Veterans Blues, homeless cases of the earth angels, searching for hope, help and home. PTSD: Back in time, on a bike, took a frog on a date.Adriana Agresti, Frank Agresti,Juliana Santiago. I need to invest in some more friends...that was a fun joke while it lasted 😂 😴 How do you call a cow? | This road is travelled...Orange County California Home of the happiest place on Earth. Share local favorite places to go, things to do, local news, reviews, and other things related to OC.
Paris Dates: Sites To See, trips with giant, man with yellow hats, knights and kings. Men of means, retired, lots of cash on tables. Gifts and helping hands, housing for veterans, across the states. 255 one one projects in the works. The big picture, castles in the sky, birds and bees, dances on shores of time, plans to fly, notes to go. Orange County California Home of the happiest place on Earth. Share local favorite places to go, things to do, local news, reviews, and other things related to OC. Orange County California Home of the happiest place on Earth. Share local favorite places to go, things to do, local news, reviews, and other things related to OC.
Tricks and trades, sucker for dicks to suck, games to play. Pimp on land, pimp in Upland, golden cows, hairless turkeys to fuck, on down low. Sex changes, fist up ass tricks to trade. Gifts from seven snakes, frog in mirror, looks fading. Computers and phone stolen more than six times.Orange County California Home of the happiest place on Earth. Share local favorite places to go, things to do, local news, reviews, and other things related to OC.Orange County California Home of the happiest place on Earth. Share local favorite places to go, things to do, local news, reviews, and other things related to OC.
tonight.Orange County California Home of the happiest place on Earth. Share local favorite places to go, things to do, local news, reviews, and other things related to OC.
Oh Great Spirit..Let the love in my body reflect the love bestowed on me. Let the patterns of my love be always ones of beauty to your eyes. For I wander here and there like a blind person, when my eyes are gifted with your exquisite joy I fall before you in my reverence and my soul knows it has a home.Orange County California Home of the happiest place on Earth. I dig it tho. You strike me as being from the world of academia. Here are my pics. Are you interested to take it slowly? Lmk Cheers,Share local favorite places to go, things to do, local news, reviews, and other things related to OC.
Frogs kissed once, back in time, pages to turn, books to review. Snakes, spiders, sluts, slugs, and toads, that live in the grass,to dance under the sands of time. The other thing that bothers me is that the minor with a month left“...Is what we are doing here this serious?”…I dig it tho. You strike me as being from the world of academia. Here are my pics. Are you interested to take it slowly? Lmk Cheers, Ties of dogs, bitches in heat, blow jobs to go, nuts on the run, day jobs, do... Ties of dogs, bitches in heat, blow jobs to go, nuts on the run, day jobs, donkeys in the hills, asses on land, faces in the mirror, coins to flip, card...Orange County California Home of the happiest place on Earth. Share local favorite places to go, things to do, local news, reviews, and other things related to OC. - Rachel Jarrot -
Questions about what is happiness, and why the search always for more dicks to suck on the down low, and the pussy to lick night and always, and this is happiness for Steven Jarrot and Rachel Jarrot, with the help from the hairdresser Sheri Jarrot. Guard butch to lick and suck all the weak people that want free drugs, or sex or whatever the trade. I dig it tho. You strike me as being from the world of academia. Here are my pics. Are you interested to take it slowly? Lmk Cheers,
Orange County California Home of the happiest place on Earth. Share local favorite places to go, things to do, local news, reviews, and other things related to OC., family motto from 16 century, and the crest is a blue background with 9 stars, and have receive confirmation of the signs, that everything I would like to do is just around the corner, my beliefs over the years and space. Want to let you know out of the gate, that school is where I am going, just need a stable place to live and grow today. For the love of the a man is what this is about, and how much do you take in the line of devotion, and how can you turn off the lies, that grew because of a lack of understanding.

This is another story about the Jewish Prince of Frogs, and how he got placed in that position, and the views that were not shared by the other members of the family, and it is a matter of getting the word out there. So is it done to bring joy and pleasures not, it is done to knock out pies in the sky. It is acceptable to so many, and it is okay because you skin covers red blood, and it will react the same when cut. There are so many ways to look at it, but it is a matter of saving face for a lot of them. The others just know how to push the buttons.
