Fools, Frogs, and Steve Jarrot.Notes for music playing it is the way that you love me, it the notices of bliss forever, and the kisses that were given when the food was gone, and the money was gone, and it was a day to be happy, and the sun was covered with darkness. Happy Birthday Steve, sorry for the pain, sorry for the hurt, given in a dream state, the life that we had together, hopes for your true colors to shine again, and again in the next year.
The point made about your dick was not lost on me by email, and to tell you now, what I told you then the affair that we had was not a love thing, and I am sorry that is not what you wanted. It was and still is my life, and as a boyfriend, you never was one for me. I told you that you were the 420 connection and the driver, that was the role that you played in my life, and I wanted to thank you for your time and attention to me and what needed to be done together.
Thank you for the joy and the pleasures of all the cherry moments that we created together, thank you for the best Christmas of 2011 in La Quinta, and the stars that were so bright that year. The year that I loved you the most was that first one. I like Rachel that year also, the trips to the pool at the resort in Indio, the trips to the school to get Rachel, but that hair thing was over my head, with or without the hair, Rachel was a doll that year, not sure how it happen that she turned out the way that she did.
Have a plan to turn the page, and remember the past for the lessons learned, and the one in the life time events that we had to live. The fire that happen August 17, 2012 was something that I could not get over, the death that we have together, thank god everyday for life after dying in the RV in Redlands, and there were no lights at the end of the turrel for me, I died and do not remember what it was like. Thank god for dead Charley Jarrot, who plays and runs with you in your dreams, and the stories that you had about Charley were much better than the state of hair Rachel had, so what, she got a wig to go out of the house. I told you that you were the 420 connection and the driver, that was the role that you played in my life, and I wanted to thank you for your time and attention to me and what needed to be done together.
I have been telling people that I paid for two of them, and the hate that I had for not being able to go on that trip, it would have been a better day for all of us. Open your eyes and the truth of the matter, is that you can not please every body, and you have to please yourself, have more to say to you, just that my back hurts, and I can not move now, and it is noon and I need to eat.
Wishes for you are the best, and have more money for you to make to help more people, will you have me with the big picture Steven Jarrot, if there is any light in your heart, you will call me not text hate for me, no more text about pouring acid on my face, no more texts about how you want to kill me, open up your mind and give the gifts of love, peace, joy and happiness. Listen to the wind blow over the ocean, listen to Charley when he visists when you sleep, listen to the stillness of the light of day, and answer the call to more and better, as the person you were in 2011 for Christmas and all the lights. I told you that you were the 420 connection and the driver, that was the role that you played in my life, and I wanted to thank you for your time and attention to me and what needed to be done together.
Have been stuck in the middle with clowns on the right and jokers on the left, time to find another song to dance to.
Lyon sacks of shit from the government, lyon sacks of garbage, lyon sacks of lives that run the world of government offices, hospitals, post offices, army of frogs, fools and donkeys, run this company. I was a worker for the government for 25 years on three levels, and the wheels still turn. Life is a wheel, time is a wheel, and life is time as a wheel, time does not stop, but the wheels do stop turning, and life is over for so many, one wheel or a hurdede wheels, in time the wheels do stop turning, and life is over for the masses, and time to leave the right side of the grave, to fall or get thrown into the left side of the graves.Lyon Sacks Jets Cuba, Wigs, Hats, Hoes, Hands To Hold, Snakes In Grass, Spiders And Worms, Mud Shots.

Graves to you and graves to meet, hope to never meet you there, white and red and blue are the true colors for the few, the choose to live life large, in a blue state of mind.
Views Online, History To Note: Names And Faces: Retards, Snakes Dawgs the beach 🏖Graves to you and graves to meet, hope to never meet you there, white and red and blue are the true colors for the few, the choose to live life large, in a blue state of mind.
Letting go doesn't mean you forget the person completely, it just means that you find a way of surviving without them.American Birds. Turkeys with...tricks, trades, brains lost in the winds. Long time ago, donkey date, back in time, pages to turn. Frank Agresti. Fingers in the air, sit and spin, American Birds. My Memories... My Life ... My Loves... I'm so Thankful for them...❤❤❤❤"It's the little things that matter the most ".Peace, joy and happiness is the reason to smile, the season of peace joy and love for all man kind, in his stupid, dim, twisted, tainted, bend, and out of shape kind of way, for the government workers, and the lyon sacks of shit that they have to work with day in and day out, and dthe stories are created to retell again and again, and how you were able to keep on standing.
Lyon Sacks Jets Cuba, Wigs, Hats, Hoes, Hands To Hold, Snakes In Grass, Spiders And Worms, Mud Shots. I told you that you were the 420 connection and the driver, that was the role that you played in my life, and I wanted to thank you for your time and attention to me and what needed to be done together.
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