Good times, sad times, dances in the rain, reasons to dance, hopes and wishes, more ways to grow. Mountains left to climb, winds to wings, dances in the air, roses to smell, life goes on.

Changes in the air, chicks, babes, and dames, tips to keep a lover, friend, or family member, coins to flip.Rip.Yonkers, donkeys, slugs, sluts.What can be brighter than the stars: GO LIONS ...Some ways to do this are simple. Smile, Sparkle, Shine, Repeat Everyday..DUDE... Did you know male seahorses can give birth to as many as 2,000 babies?! Whoa. Who Is Watching Now, Snakes In Grass, Spiders, And Worms, Good Time Toads? Memory, Mind, Matter:

In the middle of the night, the words came to me, how to get more out of life. I like to write, have so much to say, all the time, voices in my head. How to grow, how to learn, how to play games, during this life. Roles to play, over the decades, in and out of the reasons to fright.
Marching forward, march fourth, magic and madness, crazy for a buck, winners, losers, learners, hats to wear, dances on the sands of time. Moves to make, books to write, first one out, One fine day. Catch in online, catch it at the book stores, another hat to wear.
Cartoon hits, cat and mouse games, horse and pony shows, bumps in the road, people lost in space. Happy and sad, gifts of tales to share, lights on for next season of classes on the sands of time. People beware:It's not only important to add years to your life, but to life to your years."

The world is full of lunatics, heads above the common, plain, normal crazy, coins to flip.Practice What You Preach.Make Me Say it Again girl.Counting Heads.: ~PRINCE~ Acknowledge Me. Veteran Declared Clocks. Love and honor, one of the few, guns to fight the wars. Marines in blues, dances at weddings, joys and pains, dreams to locks of hares, lots of luck.
Moving fourth, today, Mars and Gods, goals and dreams, worries of the day, wars on words, wars to wind, flags out in the wings. Birds to fly, flags in the wind, birds and bees, flowers in the trees, new life in the works.

Knights to shine, kings on land, lions in other forms, men of class.Storytelling, Fundamental Intelligence Share, Donkeys 2 Pin: Jewish Rat Racers. Steers and queers, on that side of the family, Cuban transplants...Thanks for service, cheers, and chaps, thanks for the time served. Houses, Homes, Healing Hearts, Veterans Resources: Stories, Tips.Police Department | Sandwich, MA, No Regrets, No Excuses: People I Used To Know: Once.
Assholes, Cows, Pigs, Suckers For Free Shit, Dung.No Regrets, No Excuses: People I Used To Know: Once.Rocks and snakes under the water, frogs and fish in the seas, monkeys to dodge, pages of lives lived, angels on earth.'A mind that is present sees many beautiful things.'

Who Let The Dawgs Out?My Memories... My Life ... My Loves... I'm so Thankful for them."It's the little things that matter the most .The Twilight Zone!I'm out! Lmmfao!!Eyes Open Right. Eyes Open Right. Facebook Idiots: I’ll ask kaddish. Dopa to protect me and rebuke you for insulting me."The road to hell is paved with good intentions!!
Thank God for everything, eyes open right, views of the world.No Ordinary Love.STOP THE DENIAL! SMART & RICH BETTER THAN SMART & POOR! BILLBOARD'S MESSAGE The “Make America White Again”. Loyalty makes you family.Blood makes you related, cons, coins, cattle runs. Suns Lights.Justice for all, hopes, dreams, drama, hits and misses, tests over time.…'Walking into this Week with a Prayer and a Plan. No matter how impossible, unattainable, or unimaginable something may seem...
The Twilight Zone!I'm out! Lmmfao!!Eyes Open Right. Eyes Open Right. Facebook Idiots: I’ll ask kaddish. Dopa to protect me and rebuke you for insulting me."The road to hell is paved with good intentions!! I just want a piece of the sky every day.I’m heartbroken by these recent tragedies of gun violence, and I just keep thinking about all the leaders who won’t take a stand to save lives .

Hope for the best, and get ready for the pits in the bowls of cherries. Lemons for the sugar and spices for the girls to make the most of the bumps in the road, and drinks made of the lemons, dodging the rocks under the sands of time. To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”Treats and tales, trips to the moon, trips to the stars, wisher prayers noted. Notes to share, joys and pleasures dancing in the dark, to hope, to hold on: pain ends, tips and tales.
Have family members, stuck on slow, and simple, on section 8, in San Diego, and they have to move. Wanted to find a property, as close to the city of San Diego, two houses on lot, need to be 3 and 4 bedrooms each, would like swimming pool, but has to have the hot tub in the ground, on 2 or more ac, near Fallbrook, or Carlsbad, Ca. A hand please, Bill Bailey, Maya Moore, Sarah Smile, it would be nice.Runs to make, horse and pony show, how to stand tall, love, lights, luck, lessons, leaders of the packs, cheers and chaps, thanks for the shot in the past, pages to books. Treats and tales, trips to the moon, trips to the stars, wisher prayers noted. Notes to share, joys and pleasures dancing in the dark, to hope, to hold on: pain ends, tips and tales.
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