Here we go again, the short hairs are pulled, and the family is forgotten, that family that was there for the bad times, and the times that changed, and the times when it was a matter of wishing for a better life, and then you forget what it was like, during the travels that you had to do alone. It was a matter of what the reward was, how can any thing be worth the trip, if the cash has to go to a cow that became a buffalo? It was a matter of a minor in place, and now that is not the case, it is about the joy and pleasure that delighted the creation of the loins, and it is to be shared by all, because that is the state of perfection. I dig it tho. You strike me as being from the world of academia. Here are my pics. Are you interested to take it slowly? Lmk Cheers,
New dawns, new dazes, new plans, with new friends is the plan today and forever. Dreams, wishes, hopes, prayers, in play today, searching for a giant of a man in height, 420 connections, and houses that need to be filled would be the best. Happy notes to share again. Hopes to out going, in shape, a new friend or two with do, for the future trips around the world.Orange County California Home of the happiest place on Earth. Share local favorite places to go, things to do, local news, reviews, and other things related to OC.I dig it tho. You strike me as being from the world of academia. Here are my pics. Are you interested to take it slowly? Lmk Cheers,
Gifts given are gifts shared, happy and gay are the people that give more, and take less, for the pots of gold, with colored hairs, and the blue dreams to smoke on the land and the seas. Turning the pages in the books of life that you read, live and share, is happiness, and it is all about the joy and peace that you share. So what if you are not the first person to call to share the good news of a new birth, so what if you are hairless and fat as a cow, heaven or hell is where you live daily. State of minds have a lot to do with what gets you down.Orange County California Home of the happiest place on Earth. Share local favorite places to go, things to do, local news, reviews, and other things related to OC.
With the lights on, you get labels, to tell you state of sex for a sport, or sex for a job, and sex for a suggest to the old farts. Not here today to throw names and numbers out for the sinners and the saints, in the hills of Riverside in California. Here today to turn the pages on to bigger and better fields of grass, for the animals that roam on the open ranges. Happy and gay, sunny and bright, friends, family and foes, to sing and dance the nights away. Happiness, peace and joy, gifts for the others with everything money can buy, how about a little sunshine today?Orange County California Home of the happiest place on Earth. Share local favorite places to go, things to do, local news, reviews, and other things related to OC.I dig it tho. You strike me as being from the world of academia. Here are my pics. Are you interested to take it slowly? Lmk Cheers,

To help, to harm or to hurt, faces in the mirror, or faces in the streets, faces under the skin.Paths crossed for a season, paths crossed for a reason, lessons or blessing, on the walks to the park. Into the woods, snakes, frogs, and monkeys, swinging from the branches of the dogwood trees. Songs to sing of the best is yet to come, and it is the time of our lives to share., New Orleans is full of springtime. I dig it tho. You strike me as being from the world of academia. Here are my pics. Are you interested to take it slowly? Lmk Cheers,
Enjoy Yourself. Cali Dreamers,Surfer To Sons, Glory Dazes To Come. 🌈Military, Veterans, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy Rainbow Warriors, Prophecy, Star Knowledge. Views, Clowns, Jokers, Stars, Wishes, Dream Knights: Dead Loses. Fairy Tales.Recaps.I'm just reminded: Some while back I was weary and disgusted with people and I insisted to a friend that I was not a 'white person' but was a 'Tran-species' as was in fact a Rabbit ( I have an affinity for rabbits in particular). Isn't that an interesting coincidence? And yes, my friend and I no longer see one another. Well, enough! I need to get ready. Have a great day - enjoy life - find something to laugh about - smile - be happy. Peace Out. -How...I dig it tho. You strike me as being from the world of academia. Here are my pics. Are you interested to take it slowly? Lmk Cheers,
DIFFERENT...I dig it tho. You strike me as being from the world of academia. Here are my pics. Are you interested to take it slowly? Lmk Cheers,
Sunsets Daily Gifts, On the Sands Of Time, dances for joy, dances at the end of day. Sunsets on the beach, life every day. Life is a beach. Life is an adventure, joys for joy, in the setting rays, end of another day. Thanks to the sky, thanks to the sun, thanks to the gods within good times. Happy with the crossroad choices made.DIFFERENT..I dig it tho. You strike me as being from the world of academia. Here are my pics. Are you interested to take it slowly? Lmk Cheers,.
