Stay active and just keep moving..."“Tinkerbelle Melody” VETERANS. 'WE'RE STILL DEBATING IF IT'S OKAY TO GIVE VETERANS MEDICAL MARIJUANA FOR PTSD.Houses Of May:Asset Finders. BoooooooooooooooooooM!A goal is a dream with a deadline. Mean and nasty, girls for role models, “Mean Girls” Classes Of Bitches, classes of dogs, white and blue, faces of cheap tricks, lots of laugh, Rachel Jarrot, not in the movie, slut on a pole in Cali, dates on the beach.Faces of snakes in the grass, porn sluts in lights, tricks on a pole, lovers to choose. Donkeys to ride.
Wat Khmer Monastery Lake Elsinore Do not abandon trust when your ego thinks things should be different than they are. ~ Wayne Dyer.
Everyday life, for the few that have climbed the mountains for life in lights. Fame and looks, fame and dollars, rats
racing since the start of time. Monkey Lovers, Dates On the beach, Rach Jay or Rachel Jarrot, tricks to do,
monkey to dance for the dollars, rats racing for the big bucks, donkey or monkey will do.
Fun and games, jokes and laughs, moving on. Happy for the movies made, pictures to last longer, monkeys and the
dogwood trees, Jesus Christ, Jesuit Charlie, Charlie Jarrot, monkeys to dodge, the swingers to hang....Cheap
Shots, Cheap Tricks, Dances For Drama, Trick...Twists And Turns, Tight Curves, Red Lights, Dreams...Snakes
And Worms, Black And Yellow, Monkeys Swinge...
Stay active, keep moving forward. Keep and have a healthy bite. Aleane Angel added..Moni - Prediccion, good
times, tips to share, lights to turn on, pages in books to read. Thanks so much. December 29, 2015 ·back in time, l
overs and haters, Steven and Lizzy Jarrot, hats and horns, dates on the beaches, ways to grow, ways to shine, lots
of luck, lots of love, lots of dances to rites. Snakes and frogs in the grass, tales of haters, donkeys to ride,
good time, family ties, RV campers for life. Tales to be told. A time of abundance and prosperity in your life!
Lots of fun,Lots Of Laughter, Lady To Delight.It’s sort of romantic in a weird way.“How individuals are labeled creates expectations and predictions” about them, she said, which, when framed negatively, can harm self-identity and limit potential.Don't waste another minute! ๐๐ Unique Thinkers.Straight Forward. Eyes open, third set closed, living in darkness, snakes in grass, spiders and worms, good time toads. Said another way.
'If I could give you one thing in life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes, only then would you realize how special you are to me...'Tall Tales:Tips,Tweets,Tones, History Not News Today.Colors of the rainbows, colors of matters of the heat of the matters, hearts and horns, tales to spin, crows to fly.

Imposing the Steal: America’s Great Struggle Session
Vasko Kohlmayer,Faces, Views, Noses, Chicks, Babes, Lots Of Luck, Lessons Daily: Angels.You have to accept that you can’t change the past experiences,opinions of others at that moment in time or outcomes from their choices or yours.
Birds and bees, monkeys in trees, snakes in dens to dodge, good times..'Ozzie and Harriet,' 'Mayberry' America of old was vastly superior to what we are experiencing today."
Train Show AFTER DARK you are a rock star in my eyes welcome aboard it's your moment 4 life.LIFE QUOTES:Jungle Out There,RAZZLE DAZZLE!Rather consensus.I Bought A Friend Off Craigslist -7608512267.Social Media Dogwood.'STOP TRYING TO MAKE EVERYONE HAPPY YOU'RE NOT TEQUILA'.Remember that . Birds and bees, monkeys in trees, snakes in dens to dodge, good times..'Ozzie and Harriet,' 'Mayberry' America of old was vastly superior to what we are experiencing today."

