Failure is proof that you tried. Now go try again.
Long Ride: Cattle Crossing. Upland Freaks, Frogs, Suckers,Fags, Hags, Wigs And Caps Worn. Pages in a book, tips to share, stores of stories to recaps.Ms 411 Daily Tips For Today. "SEE JUST HOW THEY ARE LIVIN":Snakes In Grass. Frog Faces.NY: Frank Agresti. Fingers in the air, sit and spin, American Birds. Brian Lee,Hindsight: 20-20. Oh What A Night.
Turkeys Birth of a bastard, birth of a king, Jesus Christ, super star, common sto...Pinoy Rap Radio with Justin Wee...Fairy tales,Beach Bum on a path to self-discovery:

Stronger for the classes.Black, White, Wholes In Heads, .Winners And Losers, Sinners And Saints, Glory Dazes To Come. ON THE RUN.Nuts, retards, crooks, liars, cheaters, cows to call home.
Brian Lee,Hindsight: 20-20. Oh What A Night.Failure is proof that you tried. Now go try again.Purple Rain: Dances For Luck, Love, Lessons: Daily. Rites, Reasons, Rainbow Racers, Heads Up, Clouds Of Birds In The Air, Angels On Calls. Street Dances.La La Land, History to note. Upland Freaks, Frogs, Suckers,Fags, Hags, Wigs And Caps Worn.

Adriana Agresti, Frank Agresti,Juliana Santiago. Pages to turn, history to note, games with dogs, games with snakes, life and love, horns of a goat, love and hate, to change, by the minute.American Birds. Turkeys Birth of a bastard, birth of a king, Jesus Christ, super star. Cons And Pros.
Dances In The Dark, Spiders And Snakes, Tips And Tales: History Noted.
YouTube.Snakes Gone,OLD MEMORIES . Notes from a sinner or saint, third party views,lights on in the dark. EVERYONE IS STRUGGLING WITH SOMETHING, SOME PEOPLE ARE JUST BETTER AT HIDING
The Twilight Zone!I'm out! Lmmfao!!Eyes Open Right. Eyes Open Right. Facebook Idiots: I’ll ask kaddish. Dopa to protect me and rebuke you for insulting me."The road to hell is paved with good intentions!!
'The reality is... None of us are easy to be with.. we all suffer from something.. So when you meet someone who's willing to stay.. committed to understanding you & actually wants to grow w/you.. Don't let lame shit like ego & pride ruin it.. Real is rare. remember that'.
Now You See Me .Deep River Woman . on Tall Tales:Tips,Tweets,Tones!← Face of Evil (TV Movie 1996): Hits And Misses.I don’t care what anyone says about me ” → Lights, Love, Lust, Lucky Breaks, Good Times Toads, Faces In The Crowds.Facebook Idiots: I’ll ask kaddish. Dopa to protect me and rebuke you for insulting me."The road to hell is paved with good intentions!!
World of blue dreams, worlds of bats out of hell, bears in the woods, lions to roar, lessons to learn, walking tall, walking with boots on, dances in darkness, dances with snakes, snails, spiders, and worms.
“To be able to greet the sun with the sounds from all of Nature is a great blessing, and it helps us to remember Who is the real provider of all of our benefits.”
Strangers.Three things you should never break: Promises, Trust, and Someone's Heart.Heaven On Earth. By letting each thing act in accordan...
People beware:It's not only important to add years to your life, but to life to your years."Pages To Books.Blue Stars, Lights, Leaders, Cars And Horses Under The Hood. Ways And Means, Rats To Races.Nurses, Nuns, Needy Freaks And Frogs, Hats And Horns,Sheep And Goat Tales, Love, Hate, Lessons. Coins To Flip. A TIMELESS ESCAPE.USMC. NEW YEAR, NEW YOU.
Cartoon hits, cat and mouse games, horse and pony shows, bumps in the road, people lost in space. Happy and sad, gifts of tales to share, lights on for next season of classes on the sands of time. People beware:It's not only important to add years to your life but to life to your years."Needy Freaks And Frogs, Hats And Horns,Sheep And Goat Tales, Love, Hate, Lessons. Coins To Flip. A TIMELESS ESCAPE.USMC. NEW YEAR, NEW YOU.
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Are you in control?Good times, lots of funny pictures, freaks, frogs, spiders and snakes, faces under the surfaces, crooks, cheaters, liars, hard to tell, funny faces for freaks, fools, and frogs.Frogs To Toads. . I do it because I can, I can because I want to, I want to because you said I couldn't. - Steve Prefontaine.
Thank you for reminding us.Teachers, Students, Apache Stronghold: Leaders, Learners, Losers, Sometimes You Win, Lose, Learn, Coins, Cards, Cons, Walks Of Fame. Here's To Our Past, And Presents(s) Always. Eyes Open Daily: Treats 2 Delight.
People beware:It's not only important to add years to your life, but to life to your years."
I just want a piece of the sky every day.I’m heartbroken by these recent tragedies of gun violence, and I just keep thinking about all the leaders who won’t take a stand to save lives .
Joys And Pains: Fairy tales told when we ...Stay up, blessed & positive. We are here to heal, not harm. We are here to love, not hate. The sign of a beautiful person is that they always see the beauty in others.
Fridays, Always Happy, Moments By Moments. Life Is A Beach. Time running away with me.: A wise man hears one word and understands two.Love...
Facebook Idiots: I’ll ask kaddish. Dopa to protect me and rebuke you for insulting me."The road to hell is paved with good intentions!Assholes, Cows, Pigs, Suckers For Free Shit, Dung.No Regrets, No Excuses: People I Used To Know: Once.Rocks and snakes under the water, frogs and fish in the seas, monkeys to dodge, pages of lives lived, angels on earth.'A mind that is present sees many beautiful things.'
