Many plans, goals, hopes, prayers in motion daily, adventures to share with a giant, green, white or blue giants.Monkey see, monkey do, excuses to blame others.Blame others with fingers pointed at crazy ..Treats.Love and lights, sunny and bright.r or not. .

Blues: Earth Angels In Host.Vision and story, leaders and lessons, teacher or student, hard to tell. Words in waves, words in salads to toss, music to write with, how the day begins.Monkey see, monkey do, excuses to blame others.Blame others with fingers pointed at crazy ..Treats.Love and lights, sunny and bright.r or not. .
Always loved the night... and the moon there is your love that shines deep inside my eyes everything brings me back to you.. .. i just need you to look at me Just welcome me in your kingdom... . you made me want to exist in your depths.... STOP inventing the stars on your body... cause i always find myself somewhere in you..
This is what I woke up to, this glorious day that God has made .Dead Or Alive - You Spin Me Round (Like a Record) Coins .Flipped, games played, life on the beach, good tales to spin. Stories told long ago, holiday hits, to give, to get, circles of love, circles of luck, circles of life to live.CARIBBEAN QUEEN:
Gifts of lives in danger acts and deeds to note, sad tales of men in attacks. 'DRINK 'TILL YOU WANT ME. I CAN'T DRINK THAT MUCH.This will be the strategy from the Republican Party going into the 2020 election. They will paint the Democratic Party in this horrifying false light while continuing to try to roll back women rights.Review of Dicks?In a world of dicks, is just a play on words, and have a thing for the dicks in the world and how they relate to people that.
Love the acorns, date a whale on land, good times to party and play life to death, life partner searches for prey to pay for the last rites, for RV campers, good views of the oceans parked at the beach.OVERVIEW… All In It: Bubblegum Bitch:The ability to triumph starts with you."Monkey see, monkey do, excuses to blame others.Blame others with fingers pointed at crazy ..Treats.Love and lights, sunny and bright.r or not. .
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