Ways and means used to get over the losses were written and posted on internet in pen names, to deal with the little deaths that have occurred with me, and this was one way to deal with all the questions that I had for this time of March -May 2013.
Brand New: Mindsets, Intentions, Results, Glory Dazes To Come. RV campers, tricks and trades, veterans to prey, searches daily, liars and cheaters, liver for hogs, pigs and cow, fatty steaks, beef and hogs, table treats. Goat Horns, Love and Hate, Faces Backed...Fairy Tales:Snakes and Vipers, Prince Frogs Tips
Sex, Rock and Roll, and a way to get there anyway you like today and the rest of your tomorrows, service with a hard rock Jewish Prince of Jewish Army 2005, and a honest and truthful bisexal good looking white male in search for lady love, or a lady to house him and RV, and lady with time and cash to pour into this company and the founders in background also. Brand New: Mindsets, Intentions, Results, Glory Dazes To Come. Pages To Books. Ways and means used to get over the losses were written and posted on internet in pen names, to deal with the little deaths that have occurred with me, and this was one way to deal with all the questions that I had for this time of March -May 2013. Brand New: Mindsets, Intentions, Results, Glory Dazes To Come. Pages To Books.
HOLY CRAP"Shit Happens, Excuses And Assholes, Things In Common.Yoga bends. Yoga stretches. Yoga realizes is out of shape. Yoga pants.COVER STORY.Change the way you see what is right, with the bumps in the roads. Monkeys swing from dogwood trees, biblical tales to spin,frogs and fools also. you views of joy and pleasures, or wishes to float your boat?Witches, babes, movies hits. Charmed for life.

Community. Honor.You don't have to like me and I don't have to give a shit. Jot that down.Keep crying, I've got more vials I can fill with conservative tears.Joy To Cattle:Kosher : Fun and games to share again and again, how many ways? Fuck Feelings. Barry White - Practice What You Preach:Dances with wolves, dances with frogs, decades of dances on the right sides. Write and rites, tales told, stories left, gifts to share. Less...
Mountains To Climb — Smooching Frogs.Daily Journey. Lessons Daily Hits, Friends, Family, Masks In Place: Moves Made Red Caps, Pick Up Pieces, Carry On. Glory dazes done. Image may contain: text
Days to start with thoughts for the day. No one can choose your mountain or tell you when to climb the mountain, it is your choice alone to challenge the mountains that you choose, at your own pace and during the time you set to go for the mountain tops. Engles are the birds of a feather, that flock together high above the turkeys, that can not fly far if at all, birds by definition only, not the kind that fly into the clouds on those dark days.
Your strength comes from within and knowing that you Goodness is close to you with her core of inner peace that is unshakable..!..Ghorm de Lhairh...Ways to go, ways to grow, ways to stay on top, thanks and praises for another day, fairy tales to live.
Ain't nobody's business if I do:Escape The Ordinary, The Plains, The Commons, Rites ... Once in time, had a moment to spare, wanted to find, another man, stranger to friend, paths to cross, roads to travel. History left to create, waves to make, giant on land, wits, charms, graces, rocks to roll, gems to find
LIFE QUOTES:Fools, Freaks, Snakes, Worms, Spiders And Fakes, Actors To Parts, Horses To Races.Turning pages. Stand back up.Ain't nobody's business if I do:Escape The Ordinary, The Plains, The Commons, Rites ... Cry Now Laugh Later."!Pixies – Where is My Mind.Evil human beings, along with all the wrong things, will have an end! After all this, a new Era will begin... Once in time, had a moment to spare, wanted to find, another man, stranger to friend, paths to cross, roads to travel. History left to create, waves to make, giant on land, wits, charms, graces, rocks to roll, gems to find.
Community. Honor.You don't have to like me and I don't have to give a shit. Jot that down.Happy birthday!I’ll ask kaddish Dopa to protect me and rebuke you for insulting me.So true .I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you. - ya all and all my friends and family .
