENTAL HEALTH IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT.Mother Goose stories, stories out of the good books, the bible, Moses and Jesus, fish and bread, stories better when you die.
Love and hate horns of a goat. Love and devotions from a man for a women, gifts of the old souls floating here today, gone tomorrow. Lessons to learn, about the fun and games in the minds and hearts of the young at heart. Fairies, pixies, earth angels, bikers from New York, gifts of songs and dances for a better daze.
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