Please,Son of GOD. Feed Me And Learn ME How, to Live For You Here On Earth. Hallelujah and Glory too God, Son of GOD, Jesus.Amen Ms.Tamu Martin Above Only. Learn US How To BE Fisherman This Day Forward Of MEN FOR LIFE... 🌈Military, Veterans, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy Rainbow Warriors, Prophecy, Star Knowledge. Views, Clowns, Jokers, Stars, Wishes, Dream Knights: Dead Loses. Fairy Tales.Recaps.AMEN,JESUS. When we ask God for our daily bread, what do we mean? Is it merely food to nourish our body? Is it all the basic necessities of life? Does it include the bread Jesus spoke of: the Word of God? I dig it tho. You strike me as being from the world of academia. Here are my pics. Are you interested to take it slowly? Lmk Cheers,

Jobs done well, still land of the free, still land of frogs, fags, and fools that do the right things to be happy. Acts of kindness for the lost, for the confused, and the homeless veterans, still couch surfing. Look at all the fucks I give. Lessons, Love, Luck, Tests Over Times: Paths Crossed: Trades. I dig it tho. You strike me as being from the world of academia. Here are my pics. Are you interested to take it slowly? Lmk Cheers,
Shit happens. Everyday. To everyone. The difference is in how people deal with it.TIME TO TURN THE PAGE:Once Bitten By Snakes, Dances with Wolves.😎🌴👍👊I dig it tho. You strike me as being from the world of academia. Here are my pics. Are you interested to take it slowly? Lmk Cheers,
It is all these things and more. Our heavenly Father wants us to have everything we need to affirm His image within us. God never calls His children to tasks they are not ready for, and He will not abandon us without the resources we need to succeed. Our God provides us with everything we need to be the best people we can be. Call upon the Lord to load you daily with benefits. He will do even more than you expect.
Prayer: Lord, I do not even know what I need to be better than I am today, but in Your wisdom, You see my every need. Give me what You will, in order that I might be an honor and a glory to You. 🌈Military, Veterans, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy Rainbow Warriors, Prophecy, Star Knowledge. Views, Clowns, Jokers, Stars, Wishes, Dream Knights: Dead Loses. Fairy Tales.Recaps. Amen. I dig it tho. You strike me as being from the world of academia. Here are my pics. Are you interested to take it slowly? Lmk Cheers,
Love and devotion is giving to the pleasures of dreams of greatness for the bald head baby are place in the focus points all around the living space, and mindset is in projections for the lack of truthfulness and honesty. Pictures fall in the trash because of the image of the Buffalo Girl are not shared, instead the faults are questions about actions and behavior are questioned, and the views are still noted that cash is king and cash rules the Prince of Frogs and the Jewish Rock Star, and people are there to give them cash for the things that they want. 🌈Military, Veterans, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy Rainbow Warriors, Prophecy, Star Knowledge. Views, Clowns, Jokers, Stars, Wishes, Dream Knights: Dead Loses. Fairy Tales.Recaps. fake friend, to party and play life away, song and dance to help for displace disable people, veterans or not, will steal, rob, and cheat family members, what about friends and foes? Crook to the day he dies, undead and unstable now, joys to the world and the tasteful pleasures await, taking turns on Steven's Jarrots face, and two fists up his ass, his secret delights to cum and play today.....Prince September 04, 1962 Steven Jay Jarrot : 83458 Tropical Whisper CT, Indio, CA. Owner/Consultant; and play, Thursdays for the rest of the year. Sex toys for sale, 2 fist contest up Steven's Ass, winners nightly. cum tasteful pleasures. 🌈Military, Veterans, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy Rainbow Warriors, Prophecy, Star Knowledge. Views, Clowns, Jokers, Stars, Wishes, Dream Knights: Dead Loses. Fairy Tales.Recaps.I dig it tho. You strike me as being from the world of academia. Here are my pics. Are you interested to take it slowly? Lmk Cheers,
Frogs kissed once, back in time, pages to turn, books to review. Snakes, spiders, sluts, slugs, and toads, that live in the grass,to dance under the sands of time. The other thing that bothers me is that the minor with a month left“...Is what we are doing here this serious?”… Ties of dogs, bitches in heat, blow jobs to go, nuts on the run, day jobs, do... Ties of dogs, bitches in heat, blow jobs to go, nuts on the run, day jobs, donkeys in the hills, asses on land, faces in the mirror, coins to flip, card...I dig it tho. You strike me as being from the world of academia. Here are my pics. Are you interested to take it slowly? Lmk Cheers, - Rachel Jarrot -

🌈Military, Veterans, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy Rainbow Warriors, Prophecy, Star Knowledge, Active-Indigo, Rainbow Trail, Harmonics, Technology, Spiritual, Army of God 🎤Losing yourself, all is lost, life on the run, hits and misses, songs to play, lovers and haters to run, lives in the light of day. Home for the day, back in touch again, young at heart, joys and jumps, glory and mighty, big and strong now, lessons learned over time, dances in the rains, good times on the beach. fun and games.Views, Clowns, Jokers, Stars, Wishes, Dream Knights: Dead Loses. Fairy Tales.Recaps.
