CARIBBEAN QUEEN NO MORE LOVE ON THE RUN.It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere." ~Voltaire'.United States right, left, clowns, jokes, stuck on moments,lost in time, history to note, how to stand tall, apart from the frogs in the water.I Do Not Give a Damn What Other People Think; This an Indication of Respect Gary D. Barnett.
Hopes,Wishes, Dreams In Motions: Family Affairs, Lovers,Daily Birthdays.

Chaps and cheers, rocks to roll, gems to find, brothers and sisters, notes to take, walks in the shadows, waiting for the lights in the sky. 9:45 every night, would you like to go.
I never cared if you were “gay”or whatever acronym you chose to call yourself, until you started shoving it down my throat.
I never cared what color you were, until you started blaming me for your problems, and have taken over about 80% of the media.
I never cared about your political affiliation, until you started to condemn me for mine.
I never cared where you were from in this great Republic, until you began condemning people based on where they were born and the history that makes them who they are.
I have never cared if you were well off or poor, because I’ve been both, until you started calling me names for working hard and bettering myself.
I’ve never cared if your beliefs are different than mine,until you said my beliefs are wrong.
I’ve never cared if you don’t like guns,until you tried to take my guns away.
Now...I care.
I’ve given all the tolerance I have to give. This is no longer my problem. It’s your problem.
You can still fix it. It’s not too late. But it needs to be soon. I’m a very patient person. But I’m out of patience.
There are literally Tens of Millions of people just like me that are sick of all your Anti-American crap!!
I’ve always cared about life, and all lives, but now you try to force the notion on me and my other fellow citizens & patriots that certain lives matter more than others.
You protest, riot, attack, burn and loot. Your so called “movement” has become a radical out-of-control bunch of thugs, criminals and anarchists who are destroying our Country.
We have had enough! America is the greatest country on Earth, and if you don’t like America, then you can leave.
I never cared what color you were, until you started blaming me for your problems, and have taken over about 80% of the media.
We are done caring about your misguided “feelings.” You don’t have the right to enjoy American freedoms if you are trying to take that right away from other Americans.
once in a lifetime
Course I'm quite aware that most of the folks on this site are in fact male. And I am sure I will get a lot of mail from these so-called successful males that can get girls like they can get anything. I just have a condition that causes me to be quite anti-social, and I also don't have many friends. Therefore, I don't go very many places, get invited to parties, etc. So I'm really setting myself up for a girl who will take advantage of me. But that's ok. Let's just get started.Just saying, expired not pending, is what it should say now, how long with that take, in a perfect world. Dances In The Dark, Spiders And Snakes, Tips And Tales: History Noted. 'Went from "We're in this Together" To "Show me your Papers" pretty quick huh?
I believe more and more people are starting to feel this way.
I never cared if you were “gay”or whatever acronym you chose to call yourself, until you started shoving it down my throat.
I never cared what color you were, until you started blaming me for your problems, and have taken over about 80% of the media.
I never cared about your political affiliation, until you started to condemn me for mine.
I never cared where you were from in this great Republic, until you began condemning people based on where they were born and the history that makes them who they are.
I have never cared if you were well off or poor, because I’ve been both, until you started calling me names for working hard and bettering myself.
I’ve never cared if your beliefs are different than mine,until you said my beliefs are wrong.
I’ve never cared if you don’t like guns,until you tried to take my guns away.
Now...I care.
I’ve given all the tolerance I have to give. This is no longer my problem. It’s your problem.
You can still fix it. It’s not too late. But it needs to be soon. I’m a very patient person. But I’m out of patience.
There are literally Tens of Millions of people just like me that are sick of all your Anti-American crap!!
I’ve always cared about life, and all lives, but now you try to force the notion on me and my other fellow citizens & patriots that certain lives matter more than others.
You protest, riot, attack, burn and loot. Your so called “movement” has become a radical out-of-control bunch of thugs, criminals and anarchists who are destroying our Country.
We have had enough! America is the greatest country on Earth, and if you don’t like America, then you can leave.
I never cared what color you were, until you started blaming me for your problems, and have taken over about 80% of the media.
We are done caring about your misguided “feelings.” You don’t have the right to enjoy American freedoms if you are trying to take that right away from other Americans.
once in a lifetime
Course I'm quite aware that most of the folks on this site are in fact male. And I am sure I will get a lot of mail from these so-called successful males that can get girls like they can get anything. I just have a condition that causes me to be quite anti-social, and I also don't have many friends. Therefore, I don't go very many places, get invited to parties, etc. So I'm really setting myself up for a girl who will take advantage of me. But that's ok. Let's just get started.