I’ll ask kaddish Dopa to protect me and rebuke you for insulting me.So true .I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you. - ya all and all my friends and family .
LIFE QUOTES:Fools, Freaks, Snakes, Worms, Spiders And Fakes, Actors To Parts, Horses To Races.Turning pages. Stand back up.Ain't nobody's business if I do:Escape The Ordinary, The Plains, The Commons, Rites ... Cry Now Laugh Later."!Pixies – Where is My Mind.Evil human beings, along with all the wrong things, will have an end! After all this, a new Era will begin... Once in time, had a moment to spare, wanted to find, another man, stranger to friend, paths to cross, roads to travel. History left to create, waves to make, giant on land, wits, charms, graces, rocks to roll, gems to find.
Marxists Making More Martyrs
Becky Akers
We Will Dig Down to the Root of This Thing That Ravages This Land and Pluck It Out
Allan Stevo
Robinhood and the Washington Idiots at Work
David Stockman,'If I could give you one thing in life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes, only then would you realize how special you are to me...'Tall Tales:Tips,Tweets,Tones, History Not News Today.Colors of the rainbows, colors of matters of the heat of the matters, hearts and horns, tales to spin, crows to fly.
Exposed: The Media Have Been Lying About the Capitol Protests
Issues & Insights,Let your enemies TALK...Let your enemies FOLLOW...Let your enemies PLOT...They Will Destroy Themselves In The Process. Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." - Aldous Huxley..You can't sit with us.
The Lockdown: a Global Scientific Fraud of Unprecedented Proportions
United Health Professionals,Tall Tales:Tips,Tweets,Tones, History Not News Today.Colors of the rainbows, colors of matters of the heat of the matters, hearts and horns, tales to spin, crows to fly. Let your enemies TALK...Let your enemies FOLLOW...Let your enemies PLOT...They Will Destroy Themselves In The Process. Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." - Aldous Huxley..You can't sit with us.
The Temporary Collapse of Texas Is Foreshadowing the Total Collapse of the United States
Michael Snyder,Let your enemies TALK...Let your enemies FOLLOW...Let your enemies PLOT...They Will Destroy Themselves In The Process. Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." - Aldous Huxley..You can't sit with us.
Assigning Blame for the Blackouts in Texas
Planning Engineer.'If I could give you one thing in life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes, only then would you realize how special you are to me...'Tall Tales:Tips,Tweets,Tones, History Not News Today.Colors of the rainbows, colors of matters of the heat of the matters, hearts and horns, tales to spin, crows to fly.
The Covid Pandemic Is the Result of Public Health Authorities Blocking Effective Treatment
Paul Craig Roberts,Let your enemies TALK...Let your enemies FOLLOW...Let your enemies PLOT...They Will Destroy Themselves In The Process. Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." - Aldous Huxley..You can't sit with us.
The Texas Crisis Has Again Shown How America Is Both Unable and Unprepared To Protect Its Own People
Tom Fowdy,Tall Tales:Tips,Tweets,Tones, History Not News Today.Colors of the rainbows, colors of matters of the heat of the matters, hearts and horns, tales to spin, crows to fly. Let your enemies TALK...Let your enemies FOLLOW...Let your enemies PLOT...They Will Destroy Themselves In The Process. Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." - Aldous Huxley..You can't sit with us.
Covid or No Covid
James Howard Kunstler.'If I could give you one thing in life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes, only then would you realize how special you are to me...'Tall Tales:Tips,Tweets,Tones, History Not News Today.Colors of the rainbows, colors of matters of the heat of the matters, hearts and horns, tales to spin, crows to fly.
The NY Times Recalls an Outbreak of PCR Lies
Jon Rappoport,Tall Tales:Tips,Tweets,Tones, History Not News Today.Colors of the rainbows, colors of matters of the heat of the matters, hearts and horns, tales to spin, crows to fly. Let your enemies TALK...Let your enemies FOLLOW...Let your enemies PLOT...They Will Destroy Themselves In The Process. Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." - Aldous Huxley..You can't sit with us.