Paris Dates: Sites To See, trips with giant, man with yellow hats, knights and kings. Men of means, retired, lots of cash on tables. Gifts and helping hands, housing for veterans, across the states. 255 one one projects in the works. The big picture, castles in the sky, birds and bees, dances on shores of time, plans to fly, notes to go. 🌈Military, Veterans, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy Rainbow Warriors, Prophecy, Star Knowledge. Views, Clowns, Jokers, Stars, Wishes, Dream Knights: Dead Loses. Fairy Tales.Recaps.I dig it tho. You strike me as being from the world of academia. Here are my pics. Are you interested to take it slowly? Lmk Cheers,
Tricks and trades, sucker for dicks to suck, games to play. Pimp on land, pimp in Upland, golden cows, hairless turkeys to fuck, on down low. Sex changes, fist up ass tricks to trade. Gifts from seven snakes, frog in mirror, looks fading. Computers and phone stolen more than six times. Sinners or saints, birds and bees, dogwood butterflies stuck in snake dens. Good times, lessons learned, once a snake always a snake, cheater. I dig it tho. You strike me as being from the world of academia. Here are my pics. Are you interested to take it slowly? Lmk Cheers,
Glasses colored in mud, glasses covered in cum, glasses for frogs and freaks. Earth angels, fairies, and pixies stuck in a pack of wolves. Mountains to climb, back from the dead, saved. 🌈Military, Veterans, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy Rainbow Warriors, Prophecy, Star Knowledge. Views, Clowns, Jokers, Stars, Wishes, Dream Knights: Dead Loses. Fairy Tales.Recaps. ANYWAY TRANSPORTATION. I dig it tho. You strike me as being from the world of academia. Here are my pics. Are you interested to take it slowly? Lmk Cheers,Buys/Sells/Rents/Trades/Cars/Scottors/Women/Men/Boys and Girls/Drugs/Meth/Pot/Oral Specialist of Craigslist Nightly after midnight.-Markets All works with Ex Wife, Sheri Jarrrot, and Creator of next greatest Jewish Woman. Can be reach at 7608512267 or 50925 Paradise West Drive number B: La Quinta, California 92253. May 9, 2015: with kid with a lack of natural hair on head, $6000 wig Rookie/Jewish style, for cover acceptable for hair, Rachel Jarrot, and stole car for Mad Angry Disappointed Shocked Black Woman from Washington.
Windows Dark: Light and Darkness: Up for The Time Of Day: Jokes and History Shines. Dates with snakes, dates with monkeys, Jesus Christ, Steven Jarrot, hanging on dogwood trees. Dreams in action, might have dreams in action to the plans and goals set for a better life, joys and pains of love and devotion, love and hate horns on a goat, love the moments of peace, joy and laughter. Happy holidays, seasons greetings, peace, joy and a touch of love and understanding, for the fools, frogs and freaks up at night. 🌈Military, Veterans, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy Rainbow Warriors, Prophecy, Star Knowledge. Views, Clowns, Jokers, Stars, Wishes, Dream Knights: Dead Loses. Fairy Tales.Recaps.
Party and play today with oral experts Steven, Rachel, Sheri, Sima, and Charles R. Jarrot, just to name a few. Cattle, bison, butches, bitches and fag hags, songs to dance and sing all day long. Fun and games to cum and take turns on their faces in Upland, Westwood, Indio, Ontario, Ventura, Oxnard just to name a few places where the buffalo, and the forever buffs, bitches, and butches come home from the open ranges in California. 🌈Military, Veterans, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy Rainbow Warriors, Prophecy, Star Knowledge. Views, Clowns, Jokers, Stars, Wishes, Dream Knights: Dead Loses. Fairy Tales.Recaps.