No time for one line wonders, to address hello, hey, hi, hola, and what is up, next. Black Babe, real cali dreamer, veteran with plans, to host, to help, to assist, with the paperwork to ask for the cash on the table. Calling veterans, men with skills, handy around a hammer, over 60, without the kids, without the extra baggage, starting over again. Housing voucher in hand, looking for a place, to share, or on your own, where will you wait?
Veteran to veterans, with vouchers, with rating payments, starting over, from hotel to houses, to live again. More mountains to climb. Data needed, name, age, location now, how tall, alone or with extended family members, ready for chances, to dream a little, to work a little, to get the things to call home. Must have contact data, to go forward, pages to books, chapters to write. Again.
I never cared what color you were, until you started blaming me for your problems, and have taken over about 80% of the media.
More mountains to climb, dreams in motions, ways to grow, things to explore, joy comes in the morning. No time for one line wonders, to address hello, hey, hi, hola, and what is up, next. Black Babe, W4M. real cali dreamer, veteran with plans, to host, to help, to assist, with the paperwork to ask for the cash on the table.The reality is... None of us are easy to be with.. we all suffer from something..
Chaps and cheers, rocks to roll, gems to find, brothers and sisters, notes to take, walks in the shadows, waiting for the lights in the sky. 9:45 every night, would you like to go. UNDRESSED: So true .I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you.
When We Were Young.THE NEW FACEBOOK DATING APP DATING APP UPDATE ONLINE FOR FACEBOOK .Social Media Dogwood. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes you learn, pages in books, recaps to recall. Party views online, sophistry to note.Hopes, Dreams In Light Of Day, Faces In Mirrors, Faces Of Frogs: Mountains Kings, knights, dicks, dawgs, and dates. . Good Tales.
Natalie Quirk, Homeless Blues: Services... RED is the color that symbolizes energy and love.MEMORY, MIND, MATTER: sima jarrot- Names and labels, roles to play, parts to act, freaks, frogs, fools, rights, reasons, seasons of givers and takers. It's about that time!! Treats Energy ,shared a memory or two, the lessons learned, cons, clowns,cattlecalls. Rachel Jarrot added. Snakes in the Grass: Stories to tell. Trades Sex For Drugs, Waves, Freaks On The Sands Of Time. Mad Man Undead. Horse and Pony Shows, Clowns have left, poker players to the right. Not a Free Ride.
It's about that time!! Treats Energy ,shared a memory or two, the lessons learned, cons, clowns,cattlecalls. Rachel Jarrot added. Snakes in the Grass: Stories to tell. Trades Sex For Drugs, Waves, Freaks On The Sands Of Time. Mad Man Undead. Horse and Pony Shows, Clowns have left, poker players to the right. Not a Free Ride. 'Why struggle to open a door between us when the whole wall is an illusion? ~Rumi'
Natalie Quirk, Homeless Blues: Services... RED is the color that symbolizes energy and love.MEMORY, MIND, MATTER: sima jarrot- Names and labels, roles to play, parts to act, freaks, frogs, fools, rights, reasons, seasons of givers and takers. It's about that time!! Treats Energy ,shared a memory or two, the lessons learned, cons, clowns,cattlecalls. Rachel Jarrot added. Snakes in the Grass: Stories to tell. Trades Sex For Drugs, Waves, Freaks On The Sands Of Time. Mad Man Undead. Horse and Pony Shows, Clowns have left, poker players to the right. Not a Free Ride.
'BREE! BLEGH! *CK! oH!' It's about that time!! Treats Energy ,shared a memory or two, the lessons learned, cons, clowns,cattlecalls. Rachel Jarrot added. Snakes in the Grass: Stories to tell. Trades Sex For Drugs, Waves, Freaks On The Sands Of Time. Mad Man Undead. Horse and Pony Shows, Clowns have left, poker players to the right. Not a Free Ride.
More mountains to climb, dreams in motions, ways to grow, things to explore, joy comes in the morning. No time for one line wonders, to address hello, hey, hi, hola, and what is up, next. Black Babe, real cali dreamer, veteran with plans, to host, to help, to assist, with the paperwork to ask for the cash on the table.
Calling veterans, men with skills, handy around a hammer, over 60, without the kids, without the extra baggage, starting over again. Housing voucher in hand, looking for a place, to share, or on your own, where will you wait?