Just sit back and enjoy. Fridays, Always Happy, Moments By Moments. Life Is A Beach: Penny Lanes, Frogs To Toads. . I do it because I can, I can because I want to, I want to because you said I couldn't. - Steve Prefontaine.Heads Above The Common, Lions, Tigers And Bears, Oh My, Voices In My Head. Good times, history to note,not news today. Over the decades.
STAY STRONG SOLDIER..WE AIN'T EVEN STARTED YET, IT'S GONNA GET A LOT MESSIER BEFORE IT GETS GOOD.Roads to Riches.Bumps in the Roads...Too many people listen to the noise of the world outside instead of themselves.Lessons to learn.Bumps in the Roads...Faces In The Crowds, Good Time Toads, Coins To Flip, Walking On Eggshells, Seasons Of Colors, Marching To Mars,Twists, Turns, Donkeys Dates.
May be an image of one or more people, hair and text that says 'Coochie is not a Xmas gift. How u gon' give me something opened ,used & played with'
Practice to perfection classic life lessons. Malcolm Gerstein, Sima Jarrot: Frogs Dates. Heart - Greatest Hits 1985/1995: Coins, cards, cons, Jesus Christ, Jim Jones, Micky Mouse, men and mice, cartoon hits across the decades.Jackie Jarrot « Pilar Dsilvas' Blog.But when a hot warlock invites her on a quest, she can’t say no…Who Is Watching Now, Snakes In Grass, Spiders, And Worms, Good Time Toads. Memory, Mind, Matter: The portal to the realm of Death. OH, HAPPY DAY! INDEPENDENT WOMEN:Sisters Across The USA: Winners, Losers, Learners, Heads In Clouds.
TYPES OF PEOPLE WHO DON’T GIVE A FUCK (And How to Become One of Them)Laughter Rocks.. Benjamin.Disneyland passes, strangers to friends. Sunday events? Get a hold of me I want my Conga back.Practice problems to share, classes on the shores of time and space. Happy notes taken on frogs and freaks. Hazes of lies from land whales Leaving the snakes to bake and burn.Everything but the kitchen sink.Junk To Some. Tales to be written. His story, her story, not news today. Good times, heads to count, birds and bees, songs in the winds. Heads Above The Common, Lions, Tigers And Bears, Oh My, Voices In My Head. Good times, history to note,not news today. Over the decades.
Sons to shine, jacks and balls in a bag, marbles all gone, boys and the toys, over the years.There is always something to be grateful for.No matter what your circumstances, as dark as they can seem at times, there is always something worth appreciating. Often the most important times to be grateful are during the most difficult times. THE Real U: Blue Dreams In Motion: Fairy Tales: Waves Made: Faces In The Crowds, Good Time Toads, Coins To Flip, Walking On Eggshells, Seasons Of Colors, Marching To Mars,Twists, Turns, Donkeys Dates.
Bored Panda : Let’s Go Somewhere !!!! It’s your Season.Surge In Every Season….With Surge 365…. Let’s Go Somewhere !!!!Me. More mountains left to climb.Too many people listen to the noise of the world outside instead of themselves.Lessons to learn. Faces In The Crowds, Good Time Toads, Coins To Flip, Walking On Eggshells, Seasons Of Colors, Marching To Mars,Twists, Turns, Donkeys Dates.
QUEEN CHANEL: Frogs In Groups, Men, Mick And Moot, faces in the mirror. Moon: The Blog of the Frogs, Good Time Toads.TIME TO TURN THE PAGE:ONCE BITTEN BY SNAKES, DANCES WITH WOLVES. I WAS SMILING…Voices, Views, Values, Dimes Dropped. Rotten Apples, Fags, Hags, Steers, Queers, Faces In The Crowds.The Bangles - Walk Like an Egyptian: Cannabis and Conversation. Karma, So quick to point the finger, you forget, there are 3 fingers, pointed back at you.
Retards, rejects, escapees, hats and labels to wear,lots of jokes and laugh, out of the winters of NY. I have a sense of being accepted and that in..Bored Panda : Let’s Go Somewhere !!!! It’s your Season.Surge In Every Season….With Surge 365…. Let’s Go Somewhere !!!!Me. More mountains left to climb.Too many people listen to the noise of the world outside instead of themselves.Lessons to learn.
QUEEN CHANEL: Frogs In Groups, Men, Mick And Moot, faces in the mirror. Moon: The Blog of the Frogs, Good Time Toads.TIME TO TURN THE PAGE:ONCE BITTEN BY SNAKES, DANCES WITH WOLVES. I WAS SMILING…Voices, Views, Values, Dimes Dropped. Rotten Apples, Fags, Hags, Steers, Queers, Faces In The Crowds.The Bangles - Walk Like an Egyptian: Cannabis and Conversation. Karma, So quick to point the finger, you forget, there are 3 fingers, pointed back at you.
Dreams in motions, horse and pony shows, rats racing, to the end of dazes. Head under water, bleating air, live life under water. Gifts on both sides of the coin, flipping fine, songs to sing. Girls in hood,red hood on girls in the woods, trips with bread and cakes.Faces In The Crowds, Good Time Toads, Coins To Flip, Walking On Eggshells, Seasons Of Colors, Marching To Mars,Twists, Turns, Donkeys Dates.
Dances In The Streets, Witches,Bitches With Stars.There's no such thing as "I don't have time" - You just simply need to prioritize better.We are Named after a Italian ( Americo Vespucci ). I randomly say THAT BOOTY BIG CAN YOU MAKE IT JIGGLE like a hundred times a day.We found America (Columbus!)Gifts on both sides of the coin, flipping fine, songs to sing. Girls in hood,red hood on girls in the woods, trips with bread and cakes.
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