Home to the bison and the buffalo Colorado butches, and bitches, whales and tales of attacks for the lack of natural hair. Attacks on the dream lifes of Rachel, Randy, and Rockwell Jarrot, queens of the fields of grass not hay. Happy and gay, just like the other family members, joys and pains of a $6000 hairdo still. Need another for the hair lost yet, dream life to have no hair to shave daily off legs, real true dream of mine. I dig it tho. You strike me as being from the world of academia. Here are my pics. Are you interested to take it slowly? Lmk Cheers,
What bitch about lacks of locks of hair to blow in the wind on the sand and the surf of the beaches of life. Live large in the blue, and buy colored hair to make more statements about how vain the cows are that are the golden calf of the tribe of fools, frogs and freaks. 🌈Military, Veterans, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy Rainbow Warriors, Prophecy, Star Knowledge. I dig it tho. You strike me as being from the world of academia. Here are my pics. Are you interested to take it slowly? Lmk Cheers,Views, Clowns, Jokers, Stars, Wishes, Dream Knights: Dead Loses. Fairy Tales.Recaps.
Nice shot, have to share, leaders of the pack, rats on top. Kings and Queens, hits and misses, gifts to share, for a decade or less. Dancing Circles On Beaches: Wind Moves Sunny News....Sunsets Daily Gifts, On the Sands Of Time, dances for joy, dances at the end of day. Sunsets on the beach, life every day. Life is a beach. Life is an adventure, joys for joy, in the setting rays, end of another day. Thanks to the sky, thanks to the sun, thanks to the gods within good times.Tricks and trades, sucker for dicks to suck, games to play. Pimp on land, pimp in Upland, golden cows, hairless turkeys to fuck, on down low. Sex changes, fist up ass tricks to trade. Gifts from seven snakes, frog in mirror, looks fading. Computers and phone stolen more than six times. Sinners or saints, birds and bees, dogwood butterflies stuck in snake dens. Good times, lessons learned, once a snake always a snake, cheater. I dig it tho. You strike me as being from the world of academia. Here are my pics. Are you interested to take it slowly? Lmk Cheers,
Glasses colored in mud, glasses covered in cum, glasses for frogs and freaks. Earth angels, fairies, and pixies stuck in a pack of wolves. Mountains to climb, back from the dead, saved. 🌈Military, Veterans, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy Rainbow Warriors, Prophecy, Star Knowledge. Views, Clowns, Jokers, Stars, Wishes, Dream Knights: Dead Loses. Fairy Tales.Recaps. ANYWAY TRANSPORTATION. I dig it tho. You strike me as being from the world of academia. Here are my pics. Are you interested to take it slowly? Lmk Cheers,Buys/Sells/Rents/Trades/Cars/Scottors/Women/Men/Boys and Girls/Drugs/Meth/Pot/Oral Specialist of Craigslist Nightly after midnight.-Markets All works with Ex Wife, Sheri Jarrrot, and Creator of next greatest Jewish Woman. Can be reach at 7608512267 or 50925 Paradise West Drive number B: La Quinta, California 92253. May 9, 2015: with kid with a lack of natural hair on head, $6000 wig Rookie/Jewish style, for cover acceptable for hair, Rachel Jarrot, and stole car for Mad Angry Disappointed Shocked Black Woman from Washington.
Windows Dark: Light and Darkness: Up for The Time Of Day: Jokes and History Shines. Dates with snakes, dates with monkeys, Jesus Christ, Steven Jarrot, hanging on dogwood trees. Dreams in action, might have dreams in action to the plans and goals set for a better life, joys and pains of love and devotion, love and hate horns on a goat, love the moments of peace, joy and laughter. Happy holidays, seasons greetings, peace, joy and a touch of love and understanding, for the fools, frogs and freaks up at night. 🌈Military, Veterans, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy Rainbow Warriors, Prophecy, Star Knowledge. Views, Clowns, Jokers, Stars, Wishes, Dream Knights: Dead Loses. Fairy Tales.Recaps.
Party and play today with oral experts Steven, Rachel, Sheri, Sima, and Charles R. Jarrot, just to name a few. Cattle, bison, butches, bitches and fag hags, songs to dance and sing all day long. Fun and games to cum and take turns on their faces in Upland, Westwood, Indio, Ontario, Ventura, Oxnard just to name a few places where the buffalo, and the forever buffs, bitches, and butches come home from the open ranges in California. 🌈Military, Veterans, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy Rainbow Warriors, Prophecy, Star Knowledge. Views, Clowns, Jokers, Stars, Wishes, Dream Knights: Dead Loses. Fairy Tales.Recaps.