Veteran to veterans, with vouchers, with rating payments, starting over, from hotel to houses, to live again. More mountains to climb. Data needed, name, age, location now, how tall, alone or with extended family members, ready for chances, to dream a little, to work a little, to get the things to call home. Must have contact data, to go forward, pages to books, chapters to write. Again. 'Why struggle to open a door between us when the whole wall is an illusion? ~Rumi'
Natalie Quirk, Homeless Blues: Services... RED is the color that symbolizes energy and love.MEMORY, MIND, MATTER: sima jarrot- Names and labels, roles to play, parts to act, freaks, frogs, fools, rights, reasons, seasons of givers and takers. It's about that time!! Treats Energy ,shared a memory or two, the lessons learned, cons, clowns,cattlecalls. Rachel Jarrot added. Snakes in the Grass: Stories to tell. Trades Sex For Drugs, Waves, Freaks On The Sands Of Time. Mad Man Undead. Horse and Pony Shows, Clowns have left, poker players to the right. Not a Free Ride
CARIBBEAN QUEEN NO MORE LOVE ON THE RUN.It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere." ~Voltaire'.United States right, left, clowns, jokes, stuck on moments,lost in time, history to note, how to stand tall, apart from the frogs in the water.
CARIBBEAN QUEEN NO MORE LOVE ON THE RUN.It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere." ~Voltaire'.United States right, left, clowns, jokes, stuck on moments,lost in time, history to note, how to stand tall, apart from the frogs in the water.
Think Like A Man”…. Wooooow. This movie changed my life. I love and appreciate this cast so much!!!!! Where does the time go?????10yr anniversary. Dear John, to say nothing, to do nothing, to the slow, to the silly, or the stupid, heads to count. Good time toads, dirty rats, rats to roaches, how to make a buck. Hats And Horns.Veteran Housing Matters: MY CELLPHONE NUMBER IS 760-490-7765The Covid-19 Vaccination Massacre
By Dr. Igor Shepherd Dear John, to say nothing, to do nothing, to the slow, to the silly, or the stupid, heads to count. Good time toads, dirty rats, rats to roaches, how to make a buck. Hats And Horns.Veteran Housing Matters: MY CELLPHONE NUMBER IS 760-490-7765.
CARIBBEAN QUEEN NO MORE LOVE ON THE RUN.It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere." ~Voltaire'.United States right, left, clowns, jokes, stuck on moments,lost in time, history to note, how to stand tall, apart from the frogs in the water.
‘The Typhoid Mary of Disinformation’: Nicolle Wallace. Nobody Spreads it More Relentlessly.
Glenn Greenwald, The Covid-19 Vaccination Massacre By Dr. Igor Shepherd. Dear John, to say nothing, to do nothing, to the slow, to the silly, or the stupid, heads to count. Good time toads, dirty rats, rats to roaches, how to make a buck. Hats And Horns.Veteran Housing Matters: MY CELLPHONE NUMBER IS 760-490-7765.
CARIBBEAN QUEEN NO MORE LOVE ON THE RUN.It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere." ~Voltaire'.United States right, left, clowns, jokes, stuck on moments,lost in time, history to note, how to stand tall, apart from the frogs in the water.
I Do Not Give a Damn What Other People Think; This an Indication of Respect
Gary D. Barnett. The Covid-19 Vaccination Massacre By Dr. Igor Shepherd. CARIBBEAN QUEEN NO MORE LOVE ON THE RUN.It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere." ~Voltaire'.United States right, left, clowns, jokes, stuck on moments,lost in time, history to note, how to stand tall, apart from the frogs in the water.
AZOV Battalion Mariupol Headquarters Walkthrough
Video Dear John, to say nothing, to do nothing, to the slow, to the silly, or the stupid, heads to count. Good time toads, dirty rats, rats to roaches, how to make a buck. Hats And Horns.Veteran Housing Matters: MY CELLPHONE NUMBER IS 760-490-7765.
Nukes? Is Putin Bluffing?
L. Reichard White CARIBBEAN QUEEN NO MORE LOVE ON THE RUN.It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere." ~Voltaire'.United States right, left, clowns, jokes, stuck on moments,lost in time, history to note, how to stand tall, apart from the frogs in the water.
