Peace and love by the sea, was the message given to Steve before his birthday, gifts of Dorian Gray in female and male forms, to show the fools, frogs, and reptiles that we know about the faces, and the masks wore on the Jarrots Bisexual Super Stars, legends in their own minds, and the great white hope for the Blacks, Mexicans, and the working classes that are tricked by the charms, wits, and the size of the whales, cattle, bison, cattle callers, fag hags that rule this family to include the thief-Charley Jarrot-stole $160,000 from his sire, and kept it from him for two years, bought women to fuck because with his form and features.
Pay to play, pimps and hackers, who would fuck him for free, not with the charms of a reptile that can create money on paper, and who pops pills for the attention needed to note: he was dropped too many times before age 10.

Fuzz Winds: Snakes in Dens:Christmas In July, The Times To Check, Now, Later Lovers, Haters, Hats And Halos, Hellos And Goodbyes, Coins To Flip, Ships 2 Pass Sinners and Saints: Bettina Amanda

Peek-a-Boo... I miss you!!!

Monkeys on dogwood trees, Jesus Christ, Jesuit Charlie, or Charley Jarrot 7607778998 . Hard knocks for lessons in love and devotion, life for love, love and hate. 7608512267 RV camper. Peek-a-Boo... I miss you!!!

Sky Guy: Fags to Go: Cum To Play, Good Times: Snakes in Dens, Steven and Reese Jarrot: 7608512267. Butches, Bitches and Dykes: Classes To Take. Land Whale Stars: Bettina Amanda

Steven Jarrot, sucker for free rides, computers to steal, dates on the beach. Weird is : wonderful, educated, interesting, real and different, notes....Clowns to the left, jokers to the right, clowns swinging or hanging on dogwood trees. Clown Shows for fun and food, books on sunny dazes on the beach. Treats in fun and fools, signs of animals under the skin, suckers to cum.Sky Guy: Bettina Amanda

Green Grass: Great day to see, joys and pains, hope is dancing, dreams in action. Accounts to snakes in grass, Steven and Sheri Jarrot, 7608512267: mistakes by land whales, history to create, seven snakes alive. Grains of Trash: RV Campers, White Trash On Wheels, Pimps And Drug Lards:Sky Guy: Fags to Go: Cum To Play, Good Times: Snakes in Dens, Steven and Reese Jarrot: 7608512267. Butches, Bitches and Dykes: Classes To Take. Land Whale Stars: Rachel Wigsout: Rachel Jarrot, not Rachel Walker. Monkeys on dogwood trees, Jesus Christ, Jesuit Charlie, or Charley Jarrot 7607778998 . Hard knocks for lessons in love and devotion, life for love, love and hate. 7608512267 RV camper.Bettina Amanda

Clowns to the left, jokers to the right, clowns swinging or hanging on dogwood trees. Clown Shows for fun and food, books on sunny dazes on the beach. Treats in fun and fools, signs of animals under the skin, suckers to cum.Bettina Amanda

Green Grass: Great day to see, joys and pains, hope is dancing, dreams in action. Accounts to snakes in grass, Steven and Sheri Jarrot, 7608512267: mistakes by land whales, history to create, seven snakes alive. Grains of Trash: RV Campers, White .Bettina Amanda

Trash On Wheels, Pimps And Drug Lards: Land Whales In Sight:Dodge The Snakes Dens::Horse and Pony Shows:Rachel and Sheri Jarrot, butches, bitches, fag hags, party and play, treats to treat. Good times to cum, party and play, dates on the beach, Steven Jarrot, snakes in your house.Bettina Amanda

Time to turn lights on, snakes in your friends, lights on, ready to tell, time to get a new life. Reflections today, third party views, facts and fiction. Fruit and nuts, freaks to party and play, butches, bitches, and fag hags, dates on the beach. Butch to direct home movies, porn stars, nibbles to eat, fresh dick suckers, birthday wishes, for the crooks and robbers.
Christmas In July, The Times To Check, Now, Later Lovers, Haters, Hats And Halos, Hellos And Goodbyes, Coins To Flip, Ships 2 Pass.Peek-a-Boo... I miss you!!!

Steven Jarrot, sucker for free rides, computers to steal, dates on the beach. Weird is : wonderful, educated, interesting, real and different, notes....Clowns to the left, jokers to the right, clowns swinging or hanging on dogwood trees. Clown Shows for fun and food, books on sunny dazes on the beach. Treats in fun and fools, signs of animals under the skin, suckers to cum.Sky Guy: Fags to Go: Cum To Play, Good Times: Snakes in Dens, Steven and Reese Jarrot: 7608512267Bettina Amanda

Green Grass: Great day to see, joys and pains, hope is dancing, dreams in action. Accounts to snakes in grass, Steven and Sheri Jarrot, 7608512267: mistakes by land whales, history to create, seven snakes alive. Grains of Trash: RV Campers, White Trash On Wheels, Pimps And Drug Lards:Sky Guy: Fags to Go: Cum To Play, Good Times: Snakes in Dens, Steven and Reese Jarrot: 7608512267. Butches, Bitches and Dykes: Classes To Take. Land Whale Stars: Rachel Wigsout: Rachel Jarrot, not Rachel Walker. Monkeys on dogwood trees, Jesus Christ, Jesuit Charlie, or Charley Jarrot 7607778998 . Hard knocks for lessons in love and devotion, life for love, love and hate. 7608512267 RV camper.Bettina Amanda

Christmas In July, The Times To Check, Now, Later Lovers, Haters, Hats And Halos, Hellos And Goodbyes, Coins To Flip, Ships 2 Pass.Peek-a-Boo... I miss you!!!

Horses to water, veterans to the Music Exchange Group, at Ella Doce Casas De Mayo Del California, gifts to share, paperwork to complete, help for the cash on the table for veterans, just the beginning of the services and products on the table waiting for the requests on paper. Bettina Amanda

Take the cash and run, it is ready for the veterans that stop, make new plans, to stand tall, and walk the walk to the bank. Cash forever, gifts waiting for you, write the paperwork for the stories, that will give you cash for the time served.Bettina Amanda

Why not, drink the water, after the race, horses to water for the rewards, of a good run , for the good of the county. Help is waiting for you, ask for it, gifts to share with the cash on the table, gifts to share with the stories stuck in your hear.Bettina Amanda

Christmas In July, The Times To Check, Now, Later Lovers, Haters, Hats And Halos, Hellos And Goodbyes, Coins To Flip, Ships 2 Pass.u ignore, my text: message: i Peace and love by the sea, was the message given to Steve before his birthday, gifts of Dorian Gray in female and male forms, to show the fools, frogs, and reptiles that we know about the faces, and the masks wore on the Jarrots Bisexual Super Stars, legends in their own minds, and the great white hope for the Blacks, Mexicans, and the working classes that are tricked by the charms, wits, and the size of the whales, cattle, bison, cattle callers, fag hags that rule this family to include the thief-Charley Jarrot-stole $160,000 from his sire, and kept it from him for two years, bought women to fuck because with his form and features.gnore ur death.Christmas In July, The Times To Check, Now, Later Lovers, Haters, Hats And Halos, Hellos And Goodbyes, Coins To Flip, Ships 2 Pass.Bettina Amanda

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