Home to the bison and the buffalo Colorado butches, and bitches, whales and tales of attacks for the lack of natural hair. Attacks on the dream lifes of Rachel, Randy, and Rockwell Jarrot, queens of the fields of grass not hay. Happy and gay, just like the other family members, joys and pains of a $6000 hairdo still. Need another for the hair lost yet, dream life to have no hair to shave daily off legs, real true dream of mine. I dig it tho. You strike me as being from the world of academia. Here are my pics. Are you interested to take it slowly? Lmk Cheers,
What bitch about lacks of locks of hair to blow in the wind on the sand and the surf of the beaches of life. Live large in the blue, and buy colored hair to make more statements about how vain the cows are that are the golden calf of the tribe of fools, frogs and freaks. 🌈Military, Veterans, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy Rainbow Warriors, Prophecy, Star Knowledge. I dig it tho. You strike me as being from the world of academia. Here are my pics. Are you interested to take it slowly? Lmk Cheers,Views, Clowns, Jokers, Stars, Wishes, Dream Knights: Dead Loses. Fairy Tales.Recaps.
I'm just reminded: Some while back I was weary and disgusted with people and I insisted to a friend that I was not a 'white person' but was a 'Tran-species' as was in fact a Rabbit ( I have an affinity for rabbits in particular). Isn't that an interesting coincidence? And yes, my friend and I no longer see one another. Well, enough! I need to get ready. Have a great day - enjoy life - find something to laugh about - smile - be happy. Peace Out. -How I dig it tho. You strike me as being from the world of academia. Here are my pics. Are you interested to take it slowly? Lmk Cheers,
Here we are: Another Day In Paradise! I hope you slept well even with everything going on in your life. And I hope all that continues to go well. The Weatherman still says it will be a good Beach Day. I go to San Clemente Beach - it's a long drive and walk but it's a Nude Beach and I really enjoy being nude - especially in Nature/Water - it feels Natural to me - a bit closer to god. I enjoy the Weekdays there because it's usually empty - Weekends can be busy. We all have idiosyncrasies - quirks - that make us unique among our fellows; I'm a bit of a Naturist (among other things) and you - I think you're part of the 'Furry Culture' - you like to dress-up as animals (or is it just as cats). I've never personally known someone into that - is it a fetish? Is it Sexual?I dig it tho. You strike me as being from the world of academia. Here are my pics. Are you interested to take it slowly? Lmk Cheers,
I have to admit to some curiosity. And no, I am not one to Judge. Occasionally I dress as a girl. I used to be more into Cross-dressing years and years ago - I have the wig and make-up and such. It's just so time-consuming - it takes a lot of time trying to look pretty, huh? Lately - if I go out - I may have a pair of panties on beneath my street clothes. At home, if I'm not naked I'm frequently in lingerie. So, we're both into playing dress-up. How well that would work together is anyone's guess. You may be wondering my sexual orientation at this point? Many believe I'm gay because I go to a Nude Beach - If they knew I dressed they'd be certain of it. But the truth is - as you no doubt know - none of that has anything to do with sexual preferences; many CDs are straight just as many who go to the Nude Beach. I dig it tho. You strike me as being from the world of academia. Here are my pics. Are you interested to take it slowly? Lmk Cheers,
However, I try not to be an 'Ist' - Racist, Ageist, Sexist, etc - and as a consequence it would be safe to say I'm bi-sexual. It may be that I simply like a little attention. Another quirk I have is that I'm not too keen on body hair. That's a concern. How would that work with someone into Furry Culture (There are hairless animals)? I shave my entire body. I haven't much hair to begin with. I'm just reminded: Some while back I was weary and disgusted with people and I insisted to a friend that I was not a 'white person' but was a 'Tran-species' as was in fact a Rabbit ( I have an affinity for rabbits in particular). Isn't that an interesting coincidence? And yes, my friend and I no longer see one another. Well, enough! I need to get ready. Have a great day - enjoy life - find something to laugh about - smile - be happy. Peace Out. -How I dig it tho. You strike me as being from the world of academia. Here are my pics. Are you interested to take it slowly? Lmk Cheers,
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