NATO Plans to Rip Off Americans Even More as Sweden and Finland Set to Join
Ryan McMaken CARIBBEAN QUEEN NO MORE LOVE ON THE RUN.It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere." ~Voltaire'.United States right, left, clowns, jokes, stuck on moments,lost in time, history to note, how to stand tall, apart from the frogs in the water.Why You Can Stop Whining About Censorship
Allan CARIBBEAN QUEEN NO MORE LOVE ON THE RUN.It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere." ~Voltaire'.United States right, left, clowns, jokes, stuck on moments,lost in time, history to note, how to stand tall, apart from the frogs in the water.
Theories Exist to Be Proven
James Howard Kunstler
From Currency Resets to Limiting Infinite Growth
Tom CARIBBEAN QUEEN NO MORE LOVE ON THE RUN.It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere." ~Voltaire'.United States right, left, clowns, jokes, stuck on moments,lost in time, history to note, how to stand tall, apart from the frogs in the water.
Vladimir Putin as Robert E. Lee
Paul Craig Roberts CARIBBEAN QUEEN NO MORE LOVE ON THE RUN.It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere." ~Voltaire'.United States right, left, clowns, jokes, stuck on moments,lost in time, history to note, how to stand tall, apart from the frogs in the water.
Girls Wide Away, Voices Inside, Dark Knights, Witches To Cats, Hats To Horns, Blasts In Rites. Faces In The Crowds, Lights On, Eyes Open Wide, Wishes On Stars, Walks Of Fame, Good Times Toads, Snakes In Grass, Freaks In The Knights. Dog Pals.
May be an image of 1 person and indoor
Houses to sell, will not close, without, UCC transfer forms. On Accounts that have been terminated. Assholes on the roof, no contract in place, 8 weeks, for for out of backside, Spruce Power,937TH ATTEMPT: My Brother's Keeper: Coins to flip, love, lights, luck, cards on the tables, dreams in motions, gifts to share, wits, charms, and beauty within.Rats In Gloves.Transfer of Solar agreement.Breaking the Silence: To Understand Normal Thinking.Men, Mice, Monsters, Faces In Shadows, Under The Sands, Gems To Find.
May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Man Pretends To Be A Cow In Milking Competition, Gets Jacked-Off For Hours ® December 23, 2021 Bonine 5 O ఎదంరే= 0 SHARES Carl Twinly of Beaumont Texas has been arrested on charges of public indecency and masturbation by deception. Mr. Twinly posed as a dairy coW during the local 4-H milking competition. Carl was milked by a total of 13 contestants before his ruse was uncovered.'
Failure is proof that you tried. Now go try again.'Ways To Grow. Houses to sell, will not close, without, UCC transfer forms. On Accounts that have been terminated. Assholes on the roof, no contract in place, 8 weeks, for for out of backside, Spruce Power,937TH ATTEMPT: My Brother's Keeper: Coins to flip, love, lights, luck, cards on the tables, dreams in motions, gifts to share, wits, charms, and beauty within.My Brother's Keeper: Coins to flip, love, lights, luck, cards on the tables, dreams in motions, gifts to share, wits, charms, and beauty within
Will be writing that out on all the solar sites, if this 7 th attempt does not work.
Getting ready to search for good words written about how great and wonderful you are to work with. Kind of like this one. Cheers.Rats In Gloves.Transfer of Solar agreement.Breaking the Silence: To Understand Normal Thinking.Men, Mice, Monsters, Faces In Shadows, Under The Sands, Gems To Find.
Failure is proof that you tried. Now go try again.'Ways To Grow. Houses to sell, will not close, without, UCC transfer forms. On Accounts that have been terminated. Assholes on the roof, no contract in place, 8 weeks, for for out of backside, Spruce Power,937TH ATTEMPT:
My Brother's Keeper: Coins to flip, love, lights, luck, cards on the tables, dreams in motions, gifts to share, wits, charms, and beauty within.Rats In Gloves.Transfer of Solar agreement.Breaking the Silence: To Understand Normal Thinking.Men, Mice, Monsters, Faces In Shadows, Under The Sands, Gems To Find.
American PSYWAR
Alexandra Bruce CARIBBEAN QUEEN NO MORE LOVE ON THE RUN.It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere." ~Voltaire'.United States right, left, clowns, jokes, stuck on moments,lost in time, history to note, how to stand tall, apart from the frogs in the water.
How Will Human Life on Earth End, And What to Do About This?
CARIBBEAN QUEEN NO MORE LOVE ON THE RUN.It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere." ~Voltaire'.United States right, left, clowns, jokes, stuck on moments,lost in time, history to note, how to stand tall, apart from the frogs in the water.
The Libertarian Party: 50 Years
Mark Thornton
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