Funny, always laughing, less signs of wear, with lots of laughs."Yep", the parrot confessed, then squawked, "I'm just trying to warn you that Jesus is watching."Twilight Zone!!!!! I'm out!! Water for cows, water for flowers in the trees, food for the birds and the bees.
Cheap and cheaper, Jewish whales on land, cows to call, freaks in the night. Suckers for free, snakes in grass, spiders and worms, waves to make, sons to shine, dances in the clouds.Eyes open, third set closed, living in darkness, snakes in grass, spiders and worms, good time toads.Don't waste another minute!
Rachel Jarrot, who was raised by a prostitute , Sheri Jarrot, and molested by her father, Steven Jay Jarrot, and uncles, Dean and Norman Gerstein , continues behavior having sex with her brother, Charley Ray Jarrot. Cattle calls, cheap fucks, suckers for free. You are not intimidate by the financial, emotional, spiritual stability of his Goodness.
For the contrary you celebrate her qualities and your Goodness's accomplishments.Cheap and cheaper, Jewish whales on land, cows to call, freaks in the night. Suckers for free, snakes in grass, spiders and worms, waves to make, sons to shine, dances in the clouds.Eyes open, third set closed, living in darkness, snakes in grass, spiders and worms, good time toads.Don't waste another minute!
"HOLY CRAP"Shit Happens, Excuses And Assholes, Things In Common. American Birds. Hands Flying. Reptiles, Repugnant, Republicans, Rachel Jarrot, who was raised by a prostitute , Sheri Jarrot, and molested by her father, Steven Jay Jarrot, and uncles, Dean and Norman Gerstein , continues behavior having sex with her brother, Charley Ray Jarrot.
Feed the hogs, feed the dogs in the house, tricks, trades, sex for sale.Choices Made:Lovers, Friends,Family Members:Treats.Happy:Signs and wonders.But I would like to ask how you know Uritza Santiago Smith?Alan Guthrie Wow this shit right here is crazy! Reptiles, Repugnant, Republicans, Rachel Jarrot, who was raised by a prostitute , Sheri Jarrot, and molested by her father, Steven Jay Jarrot, Cheap and cheaper, Jewish whales on land, cows to call, freaks in the night. Suckers for free, snakes in grass, spiders and worms, waves to make, sons to shine, dances in the clouds.
Love, lights, leaders, earth angels on Facebook, hard to find. Lots of friends to share, good times, history to note. New day, new friends, new faces to share, the words of a veterans or two. Reptiles, Repugnant, Republicans, Rachel Jarrot, who was raised by a prostitute , Sheri Jarrot, and molested by her father, Steven Jay Jarrot.
The Shadows, In The Dark, Reapers Of Good And Evil. ..Love and light, pink and purple, colors of hope and love, hands in the air, thanks for another day. The Shadows, In The Dark, Reapers Of Good And Evil.Normal Twists.
Wishes on stars, dances in the clouds, packs of monkeys, herds of cows, jackasses around the globe. Eyes open, third set closed, living in darkness, snakes in grass, spiders and worms, good time toads. Your attention determines your experiences, and your experiences determine your life. Said another way, you must control your attention to control your life.Don't waste another minute! ๐๐ Unique Thinkers.Straight Forward. Eyes open, third set closed, living in darkness, snakes in grass, spiders and worms, good time toads. Said another way.
Smoking' on the herbs help me see a little better, looking' 4 a job in this cold ass weather! Let's Make Out/Dicks Out of Box Please:Suicide - sexual! U take a walk, any liars in the house?Watch out, I'm trying' 2 get my shit together.Until Tomorrow: Shine. Forever Young.Good Morning. You are eternal. Your love,Lessons.Lots Of Love,Lots Of Laughs,Lots Of Liars.Hard Knocks:Give me More. No: Next Opening.
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